YOUTUBE Suspends, Deletes Pamela Geller’s Account – IOTW Report

YOUTUBE Suspends, Deletes Pamela Geller’s Account

Folks, there is a war going on, and we’re losing it.

There might be a day, very soon, where the landscape on the internet is vastly changed. Your sensibilities, beliefs, and your truths will have been expunged.


35 Comments on YOUTUBE Suspends, Deletes Pamela Geller’s Account

  1. Well. looks like I’m going over to Mozilla. They seem to hate free speech violators and their statement is that they don’t believe tech giants should be the ones who decide what counts as free speech. So I’ll be over there, until they get too big for their britches. lol.

    I’m transferring my bookmarks tomorrow, dumping chrome and dumping all my gmail accounts.
    Ta-Ta, overlords!

  2. If they make you, they can break you. Maybe I’m just naive aboutnthis, which is a definite possibility, but why not have all vids and posts on her own site, and screw the tech nazis? Love Pamela and her work. Isn’t there a decent alternative to YT and G?

  3. There is a way to host your own vids, but it may be kinda expensive and time consuming. I’m really not sure about those things. Otherwise she’d probably have to hook up with another service. Gotta do something. A lot of people are at Patreon but I’m not sure how they work.

  4. They say all right of center speech is hate speech.
    They own the media they make the rules
    Is it fair?
    Hell no
    But there is nothing short of suing to do.
    Trump should go after YouTube using the FCC.
    Either accept all points of view or shut down.

  5. We’ve had decades to create our own Conservative infra-structure, and we haven’t. We wait for them to kick us off everything, and we stand around getting mad.

    Must have our own Internet Service Providers, and upload our own content.

  6. MJA;
    Someone here(don’t remember who,sorry) mentioned BRAVE browser which was launched by the firefox guy that got ousted for his not supporting gay marriage, I had stopped mozilla since then.
    Been using BRAVE since, check it out.

  7. Love Pam. Check out Front Page (David Horowitz). If anyone can give us direction, it’s David (for those of you who don’t know, David was born to Communist parents, when Communism was still pretty new in the U.S.)

  8. I’ve been saying for years – if there were a conservative alternate to YouTube, I would use it. If there were a conservative alternate to Wikipedia, I would use it. If there were a conservative alternate to Google, I would use it. If there were a conservative alternate to FaceBook, I would use it.

    (Well, probably not that last one. Facebook sucks.)

    We have DuckDuckGo, and you better believe that’s not my fault search engine on all my machines now. And there’s Gabi, the free speech version of Twitter (if you’re into that social media crap, which I am not).

    But where’s my free-speech YouTube, and non-Marxist-redwashed Wikipedia?

    People can’t *use* them, if nobody *makes* them.

  9. Way back my youngest who has been internet and computer savvy since it’s inception said the geeks were working on an alternative. Unfortunately according to Rush, most of the geeks are now brainwashed pussies.

  10. @Meerkat B: Radical Muzzies don’t like media technology, especially when it could be turned against them. Look at what the Taliban did with TV, movies, and music CDs when they controlled most of Afghanistan.

    Once the useful idiots at YouTube have fulfilled their function, they will no longer be necessary.

  11. Decent Americans need a voice. Many years ago John Adams said: “Our
    Constitution was made only for moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
    The “any other” however will use, and are using, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, to destroy our Constitution and our way of life. Our politicians do not see this, or maybe they do and are satisfied with the program? We are in deep swamp water and Mr.
    Trump cannot do it alone. I have no answers. All I have is a vote. God Help US.

  12. Bare Naked Islam has been shut down also.
    She is more hard core than Pamela ever has been on the web about showing the true face of moeslems.
    Pamela is on the front lines also, don’t get me wrong about her, she and Bonnie just have different ways about how they show the true face of islam.
    Robert Spencer is next.
    The FCC has to step in at this point, facebook and google are both touting themselves as news groups. They need to fall under the same laws as all of the other left’s mouth pieces.

  13. I wonder how much it would take to start up a conservative hedge fund that would provide finance to young startups before Google can buy and bury them or go after other social media companies and give conservatives a wide voice that can’t be silenced. Hell, 50 million Americans each buying one share for %50 and you have $2.5 billion in seed money to start. That ought to allow you to lever up to 7.5 to 10 billion. That’s a lot of new and cooler tech.

  14. So … what does it take to construct something similar without the Nazi bias?

    Let’s not whine, let’s get busy … but I am ignorant of these things.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. “Conservative”, “decent Americans”, maybe “Republicans, not RINOs”… alternative to — that’s the fatal requirement. If you want it to be free (as in beer), advertising has to keep the lights on. Advertising to a smaller audience, to buy ill will from an already extant larger audience, doesn’t improve ROI. Building an entirely new machine, that does something the rest don’t, to be populated by “good” content, can pay for itself. But it pays more to, then, launch “Version 2.0”, cast out the nasty colonists, and replace them with broad appeal, New Colonists.

    The alternatives are to pay for your own “echo chamber” — actually pay the ongoing expenses, and a “little” something extra so the custodians don’t decide to just go sit behind a counter at the DMV. Or to make common cause with the entirety of the “bad” people. That means putting your best work beside, and actually welcoming the work of, Islamists, (non-Islamic) pedophiles, independent pharmacists, scam assassins… everybody cast out by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

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