Why living in Canada has become Impossible – IOTW Report

Why living in Canada has become Impossible

There is a housing crisis, cost-of-living crisis, and now even an immigration crisis. What’s happening to Canada?

10 Comments on Why living in Canada has become Impossible

  1. “What’s happening to Canada?”

    …same thing that’s been happening here.


    They just arent armed like we are, so they went quicker.

    But they’ll take it all in the end, temporarily, or the back of the Bible is a lie…

  2. What’s happening to Canada?
    Socialist Totalitarianism.
    Kinda like Communism only not as honest… but just as Blue!
    Disingenuous, greedy politicians licking their collective chops at the increase in revenue that automatically comes with inflation!

  3. If the truckers could have united and stopped ALL deliveries things would have been much different. And we can’t forget the gestapo cops who enforced the tyranny.

  4. Canada is controlled by the Laurentian Elites and Toronto. If Western Canada could separate, then Quebec would literally starve from having no equalization payments to balance their checkbook. Western Canada should just join the United States, then access to all of the oil, gas, coal, potash, diamonds, uranium and iron would be infinitely easier (BTW: the oil sands project is larger than the entire State of Florida.)
    Under Trudeau and his band of WEF Convicts, the cost of food has doubled since February of 2020…. and Trudeau just says, “if you feel bad, just kill yourself.”
    Screw him and the rest of those pdf Commies.


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