Zimmerman Auctioning Off Gun Used To Kill Trayvon MArtin – IOTW Report

Zimmerman Auctioning Off Gun Used To Kill Trayvon MArtin


George Zimmerman, the former Florida neighborhood watchman who was found not guilty in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012, is auctioning off his handgun Thursday morning and might use the proceeds against Hillary Clinton and the prosecutor who tried him.

“I’m a free American. I can do what I like with my possessions,” Zimmerman told WOFL Fox 35 in Orlando on Wednesday night. “It’s time to move past the firearm. And if I sell it and it sells, I move past it. Otherwise, it’s going in a safe for my grandkids and [is] never to be, you know, used or seen again.”

Bidding for the Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm semi-automatic pistol starts at $5,000 and begins 11 a.m. Thursday on the website gunbroker.com. It’s advertised as “George Zimmerman’s PF-9 used on 2/26/12.” The handgun’s make and model can be bought for as little as $200 on some other websites.

Zimmerman told the station that he only recently got the gun back from the U.S. Department of Justice, which also investigated the death of Martin. Zimmerman shot and killed Martin, a 17-year-old African-American, in a scuffle in Sanford. Zimmerman successfully pleaded self defense.

Last month, Clinton singled out Zimmerman at a National Action Network event, where she said “the man who killed Trayvon Martin should never have had a gun in the first place.”

But Zimmerman told Fox 35 that “legally, nothing stopped me nor stops me currently from owning or possessing a fire arm.” Fox 35 reporter Valerie Boey said on Twitter that he told her he would “use the proceeds to fight against Hillary Clinton and State Attorney Angela Corey,” who prosecuted him unsuccessfully in 2013.

Asked by the reporter what he thought of critics who would oppose the sale of the gun, Zimmerman said he wasn’t concerned.

“They’re not going to be bidding on it so I couldn’t care less about them,” he said.


13 Comments on Zimmerman Auctioning Off Gun Used To Kill Trayvon MArtin

  1. Quote: “Clinton singled out Zimmerman at a National Action Network event, where she said “the man who killed Trayvon Martin should never have had a gun in the first place.”

    Hillary Clinton should have never been Secretary of State, unlike George she has the blood of 4 dead Americans on her hands.. what a stupid Bint!,

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