Folks who love fishing Lake Superior might notice some changes to the species they catch in the years ahead.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced plans to no longer stock splake in the big lake.
The fish is popular among anglers, and the move received considerable attention during their Lake Superior Fisheries Management meeting at the Lake Superior Visitor’s Center.
“Splake tend to be a near-shore species and so they tend to be easier to catch for the sport fisherman and for the average person who goes out there fishing in a small boat or ice fishes from shore, they’re much more available,” said Darryl Fenner who owns D’s Superior Fishing Charters. More
This change comes upon the happy news earlier this fall that native lake trout populations have pretty much fully recovered on the great lake. Here
Trying to figure out what Do Not Resuscitate has to do with trout.
Huh, I thought the “environment” could never recover with the EVIL Homo Sapiens ravaging about…
Why you calling Doc Tar a HOMO? That don’t seem right. LOL
I just realized there is a certain retarded motherfucker who has gone silent.
^^^^ I just posted ass hole! LOL
^^^ heh classic