wtf would we want to remember covid? – IOTW Report

wtf would we want to remember covid?

Mayor de Blasio declares March 14 COVID-19 Remembrance Day.

He maintains the virus is racist.

Or, racism makes the virus attack blacks .

Or, he is just a friggin’ moron.

15 Comments on wtf would we want to remember covid?

  1. @stirrin the pot:

    What a pathetic attempt to keep his name and face in the news.

    Yes, this. Ironically, though, I want his name and face and voice in the news so we don’t forget every one of the stupid, abusive, tone-deaf, terminally un-self-aware, autocratic, bigoted, despotic things he does or says.

  2. Can I add to this?
    I hate people giving and wearing masks and saying they’re so cute.
    Why the heck would you want to look at a dehumanizing tool of control freak politicians fun or cute?

  3. Andy Cohen tonight burned De Blasio pretty good. No, I’m not a fan of Cohen’s, but I think he probably pissed off the guys that run CNN. If he did that’s a good thing.

    BTW, CNN was running Chinese propaganda tonight in the guise of a commercial from some gigantic Chinese corporation. At first, I wasn’t sure if it was Communist Chinese, until they had a shot of Shanghai’s skyline with the river winding in front of it. That nailed it.

    It’s another screw in CNN’s casket, as far as I am concerned.

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