Why do younger black voters like Trump more than elders? UCLA study explains – IOTW Report

Why do younger black voters like Trump more than elders? UCLA study explains

‘Because they’re tired of hearing the same stories about victimhood, racism, and zero answers that the left has been giving for years,’ said black conservative activist Rob Smith.

Just The News: UCLA data collected just prior to the protests about the death of African-American George Floyd show younger black  Americans have been holding more favorable views of President Trump than their parents and grandparents.

The data collected from April 2-May 13 by the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape project, an initiative that conducted weekly surveys of thousands of potential voters for nearly a year, found that 29% of percent of black voters ages 30-44 and 21% ages 18-29 have a “very favorable” or “somewhat favorable” view of President Trump. This compares to just 14% of black voters 45-64 and 9% of those 65 and older.

“Trump symbolizes a much broader understanding than just his personality, what he represents,” veteran black empowerment activist Bob Woodson told Just the News. “I think that our younger people are realizing how they have been taken for granted by the Democratic Party and Democratic philosophy, and therefore are really open to alternatives.” more

12 Comments on Why do younger black voters like Trump more than elders? UCLA study explains

  1. “…Because they’re tired of hearing the same stories about victimhood, racism, and zero answers that the left has been giving for years,’…”

    I pray that this generation becomes truly “Woke”. Woke to to the truth, not the lie that power hungry politicians and parasites (aka, Al Sharpton) peddle.

  2. Here’s a guy I follow on Instagram. This guys a straight up “Thug”. (I hate that word) But he’s been to the White House as Trumps guest many times during events. Along with many others. Guys got a 122K followers on Instagram. I believe he got booted off Twitter. Imagine that. Here’s a good interview.


  3. …29% of percent of black voters ages 30-44 and 21% ages 18-29 have a “very favorable” or “somewhat favorable” view of President Trump.
    That’s way more than he had in 2016.
    November should be a rout. Maybe that’s why the left is trying so hard to burn America down before then….

  4. @Bad_Brad – I’ll take a full look, but what’s up with the Anarchist symbol on his right bicep?? That shit is sprayed painted all over Antifag territory in Seattle and Portland.

    Just an old mistake?

    You say he is real, so I will take that.

  5. ghost

    He’s certainly NOT like you or I. Candice own links him quite often as do others. He smokes dope like a chimney. But his eyes are open and I for one will take his vote for Trump and thank him for it.

  6. @Bad_Brad – I don’t mind ‘crudeness’ and cursing, by any means necessary! Haha

    When it comes to ‘smoking dope’ (reefer), I am a libertarian when it comes to that benign stuff. I could give a shit about that, it’s about free and open real thinking critical ideas.

  7. I’m one of the 14% and my four 30-something kids will most likely be voting for Teump in November

    My first Presidential vote was in 1980 – I voted for Reagan. I’ve only voted for a Democrat for any position once. It was a local election & he was more conservative than the Republican candidate.

  8. TommyBoh

    “and my four 30-something kids will most likely be voting for Teump in November”

    A result of good parenting. All three of mine survived the indoctrination attempts from school and ended up ultra conservative

  9. @Jethro June 11, 2020 at 9:45 pm

    > November should be a rout. Maybe that’s why the left is trying so hard to burn America down before then….

    November should be a rout. That’s why the right will bite their sofa cushions, until then…

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