YAHOO! Answers: “Is the Daisy Powerline 856 good for squirrels?” – IOTW Report

YAHOO! Answers: “Is the Daisy Powerline 856 good for squirrels?”



via Can this potato get more likes than any anti-gun page?

h/t Doc.

30 Comments on YAHOO! Answers: “Is the Daisy Powerline 856 good for squirrels?”

  1. As of spring 2015, we were granted permission to kill, by humane means, the horde of squirrels that have overrun our neighborhood.
    We’ve already killed more than two dozen of the pests. My dog even got one.
    They tear through my fruit trees and decimate any type of harvest. They are vermin.

  2. “Why would you want to shoot a squirrel?”

    Because the tree rat is a destructive little vandal that will gnaw on your wood deck, chew through your back door (and wreak havoc once inside the house), decimate the wiring on your car, etc. I not only shoot them, I torture them first. Especially the ones carrying Glocks.

  3. The only good squirrel is a dead squirrel.
    If you don’t mind growing crops and an orchard for squirrels to devour then they’re cute little critters.

    And they are devious and cagey. They recognize a shotgun as soon as it comes out the door.

  4. There are several kinds of rats. There’s the skinny-tailed ground rat, the one that carries fleas with Black Death germs. And there’s the fuzzy tailed tree rat, a/k/a squirrel, that causes neighborhood electrical blackouts by jumping on pole transformers because their buddies tell ’em it’s a way to get high. And there’s the flying rat, a/k/a pigeon, and these nasty things never clean up after themselves and their accumulated waste is a breeding ground for histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and encephalitis. Then we get into the two-legged rat varieties, but we’ll save that for another post.

    And none of these rats have any respect or know their place, they just want to mess up somebody else’s environment.

  5. @Turd: If you ever enter the Peoples Republic of Kent, Ohio, you will in actuality find at their unofficial mascot is indeed the black squirrel.


    Squirrels: I calls ’em tree rats. And in the winter, some jerks actually set out feed exclusively for them. Go figger. I do all I can to keep ’em out of my bird feeders.

  6. I have a Crosman 1400 air rifle I bought in 1977. 22 caliber, rifled barrel, and 10 pumps gives equal velocity to a 22 short. I killed many squirrels with it.
    Young squirrel tastes really good if breaded and fried in lard.

  7. The final straw with squirrels happened many years ago. I lived in subrbia then so my options were limited. I tried trapping and relocating them miles away. I tried harassment with a wrist rocket with nonlethal projectiles. OK radishes and baby carrots if you must know. At least I didn’t have to eat them although the missus commended my increase in vegetable intake. Shhhh

    I surrounded my tomato plants in plastic mesh. Then one day I looked out the window to see that a squirrel had gnawed through the mesh, had harvested a perfectly ripe tomato and was lying on his back using the mesh as a hammock as he munched away on my precious tomato.

    Why would you shoot a squirrel? Because the Air Force ignored my pleas for an air strike.

  8. I lived in development where the little bastards use to tear the wood shingles right off your roof. Looking for acorns I guess. We turned in several insurance claims over $3 ,000.00 as did all of our neighbors. One couple hired some outfit that sprayed Tabasco Sauce all over their roof. The flies were incredible. I bought 1000 ft per second pellet gun. Which was to loud but I killed well over 200 squirrels over 3 years. And they were still tearing neighbors roofs up.

  9. Barn owls and hawks are good for squirrel control. Also raccoons, weasels, and vipers.
    We have all those around here and the last squirrel I saw here was several years ago. That one used to harass my dog, now he goes nuts when we travel and he spots a squirrel.
    They are bad for dogs too.

  10. flour them, then brown them in bacon grease, add cream of mushroom soup and let simmer until tender.
    serve over rice or mashed taters.

    that’s what squirrels are good for.

  11. @Use a Camera
    When they do a thousand dollars worth of damage to your home, that’s when you shoot squirrels.

    Also (not recommended for city squirrels) many people eat squirrels.

    Why would anyone object to exterminating rodents?

  12. As an aside, I had one of those Daisy’s when I was a kid, I wouldn’t hunt squirrels with it as it’s too low powered. Now that I’m a much older kid I hunt them with a BSA lightning after giving my RWS 36 to my grandson. I’ve blown squirrels brains out with that old RWS at 30 yards, maybe a tad more.

  13. As someone who makes a living at saving people from their destruction – you guys make me so proud. Carry on.

    They cause a lot of destruction. We haven’t even touched on the fleas and other parasites they can bring.

  14. Speaking of birds-of-prey with squirrels.

    Last Winter I had a couple of squirrel jobs where they were only active at night. Pretty strange and thought it was rats I was after until my trail cams confirmed they were up all night going in and out.

    Not normal. Then one sent me this photo and it all made sense.

    It was January and there were no leaves on the trees providing cover.

    Hawks gotta eat too!

  15. I have observed a squirrels being eaten by a garter snake, and eaten by the resident red tailed hawk.
    I still have a yard full, no matter how many I kill.
    The horses have to chase them from their feed.
    Brazen little bastards.
    @bill, I like to braise the brazen bastards too.

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