You Say HellHole, I Say Shi…. Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off – IOTW Report

You Say HellHole, I Say Shi…. Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off

Graham, who is the left’s go-to chief source on the right that Trump “said what he said,” is offended??

Is there a vast difference between a hellhole and a $hithole?

ht/ Alan

12 Comments on You Say HellHole, I Say Shi…. Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off

  1. Previous generations built this land into the greatest Country ever seen on this planet.
    Recent infiltrators with no intention of assimilating will reduce America to a third-world shithole, just like the third-world shitholes they came from.
    Stay home, shitholers. You already have a perfectly serviceable shithole there.

    Dreamers, my ass.

  2. All aboard-planes leaving for Haiti, Mexico, South America, and all parts of Africa! All aboard the shit country special! Please show your shit stained brown boarding pass! One way only-All aboard!

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