Why progressives should protest against social security – IOTW Report

Why progressives should protest against social security

Berniebots simply love Social Security and think it’s the shining example of government benefiting the common man.


But Steven Stafford at The Federalist makes an interesting argument that in practice the program provides the most benefit to those who live the longest and in our society that would be white and wealthy.


Note the Berniebot, Wolf Tracker, in the comments who thinks loading Social Security up with government bonds is a sound investment for American taxpayers.


11 Comments on Why progressives should protest against social security

  1. Another progressive collectivist disconnect, i.e. failure to think, is that (a) they laugh off the assertion, clearly true, that soc sec is a Ponzi scheme, and then (b) kneel down in respectful worship at the altar of “sustainability.” Not to belabor the obvious point, there ain’t nothin’ less sustainable than a Ponzi scheme by definition.

  2. @Uncle Al: Maybe on the galactic time scale it is, but it’s worked now for about 80 years, so that’s pretty sustainable to me. Plus, don’t forget that the Government is taking in tax money, too, and, considering inflation, paying out cheaper dollars than the ones it took in. Since there’s no apparent limit to how high the National Debt can be allowed to go, I suspect they’ll still be running their game 80 years from now, just like they are today.

  3. Gladys, I used to think the same thing. In fact, around the time I first started working, doomsayers were predicting that Social Security was going broke within a few years. Well, that was over fifty years ago, and guess who’s getting it today?

    Like the article says, your biggest obstacle to getting SS is dying before you’re eligible to draw it, so just stay healthy and you should be O.K.


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