Why The Kavanaugh Hearing Has Women Seeing Red – IOTW Report

Why The Kavanaugh Hearing Has Women Seeing Red

This opinion piece lays out clearly that the false allegations of sexual assault leveled against Brett Kavanaugh during his nomination hearing before the senate judiciary committee have lead to unintended consequences. Women across the nation have turned their backs on the left and the democratic party is going to pay the price in the mid-terms. Here

10 Comments on Why The Kavanaugh Hearing Has Women Seeing Red

  1. On ABC morning show the banner read that “Trump claims Kavanaugh proven innocent are incorrect.”
    Gotta keep the lie going through the election. We need an investigation into the soros media and all the hired network mouthpieces.
    I want to know what gail king, nora o’donnell, stephycocculus and all the rest were doing in grade school.

  2. Has brought me closer to values I was taught. Long ago lost, that led to apathy, due to ignoring the Mob rule mentality. Puppets to the left of me, puppets to the right, apathy of both. Until realizing they are the same. After watching, researching them both for almost 6 decades now, I wish that change triumphs at the will of common sense of who the deceivers truly have been. Always viewed the US Government as the largest Corporation this planet has ever encountered, yet always been controlled by greedy, pocket lining trash that never having been exposed to compassion for anyone but themselves. Now, the concept of it being only a Corporation being applied scares them all and is outing out the greedy Globalist mindset. We have elected moronic trash that takes away from us of what their true character is, for decades accusing their opponents that they only wish to kill your children and gran-children by leaving them with nothing, which is their own delusion of immortality due to greed.

    Pretty deep, huh?

    Never had kids, ’cause I have never been financially secure enough in myself to provide for them after politicians made sure to take from me for their own have. If had kids, I’d teach them to do this:
    Vote RED!

    Yea, I’m not just F’ing with you,
    Nor are Women who understand they also are part of the Human condition

  3. Well written opinion piece. I’ll bet some of the USA Today editors were pissed that it was published. Maybe some of the rich conservatives out there ought to kick a few bucks (well, few for them) in and have it printed in the NYT, half page above the fold on pages 4 or 5. It would be expensive but then it may be worth it to educate at least some of their readers and to hear Schumer, Pelosi and that fascist senator from Hawaii howl would be worth the money.

  4. I certainly hope Margot Cleveland is correct, and the GOP gains seats in in both houses in Nov, and the dems get a clear loud message they need to stop being just nasty & behave with more dignity – if they can figure out what that is.

    Oh, and the the GOP doesn’t waste the opportunity. As they frequently do.

  5. @david7134 October 9, 2018 at 5:04 pm

    > Women in my area are looking at this from the stand point that their sons can be accused of anything at any time and clearly hate the Dems.

    But not enough to lessen their own power. “Me and my sons against the feminists. But me or them?, it’s ‘me, Me, ME!'” Same as it ever is.


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