Why Did You Join the Marines? – IOTW Report

Why Did You Join the Marines?

Not one good answer-

32 Comments on Why Did You Join the Marines?

  1. maybe they aren’t aware of the all you can eat crayon and paste bar at the chow hall? or maybe that’s been taken away along with their motivation and dedication….

  2. I hate to see what has happened to my beloved Corps.
    I joined because I didn’t feel like going to college, and I needed to grow up and get away from the world I was living in at the time. That was many years ago. I feel I made the right decision.

  3. I was drafted into the Army, joined the Marines instead. I asked a young store clerk if she knew what being drafted meant. She didn’t, I told her it’s like joining the Army without your permission. Marines had a three-year enlistment deal. Navy was four years.

  4. Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children. Used to be an elite force. Probably still will cull into an elite force when being used as intended. Hopefully they’re still knocking the civilian bullshit out of the kids in boot camp but probably all circle jerk and feelings at this point. These girl children do sound like they’ve had a culture shock at least.


    its GALLEY


    would not want to have them within 15 clicks when I “stormed a beach” Clearly not “tuff” lenpugh to be anything bu a burden. No thanks1

    BOOT not basic!

    Legal name is MCRD As for me MCRDSD
    Some say zlezjune was harder – How would they know?

    NO matter we all wore E,G+A!

    In old corps (that’s said core ivy leaguers!) we said “Gang Ho!”

    kids no say HooRaaaa!
    What you say is not important IF YOU KILL BAD GUYS!


  6. I’d have said “Collitch”. I voluntarily enlisted because the fucking gubmint wanted my parents to secure a college loan with their paid for house. They wouldn’t just give a loan to a white boy.

    I absolutely loved the Army, stayed 9 years ARNG until my career took off. Loved it more than working, should have been a lifer. I’d have made less but the end benefits were better. Now they’re insanely better.

  7. post script

    Before the leftist President GWB all 0311 had nuts! None of those in vid would qualify!

    Another term for 0311 is GRUNT! With very good reason!

    Yo tengo juevos!

  8. In this case it will now be women first, the first to hit the beaches, and many to die a horrible death from bombs, mortars’, machine gun bullets, rifle fire and mines, etc.!
    Welcome to the club ladies, Hoorahhhhhh!

  9. You don’t just “join” the Marines They are built at MCRD (BOOT CAMP) some make it some don’t.
    Mission: We Make Marines
    Off of THEIR website. The only people that “join” the Marines are support personnel such as Chaplins, Doctors, and Corpsmen!

    There seems to be a huge difference between the OLD BREED Marines and the Modern Corps.

  10. My daughter joined the Air Force at 19 – just after high school. I would guess that during boot camp (or whatever it’s called) she would have said the same. Now she’s serving, with distinction, her 6 years of service.

    My extended family has a lot of Air Force blood – Me and my siblings, however, were a skip.

    And no, I am in no means comparing a Marine with someone in the ‘Chair Force’.

    One can only hope that the Marines in charge of these new ‘recruits’ are able and willing to drill the useless crap out of their minds full of mush.

  11. I attended a college prep high school. Wasn’t interested in that. Went to the Marines instead. Parris Island lived up to its reputation. Of course that was in 1967. Was active for 4 years. Should have stayed. Nonetheless, my USMC trained me for life. No regrets. Best thing that ever happened to me.

    In defense of the bams in the video, they are in boot camp, so I’m giving them a chance.

  12. With apologies to Hank Jr, the split tail Marine song:

    Marine, why do you drink? To get drunk!
    Marine, why do you roll smoke? To get stoned!
    Why did you join the Marines? To get laid!

  13. 50 years have passed in a blink of an eye.
    I joined the Marine Corps, it was what I grew up with, Dad was a hard corps, WWII Pacific Marine, Uncle, 16 years junior to Dad, Was a Marine Corps Lifer, spend 3 tours in VN, one in Laos, medically retired after 23 years as a Master Gunnery Sgt.
    I entered 12 days after H.S.graduation in 1969, I signed up 4 months before graduating HS (delayed entry program), wanted the GI Bill for a college degree.
    After Boot camp, Infantry training regiment and forward observer training and 6 months of Bullshit duty at Camp Lejeune and a two month Fire Exchange in Vieques, Puerto Rico. Being that VN was the only war at the time, I wanted a free vacation to VN and to kill people (Naive).
    As a young Lance Corporal, I wrote the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps for orders to VN. I shortly met The Colonel of my Regiment and harshly learned about the Chain of Command, walked out of that meeting, not saying a word (Except, Yes,Sir, and having no ass). Within 3 weeks later, I received new orders and assigned to the Jungle Warfare School at Camp Pendleton and then to a 22 month tour to VN assigned to Sub Unit One, 1st ANGLICO, under MACV Headquarters and assigned to the US ARMY, 199th Light Infantry Brigade, 1st Air Cav. and later assigned to the Australian Army and finally to the ARVN in the Mekong Delta. I had little doubt, if I remained with the Vietnamese Army much longer I wouldn’t survive and I would realize my greatest fear that my body would not be returned home to Mom and Dad.
    I left VN. When I arrived stateside I was a Sergeant, carrying much more baggage than I left with (pretty fucked up by civilian society’s standard, but perfect for the Marine Corp). I had a very strong desire to become a Civilian.
    Honorably discharged, married, one child at the time, attended College with mostly 5 year younger students who didn’t have a clue, earned 2 degrees with 3 majors. It took 6 years of University and the next 4 years before I got my shit together.
    I eventually became worthy to fit into society, in most respects.

    In retrospect, I’d do it again I would Join the Marine Corps, but I’d be better prepared Mentally, Physically and be Properly trained for combat operations.
    Learning in that environment is dangerous. Thank God those I served with (US Army, Australian, Marine and Navy veterans) showed me the way to survive and in time I shared that knowledge with others.
    I desired to be included in the Best Fighting Force, and found out the US Army, US Navy, Australian Army was pretty damn good.
    I did serve with the Best American Service Members (draftees and enlistees) and and Australian Veterans.
    We were all in the same environment, relied upon each other to survive, and by far the majority of us did.
    Life is good. Semper Fi !

  14. Armed Forces Radio:
    “Good evening soldiers, it’s seven o’clock unless you’re in the Navy or Coast Guard in which case it’s seven bells. If you’re in the Air Force it’s nineteen hundred hours. And if you’re in the Marines, the big hand is on the twelve…”

  15. About 10 or 12 of us were being trained by a Master Chief of the Navy Seals who was giving us instruction for the next quick kill firing drill.
    In a commanding, no BS, booming Voice;
    “Ok, this is the Mozambique drill, those of you in the Navy and Army, holding up two fingers, you will shoot two rounds to center body mass, then held up one finger, and said one round to the head.”

    “For you Marines I want, stomping his foot twice, rounds to center body mass, and stomping once, round to the head.”

    The Master Chief immediately won us over and became one of us.
    Best instruction and training I ever received.
    Special Operations Personnel have my greatest respect, the best of the best.

  16. a ‘definition’ of the different service branches

    … the order is to ‘secure the building’:
    MARINES – infiltrate the building & kill all the bad guys
    ARMY – secure the perimeter, bomb the building & kill any enemy combatant coming out
    NAVY – lock the front & back door & give the keys to the Marine guards
    AIR FORCE – negotiate a contract for a 1 year least w/ a 3-year option

  17. My dad was a Marine. He was a man’s man if there ever was one. As for these little girls in the video, as soon as war breaks out, ninety percent of them will be pregnant ASAP and none of them will consider abortion.

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