Yeah, I wore them – IOTW Report

Yeah, I wore them

A guy on Free Republic started a thread about the “hideous knee-high gym socks,” we “had” to wear.

I dunno. I wore them. I liked them at the time. I could probably go for wearing them again “if society deemed it acceptable to do so.”

Maybe I should just go for it? If people have no compunction over tatting their face, what’s a knee sock?


And because I don’t want to make an entire thread about knee socks, another Freeper’s post caught my eye.

He wanted to know what people thought of this song from the 60s.

I always have it in my Spotify and it always elicits a reaction when it comes on. Almost 100% negative. lol

40 Comments on Yeah, I wore them

  1. Let’s start with the song, first.
    1. I always thought that he was Neil Diamond.
    2. Phaedra is high.
    3. *vomit*

    The tube socks- They were alright. Never saw many pink ones, though. lol. I lived in a cool climate, so they were good for keeping my legs warm. They weren’t mostly suffocating polyester like socks are now.

  2. They were part of my school’s gym class “uniform”.
    That’s all you could find in the stores.
    Could you imagine wearing the current fashionable “ankle high” socks back then? You would be labeled a FAG!
    Besides – where would kids stash their cigarettes, since they were also usually wearing gym shorts without pockets?

  3. The ugly “ass high” 70’s gym shorts are being worn by all the hipsters. They’re wearing mustaches and beards like they made it up. Why not the knee high tube socks?

  4. It was all about the amount of skin showing. The jean shorts were so short then, the pockets were exposed at the bottom. If you wore those knee highs today with today’s “shorts” it would be a little creepy. Add sandals and you may be required to register with your local police.

  5. Some Velvet Morni … ‘click’ “sound of the radio turning off” … Nancy was the reason …

    The socks … they were okay, I actually liked Socks like Pistol-Pete, have not ever liked ‘tight’ socks around my calves. I find the black socks of today much more ugly than the 70’s products.

  6. @MJA
    Guys with perms? – I always questioned their sexuality.
    My sister talked me into going to a “hair stylist” once. After it was over I thought “Why spend four times what I usually spend just to get my hair washed before it is cut?”.

  7. I dunno. Knee socks are making a comeback. I’ve always liked them, and now my 17 y/o daughter is wearing them, sometimes over leggings. It’s not OK for guys, though, according to her. 🙂

  8. Jethro- LOL!
    With women, it’s a money maker. Have mercy.
    They’re always trying to $ell those ‘protein treatments’ which are usually cheap stinky eggwhite type stuff which fuse your hair strands together. If your hair is that damaged, scissors are the only cure.

  9. @MJ, I have a couple of photos of male childhood friends with perms. I have threatened them with “I had better die before you.” cause that pic will be in the center of their memorial wreath.
    All my old knee high tube socks have been filled with rice for microwaveable heating pads.

  10. OpenTheDoor- LOLOL!

    As for the microwave thing- Isn’t that great?
    They’re good for door drafts, and you can beat people with them, too! 😉
    Oh, you can throw in some kind of scented oil or mothballs or whatever in the tube and put them inside smelly boots and sneakers, too.

    Lookit us, all crafty. lol

  11. I wore the striped tube socks, almost lost a leg because of them.

    I wasn’t supposed to be doing something when I slipped and took a chunk out of my shin. How did I cover it up? With my tube socks, until it started to stink and go black.

  12. It doesn’t matter what we wore back then because we were a much better society. Note the lack of electronic devices. These 2 fine boys actually needed to score a third party in order to get this snap. They might have even talked to a girl to get the snap. That bike doesn’t even have a generator.

  13. I never had ’em that high, mid calf was my limit. @MJA: “The adult men who wore them usually had curly perms.” LMAO, my ex-FIL had the Julius Caesar perm going on back in the 70’s. Hideous….

  14. Knee socks are certainly not the most hideous of fashion ever invented. Sans a belt pants, or any polyester was awful. Sans a belt is French for without a belt, right? Polyester pants would shrink every time you washed them to the point that your legs looked like they were stuffed in sausage casings.

    As for the song, that was made for ‘couples only’ at the roller rink.

  15. Anyone else remember slouch socks from the 80s? Socks worn crumpled around the ankles, two pairs at a time, in different colors, with your Rebok high tops? Much, much worse than tube socks.

  16. Kermit – interesting comparison, except the Nick / Kylie tune is much more enjoyable to listen to. Been a while since I’ve brought that disc out of hibernation from my collection.

  17. @A blast, Don’t know if it’s THE “cheeziest”, it has to be in the top 5.
    Obviously before widespread breast augmentation.
    Speaking of before breast augmentation, has Cher ever paid the price for her cultural appropriation?

  18. @ OpenTheDoor
    That cringeworthy vid from the Tube Sock Era has everything: low production values, fake lip synch, cultural appropriation, even perms. And plenty of cheeze.
    Check out the grin on Tommy’s face. Yikes!!

    Feel free to link any contenders for the Most Cheeziest Ever award.
    Or maybe an iOTw Contest?

  19. MJA
    I was an adult “Suit” 45 years ago. I wore knee high socks when playing handball..I DID NOT HAVEA PERM. My hair was down to my shoulder blades BUT NO PERM!

  20. Rite of passage for girls of my generation: ankle/bobby socks in elementary school, knee socks in jr high, nylon hosiery in high school (on rare occasions when we still had to wear a dress). Only wore those knee high tube socks with the gym uniform… until I realized I could get a gym credit for ‘health’ class and didn’t have to change into a dorky uniform.

  21. We had to wear our dad’s old tube socks wrapped around our necks, after our mom slathered Vick’s all over us, whenever we had a sore throat or cold . Secured them with my baby brothers diaper pins that had duck shaped fasteners.

  22. Hey! I’ve always loved Some Velvet Morning, the ethereal feel and lyrics, the alternating time signatures, the moody instruments. Very cool, in a ‘60s sort of way.

  23. @ A blast from the past – yes Tube socks is what I remember as well.

    Now? I wear short tube socks!

    That song sucked, 2 mil hits or not…

    Nancy Sinatra???

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