Why Haley Has No Friends in Her Home State – IOTW Report

Why Haley Has No Friends in Her Home State


So, what’s the story here? Well, it turns out, we’ve got a piece of the puzzle, and it’s as juicy and scandalous as it gets. This is the story of Nikki Haley, a power-hungry woman who climbed to the top on the shoulders of friends and colleagues—only to betray everyone who helped her rise to political fame. Now, when she needs them the most, they’re returning the favor by turning their backs on her. More

19 Comments on Why Haley Has No Friends in Her Home State

  1. Yeah, Dems are supporting her now, but if she. Did somehow manage to get the Republican nomination, she will immediately be deems the most despicable person or the plante — the person who gives Trump and Putintheir marching orders.

  2. She’s a total whore – in both the sexual and political sense. No wonder the democrats and GOPe traitors fund her. Where the fuck is that moron Ronna Ronmey these days – other than spending the GOP into oblivian by buying shit for herself??

  3. I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea of getting a commission in the Guard/Reserves at 36 years old. Back when I was in you had to complete OCS before your 35th birthday. I timed out after I got my BS just after my 33th birthday. There were no officer slots available in the 20 month window I was eligible.

  4. As my best friend Marty (RIP) used to tell me about women….”Whores all”. Nimrod is no different, and I second the crazy eyes observation that Different Tim mentioned….wack-a-doo eyes on that broad 😵‍💫

  5. She outed herself as a backstabbing bitch.
    If not for President Trump she would’ve never achieved a position on the national/internatioal stage.
    And she had no problem turning on him.

  6. I’m beginning to lean in to the theory that if Manchelle refuses to play Nikki is the other alternative. No matter what the Pedo and Commieliar must go, and having Neocon Nikki is perfectly fine with the Uniparty.

    The cabal is funding her and will require her to stay in to the very end to give them time to remove PDJT by any means possible.


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