Yes, All the Wall To Wall Gossip Column Headlines Are True – IOTW Report

Yes, All the Wall To Wall Gossip Column Headlines Are True

“Was That C. Steven Tucker and BFH at Oceans 234?”

Yes, although we didn’t allow pictures, it did happen.

BFH emerged from his cocoon and headed down to Boca Raton with his date to hit the town with a vacationing C. Steven Tucker.

All the faux bombast kidding aside, C. Steven and his wife are tremendous hosts, and their friends Jill and RJ were funny and affable and made us feel as if we’ve been friends forever. All in all, it was a terrific evening.

Oceans 234 is a fantastic restaurant, and C. Steven managed to get the best seat in the house, with an open-air view to the ocean.

(Okay, let’s  bore everyone with more particulars.)

I had crab cakes, a pear salad and a chicken dish. And after RJ told the waiter not to judge him, that he was going to order a girly drink, I joined him and got a blood orange margarita. And wouldn’t you know it, my period started.

There was calamari on the table, a gourmet mac and cheese that came as a side for a lobster tail, and mashed potatoes that managed to taste like it was married with risotto and truffles. The filet mignon, according to RJ, was the best he ever had.. and he’s from Texas.

The food was so good C. Steven ordered TWO entrees. (Not kidding. He treats himself right.) (And others, too. My money was no good in Boca.)

Afterward we took a walk on a pier that seemed to go to the Bahamas. Still, Tucker couldn’t walk off two entrees.

We headed back to the Tucker house on the intercoastal and watched some of the best weird political videos on his YouTube playlist.

Like this one—>

It was a great night.



31 Comments on Yes, All the Wall To Wall Gossip Column Headlines Are True

  1. Boca Raton means Rat Mouth in Spanish

    Doc nailed it. There are so many broads with fake tits in Boca that you’d think they have air-chucks for nipples.

  2. Oh fun! I’d like to go for brunch and try the Cap’n Crunch Banana Nutella French Toast and sit there with a Mimosa, coffee and stare out at the ocean. Some sun would be nice. It’s a bit murky today in the NW.

    Bonus is eating out with like minded people and not having to whisper. 🙂

  3. I like to be around people with money. Money is not evil like liberals think.
    My sister and her husband have a yacht on the gulf side of Florida and enjoy
    having people on board for the weekend.
    Been there done that.
    Big Trump supporters

  4. Oh that was a GREAT summary of an even GREATER evening. NOTHING is better than GOOD company and by good I mean, clear thinking, constitution revering, gun toting, red meat eating AMERICAN patriots! So good to finally meet the infamous “BFH” and his fetching date. Trust me, HE’s the lucky one on that deal. No doubt about it. Can’t wait for next year!

  5. Loco, you have a valid point on that. Here in Western Washington today we have our 73rd consecutive day of 35 degrees and rain. You’d be hard pressed to get me out of here.

  6. Glad you finally got out of the house, Fur. Your Mom called me and told me to get your ass out of there for a while as you were eating her out of house and home and you were watching too much porn.
    I’d love to come to Florida next March. You should plan this!
    BTW, that Jeb video was brilliant. Tell C Steven to send you more.

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