Why Does Everyone Look To Nate Silver Like He’s A Predicting Guru? His Track Record Sucks – IOTW Report

Why Does Everyone Look To Nate Silver Like He’s A Predicting Guru? His Track Record Sucks

Gizmodo looks into the myth of Nate Silver’s election prediction prowess. It’s a glass bowl of turds.

HT/ rob e.

14 Comments on Why Does Everyone Look To Nate Silver Like He’s A Predicting Guru? His Track Record Sucks

  1. His track record sucks and so does he.
    This is another person I would have never heard of if not for reading this site.
    I rarely read liberal websites. I have high blood pressure.

  2. Silver is the oracle who gave Trump a 2% chance of getting the nomination.

    To be a leftwad guru, just tell them what they want to hear. Narrative is everything, facts don’t matter.

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