WI Town Begs Biden for Help with Illegals – IOTW Report

WI Town Begs Biden for Help with Illegals


The City of Whitewater’s police chief and manager sent President Joe Biden a letter begging for financial help to deal with an “acute” immigration crisis that has led to sexual assaults, a “critical humanitarian issue,” an explosion in unlicensed drivers, and a reduction in the overwhelmed Police Department’s ability to engage in proactive policing.

“This is a critical humanitarian issue, and our city needs government assistance in order to continue to serve our entire community properly,” they wrote. More

Whitewater’s Wikipedia page Here

26 Comments on WI Town Begs Biden for Help with Illegals

  1. Cry babies! America is a melting pot. Criminal diversity is our strength! They came to America out of love! Embrace them! Forgive them if they assault you or rape your wife and daughters! They have a right to loot the stores and steal your car and the stuff in your house. They’re the future of America!

  2. Walworth and Jefferson counties (where Whitewater is located) both voted Trump in 2020 election. No surprise future democrat voters are arriving in there in a toss-up state. Both counties border strong democrat held counties of Madison.

    6% population increase, 1000 illegals in a town of 15000 people. Doesn’t sound like much, but that’s the same, percentage wise, as Chicago being infused with 180,000 illegals and the city is currently buckling with 30,000.

  3. Sounds like a plan to change election results. Flood them with D votes and make sure their illegal ballots are counted.
    If it is a conservative county/town they need to ship em’ all out. Another city, another state (I say D.C.) or a winter float trip down the Flambeau Flowage. Fishing is fun 🙂 (floatation and paddles optional).

  4. ecp WEDNESDAY, 10 JANUARY 2024, 18:42 AT 6:42 PM

    Well put. The scary part is Walworth County is just over the border from me. Luckily Whitewater is on the northern edge. Still doesn’t give any feelings of safety that living out from Shitcago by sixty miles used to give.

    Even the dindu tribe is starting to hit the edges of the expressways out of the city for better pickings and quick return to the hood.

    Sitting here typing with two strapped on and some years back that would be unheard of…

  5. It’s the driving around without a license that I find most disturbing. Where are illegals finding vehicles and where are they driving too when they are cruising the highways and byways?
    Of course, none of them are insured. Not to take anything away from course sexual assault and overcrowding not to mention the lying and false documenting themselves when caught.
    How long have they been in the States that they seem so keen on evading law enforcement?
    I don’t know of any notorious gangs made up of ethnic Nicaraguan or Venezuelans, but that doesn’t exclude the possibility and all the evils that come with that brand of organized crime.

  6. All part of the plan to destroy America. Looks like a winning plan so far, for the democrats, enough voters to pass any BS money burning waste projects they can dream up. I wonder how much they each got paid by China for the plunder and death of the USA?

  7. Anymouse, I’m 25 minutes outside of Chicago and every 5 or so years my neighborhood has a string of robberies that of course all go unsolved. The shithead progressive mayor talks to news outlets and states something to the effect of, “Well, we’re between 2 expressway exits, so it’s easy to come from the city, smash and grab, and hop out.” Might as well hold up a sign, “Come rob us.”

  8. “Where are illegals finding vehicles and where are they driving too ”

    Come to California where they give them brand new Black E Class Mercedes Benz.
    I saw one a couple weeks ago with a Honduran Flag DUCT TAPED TO THE BACK WINDOW. How did I know it was a Honduran flag? Because they had Honduras bumper stickers all across the back bumper. If they’re that proud of the shit hole, why did they leave?

  9. What. A. Bunch. Of. Dipshits. If you voted democrat in the last thirty years, even once, you voted for this. If you voted RINO, even by accident (we know, we all have), even once in the last thirty years, you voted for this.

    Now, shard gobblers, dust sucking radiation magnets, you ask for help from your chosen destroyer? He’s a fucking destroyer, numbnuts, he’s doing what he intends. And, to be clear, the name’s 0bama, not Biden. The pedophile meat puppet in chief of the joint Biden, the corpse of which is kept animated by high quality synthetic amphetamine of various sorts (mmm mmm good) is not in charge of its tapioca, let alone something complicated like shoelaces. No point in even discussing a thing like ‘immigration’ or ‘border’ with it.


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