Who’s Letting Hunter Skate on Felon Tax Evasion – IOTW Report

Who’s Letting Hunter Skate on Felon Tax Evasion

Just the News

An IRS document from early 2022 states Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss’ office signed off on bringing a felony tax evasion case against Hunter Biden that stretched back to 2014 and money from Ukraine, creating fresh intrigue as to how the president’s son ultimately escaped more serious charges and got a plea deal on tax misdemeanors involving conduct years later. More

8 Comments on Who’s Letting Hunter Skate on Felon Tax Evasion

  1. It WAS unbelievable – until recently. We have to go to the next level on this: no more bullshit, tolerating the scumbags of the GOP who are in on the scam and preventing us from rescuing our country.

  2. Sorry. I have grown weary of the daily lightning bolt revelations about the Biden Crime Family’s latest outrageous violations of law and corruption.

    Until the Biden family are hanging from lampposts on Pennsylvania Avenue, along with Garland, Wray, etc. it’s a futile exercise.

    We have government corruption from top to bottom. Absolutely. Without a doubt.

    They protect their own as, if
    One person implodes, the whole house of cards comes down.

    They are cosa Nostra.

  3. Yet the DOJ persists that there is not a two tier legal system.

    Equal justice under law in the US is not equal and there are numerous tiers in the Judicial System.

    For example, if the high powered public Government Attorneys (DOJ) with unlimited investigative (FBI) and prosecution budget brings charges against the average citizen, of limited financial means, represented in court by a court appointed Public Defender with a heavy caseload, limited knowledge, experience and budget, is the defendant truly treated equal under the law?

    Of course political influence, such as the Hunter Biden case, can play a heavy role in deciding to prosecute, not prosecute or a plea bargain of lesser charges. The average citizen known for similar serious felony charges would not be considered for a plea bargain and would be prosecuted to the letter of the Law.

    National perceptions of “Equal Justice Under Law” are wildly out of touch with reality.


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