Women Disarming Women – IOTW Report

Women Disarming Women


AT: The gun control movement has become the new feminist battleground. Courtesy of millions of dollars flowing from Michael Bloomberg to women-fronted groups, the face of “gun control” is now decidedly female. Feminization of the issue is not by happenstance. It is a deliberate strategy designed to appeal to gender voters, to beta males, to those who make decisions based on emotion rather than fact, and to those who are ill-informed but know what is best for all. If this movement is successful, the consequences will be tragic and deadly — especially for women.

Women who choose to arm for self-protection in an increasingly dangerous society will be denied that right and instead, will be forced to become easy prey and crime statistics. Make no mistake: gun control is the real war on women and civilian disarmament is the goal.

Michael Bloomberg has endorsed gun confiscation and Hillary Clinton is onboard. That women are the vanguard of an effort to make all women weak, dependent submissives is a stunning repudiation of feminism’s supposed foundational principle: a woman has the right to make her own life choices.

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22 Comments on Women Disarming Women

  1. If this movement is successful, the consequences will be tragic and deadly — especially for women.

    It will be much deadlier for those attempting to enforce confiscation/disarmament laws. It is appalling that these enemies of individual rights claim to be against violence at they move us inexorably along the path to a bloody civil war.

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