YouTube Censors CA Urgent Care Doctors – IOTW Report

YouTube Censors CA Urgent Care Doctors

Professional Opinion Is a Community Guidelines Violation

13 Comments on YouTube Censors CA Urgent Care Doctors

  1. The Left loves to believe they are the ones that follow science.
    But they have effectively appointed themselves solely responsible for determining what science.
    – Even to the point of stifling real, valid science that just doesn’t conform with their views.

  2. The Deepstate is a machine and YouTube one of its many parts.
    Use it for your convenience, ignore the pap it foists as facts and find your truths from sources that operate under
    a moral code that YouTube sadly lacks.

  3. It’s really worse than that.
    The interview was posted by a local station, I don’t recall whether radio or TV, on its YouTube channel. So YouTube censored a licensed station because someone disagreed with what was being said there.
    That’s akin to CNN refusing to air Trump’s press conferences because they disagree with him. Oh wait

  4. Arguments and opinions must be able withstand the scrutiny of sunlight, but before anything else, they must first be allowed to exist in the sunlight and support their own weight!
    Banning them, attempting to remove them from view, is the work of weak people, people who know their agenda cannot hold up to the facts and must be propped up with bullshit. With every ban on opinions, facts and speech it becomes more and more obvious that their agenda is so weak that it has to be shielded from competing ideas which makes it an agenda that cannot possibly compete in the arena of competition with free-flowing concepts.
    Banning videos = burning books and that is how Communism works.
    That is also why it fails!

  5. Henry Ford, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”

    Google-YouTube, “Every YouTube account holder can upload a video saying any thing they want so long as we agree with it.”


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