Why Bush Won’t Go Away (He’s Favorited To Win Despite National Polling) – IOTW Report

Why Bush Won’t Go Away (He’s Favorited To Win Despite National Polling)

Here’s the sorry ass news, people. This jerk, Bush, won’t go away because the system is rigged to favor milquetoast, middle-of-the-road, left-leaning blue dogs.

No, this is not conspiracy theory bulldung. It’s the facts.


…three delegates are up for grabs in New York’s heavily Latino, Bronx-based 15th District, which cast just 5,315 votes for Romney in 2012. But there are also three delegates at stake in Alabama’s 6th District, which covers Birmingham’s whitest suburbs and gave Romney 233,803 votes. In other words, a GOP primary vote cast in the bluest part of the Bronx could be worth 43 times more than a vote cast in the reddest part of Alabama.

In reality, the GOP nominating contest will be decided by an intricate, state-by-state slog for the 2,472 delegates at stake between February and June. And thanks to the Republican National Committee’s allocation rules, the votes of “Blue Zone” Republicans — the more moderate GOP primary voters who live in Democratic-leaning states and congressional districts — could weigh more than those of more conservative voters who live in deeply red zones. Put another way: The Republican voters who will have little to no sway in the general election could have some of the most sway in the primary.


Will physical threats be necessary to stop this injustice?

21 Comments on Why Bush Won’t Go Away (He’s Favorited To Win Despite National Polling)

  1. I’ve been shouting this from the roof top – don’t celebrate until Bush officially bails out.
    If you don’t want Bush, we must COALESCE BEHIND


    WINNABLE Conservative candidate that can win the general election (and simultaneously tells the GOP to go F themselves!)
    Trump vs Cruz

  2. The fix has been in for years. I was told this same thing years ago.
    I refused to believe it tho. But damn the RINO always wins.
    Bush will be our candidate….which gives Hillary the White House

  3. This is what Joe Dan was talking about in the video Fur put up earlier today. The wild card — what the GOPe did NOT count on — is Donald J. Trump deciding to actually run THIS TIME! Why do you think the ENTIRE other side has become a team trying to take him out? If the fix was in, they wouldn’t bother!!

    Ever see the movie “Swing Vote”? Well, it sorta comes down to that — in a way.

    Mr. Pinko is right. Joe Dan is right, Bill Whittle is right. Sundance/Last Refuge is right. Wild Bill is right.

    We have to come together behind Trump. As crazy as it sounds, he’s our only hope.

  4. Why everyone so negative. If Trumps start taking all the winner takes all states, he wins, and there isn’t anything the GOPe or Uniparty can do but back HIlliary. There won’t be, like the (D) party, large number of super delegates to change that.

    Yeb won’t win one state.

  5. Do y’all know if there has been a video showing basically what is talked about in this article regarding the delegates and how the votes of blue rino areas are worth 40x what a deep red state is worth? Something to send to friends who don’t understand they’re being played and that Trump is the only way.

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