Why Apologize? – IOTW Report

Why Apologize?

(NEWSER) – A Republican congressman from Virginia has deleted an Instagram photo that many felt wished harm on Hillary Clinton, CNN reports. The photo showed Rep. Dave Brat with a constituent who was holding a sign reading “Hillary for US Ambassador to Libya.” The photo was captioned: “Sign says it all.” The former US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack. Brat blamed the Instagram post on a staff member and said he doesn’t believe it was offensive or in any way meant Clinton should be harmed. “If this can be interpreted in any way as negative … I apologize for that,” he tells WWBT. “I thought the guy was just getting at the Benghazi injustice that everybody knows is a tragedy—it had to do with all these tapes and stuff.”

13 Comments on Why Apologize?

  1. As the Duke stated “Never apologize- its a sign of weakness!” and in this case nothing to apologize over. In any case even if wrong never, ever apologize to a shitstain liberal.

  2. Dave Brat, like all pols, cave to the slightest threat to protect their careers.

    Publicly shaming & the threat of doxxing a 15 y.o. 4Chan (responsible for the Trump WWF/CNN tweet), just poked the hornet’s nest.

    4Chan essentially chased Shia LeButt all over the world, landing him in a remote cabin in the woods of Finland.

    What do you suppose a group of p.o.’d autistic keyboard warriors, with nothing but time on their hands, and a long hot summer ahead, will do to CNN for threatening one of their own?
    CNN’s miscalculated move is red meat to 4Chan. I suspect they’re busy digging up dirt on CNN anchors & their families, all the way up the food chain to Zucker.

  3. *addendum*
    reading he was redditer, however, this morning twitter feed has 4Chan on the warpath. I guess reddit & 4Chan team up to protect their own. Regardless, it won’t bode well for CNN.

  4. “…that many felt wished harm on Hillary Clinton…”

    Who is this “many” of which you speak, CNN? Sources close to the matter? Former officials who wish to remain anonymous? Hodgkinson’s Army?

  5. I’ve known Dave for many years. Smart guy and as nice as they come. I’m surprised he allowed himself to be set up like this. But to apologize only puts blood in the water.

  6. “Some harm”? Half the country just voted for the promise to lock her up.
    Many tens of millions of voters literally want to see her receive the death penalty.

    “Some harm”?

  7. The damn wussy republicans better stick poles up their shirts, to at least pretend to have a spine.

    They act like characters in a cheap horror movie. Screaming and running in panic as soon as the scary music starts. Who survives, you Republican chickens??? Watch a few horror movies; it’s the guy or gal who says I’m going down with a fight.

    Grow some balls, or just put some in your pants and pretend this is a political fight for your political career, because it is.

    We Americans are damn sick and tired of your handwringing, feet dragging, and especially the traitors of the GOP, like McCain the Impaler.

    FIGHT, DAMN IT. That’s why you have all three branches of government, now. WE GAVE EVERYTHING TO YOU! The democRATS did not capitulate and are still throwing everything they can in front of the Trump Train Engine, that is pulling America back from the abyss. And millions of Americans are pulling with him. YOUR VOTERS ARE WATCHING.

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