Wikileaks: Clinton Chief Podesta Received Intel that Muslim Migration Was Creating ‘Misery and Mayhem’ in Europe – IOTW Report

Wikileaks: Clinton Chief Podesta Received Intel that Muslim Migration Was Creating ‘Misery and Mayhem’ in Europe

Breitbart: Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta received a bleak intelligence memo on Muslim migration in Europe, according to Wikileaks’ Podesta email dump.

The email address sent a message to Podesta’s email account at Georgetown Law School on February 21, 2016. The Clinton campaign has staunchly advocated for increasing Muslim refugee settlement in the United States.

“Multikultistan: A house of horrors for ordinary Germans,” was the headline on the apparent intelligence packet that was sent to Podesta. The email was released as part of Wikileaks’ Podesta email dump, which Wikileaks claims is only one percent complete at this time and will continue throughout the election.

The email talks about immigration:    MORE

2 Comments on Wikileaks: Clinton Chief Podesta Received Intel that Muslim Migration Was Creating ‘Misery and Mayhem’ in Europe

  1. … and he said meh because it’s all part of the plan to employ more Taqiyya and weaponize the standard muzzies killing muzzies in the name of peace SOP and redefine the daily news calling it a crisis to exploit the sympathies of a Christian nation, further establishing the izzy supremacy and while conquering millions of square miles of real property for the caliphate.
    That coordination of events and exchange of information is the two-for-one bonus of pReezy Ohole’s World Apology Tour that the leftist media did not bring to it viewers

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