Wikileaks Releases Another 1,803 Podesta Emails In Part 12 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 18,953 – IOTW Report

Wikileaks Releases Another 1,803 Podesta Emails In Part 12 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 18,953

“I pushed her on this on Sunday night. She claims she didn’t remember saying it. Not sure I believe her,” Podesta replies. Tanden insists that the comment has made her job more difficult after “telling every reporter I know she’s actually progressive”. “It worries me more that she doesn’t seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment,” she adds.

ZH: As a reminder among the most recent revelations we got further insights into Hillary’s desire to see Obamacare “unravel”, her contempt for “doofus” Bernie Sanders, staff exchanges on handling media queries about Clinton “flip-flopping” on gay marriage, galvanizing Latino support and locking down Clinton’s healthcare policy. Just as notable has been the ongoing revelation of just how “captured” the so-called independent press has been in its “off the record” discussions with John Podesta which got the head Politico correspondent, Glenn Thrush, to admit he is a “hack” for allowing Podesta to dictate the content of his article.

The release comes on the day of the third and final presidential campaign between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and as a result we are confident it will be scrutinized especially carefully for any last minute clues that would allow Trump to lob a much needed Hail Mary to boost his standing in the polls.

As there is a total of 50,000 emails, Wikileaks will keep the media busy over the next three weeks until the elections with another 30,000 emails still expected to be released.

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Among the initial emails to stand out is this extensive exchange showing just how intimiately the narrative of Hillary’s server had been coached. The following September 2015 email exchange between Podesta and Nick Merrill, framed the “core language” to be used in response to questions Clinton could be asked about her email server, and the decision to “bleach” emails from it. The emails contain long and short versions of responses for Clinton.

“Because the government already had everything that was work-related, and my personal emails were just that –  personal – I didn’t see a reason to keep them so I asked that they be deleted, and that’s what the company that managed my server did. And we notified Congress of that back in March”

She was then presented with the following hypothetical scenario:

* “Why won’t you say whether you wiped it?”


“After we went through the process to determine what was work related andwhat was not and provided the work related emails to State, I decided not to keep the personal ones.”


“We saved the work-related ones on a thumb drive that is now with the Department of Justice. And as I said in March, I chose not to keep the personal ones. I asked that they be deleted, how that happened was up to the company that managed the server. And they are cooperating fully with anyone that has questions.”

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Another notable email reveals the close relationship between the Clinton Foundation and Ukraine billionaire Victor Pinchuk, a prominent donor to the Clinton Foundation, in which we see the latter’s attempt to get a meeting with Bill Clinton to show support for Ukraine:


3 Comments on Wikileaks Releases Another 1,803 Podesta Emails In Part 12 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 18,953

  1. Too little, too late. This would have blown her out of contention if it had come out when Clinton was first running for the nomination, or when she was moving to the left of Sanders. It’s barely getting coverage in the MSDM now, because they are in the tank for Hillary. And if the Russians are behind the truth getting out about Democratic corruption that would be unpatriotic!

  2. If Assange has something with teeth now would be the time to drop the bomb. The fact that all these e-mails should have been handed over but weren’t and that makes Hillary a liar is lost on the Hillary crowd because you have to connect the dots. A Hillary voter is too dumb to connect the dots even if they are numbered and the MSM is not reporting on it to start with.

    What Trump needs to do when Hillary claims the Russians are behind this is to say “you told us there is no way your emails are hacked and now you are saying the Russians hacked you “which is it?”

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