Xi Verbally Abuses Dementia Sufferer Over the Phone – IOTW Report

Xi Verbally Abuses Dementia Sufferer Over the Phone


President Xi Jinping warned against meddling in China’s dealings with Taiwan during a phone call with his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, that gave no indication of progress on trade, technology or other irritants, including Beijing’s opposition to a top American lawmaker’s possible visit to the island that the mainland claims as its own territory.

Xi also warned against splitting the world’s two biggest economies, according to a Chinese government summary of Thursday’s unusually lengthy, three-hour call. Businesspeople and economists warn such a change, brought on by Chinese industrial policy and U.S. curbs on technology exports, might hurt the global economy by slowing innovation and increasing costs. More

7 Comments on Xi Verbally Abuses Dementia Sufferer Over the Phone

  1. a 3 HOUR CALL, A 3 HOUR CALL.
    The ship ran aground on the shore of this uncharted commie-claimed isle ……..
    With Biden….I mean Gilligan…….and Hunter too…..a few millionaires….and their wives…..
    I could go on…

  2. So essentially Xi is warning that playing economic hardball with China may be damaging to our economy. How would I tell what damage China is causing versus what damage our own Democrat administration is causing?

    Xi would get better traction threatening that “10% to the big guy.”

  3. This scum sucker and his minions are going to drag us down to the depths of hell. Either they intend on doing it or if it’s just a case of being colossal fuck ups they don’t care.

  4. He might be a communist bitch, but Chairman Xi isn’t stupid. Joe Biden IS stupid & has rapidly advancing dementia. If China is going to move on Taiwan, Xi knows that the time is now, with a doddering buffoon in the White House, that it will be a walk in the park. He already owns the old bastard, along with the rest of the Biden crime syndicate, so why wait? A 3 hour phone conversation with that moron probably felt like 3 years to Xi.


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