Who’s Watching Him Today? – IOTW Report

Who’s Watching Him Today?

Red State

It was a tough day for Joe Biden at the Easter Egg roll on Monday.

As we saw, he was ordered around both by the Easter Bunny — who turned out to be one of the people from the Comms department, Meghan Hays — and by his own wife, Jill, who was instructing him to “stay” after they were done reading and to “wave” from the balcony with the two Easter Bunnies. While they’re trying to wrangle him away from more gaffes, the effort to “handle” him makes him look even worse and then the handling gets reported instead. So I don’t think it helps him much. More

8 Comments on Who’s Watching Him Today?

  1. Someone for his med’s.

    Someone for his pudding break.

    Someone standing by in case he calls for ice cream.

    Someone monitoring his bowel movements.

    Someone monitoring his nap schedule.

    And a whole bunch of people who probably wish they weren’t there.

  2. Although I am not the ostensible leader of the free world, if I am ever in a situation where I am being ordered around by the Easter bunny, it’s time to hang up my spurs and check out.


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