8 Women In Burkas Cornered By ISIS Soldiers – IOTW Report

8 Women In Burkas Cornered By ISIS Soldiers

Then They Lifted Their Burkas And JUSTICE Was Served!

Right Wing News – Militants from the terrorist group, ISIS found themselves face to face with 8 Burka clad women…shortly after the Burkas came off and what happened next will have you wanting to shake the hands of these 8 “women”…

8 womenSeveral weeks ago, a Daesh commander was vaporized by a United States Reaper drone as he sat unsuspectingly in his home in Raqqa with several of his jihadist buddies, and the story of how it went down is one for the ages. According to the U.K. Express, British SAS soldiers worked in conjunction with the U.S. Air Force to pinpoint the commander’s location, and they used Islamic traditions against the terror group.

Read the story here.

17 Comments on 8 Women In Burkas Cornered By ISIS Soldiers

  1. I’d have loved to see one of the SAS fighter strip the dead ISIS scumbag pants off, position him in the Allah praying position, and plant a small British flag right in is asshole….

    ….then Twitter it to the entire planet.

  2. It’s good to read a story with a satisfying outcome. However, I usually prefer this kind of information not be revealed until years later, so the tactic could be used again. And yes, leaving them thinking they were put down by 8 women would have been useful. They may have been forced to ease up on forcing the wearing of burkas, in fear of another butt kicking from the girls.

  3. This is indeed a creative way to bring shame and a good laugh moment down upon these vermin . Doubtless, a liberal pussy fart would sniff at this idea and loudly proclaim, ‘that is not who we are’. It is somewhere near who we better be if we are to rid ourselves (if that’s possible) of this sub-human infestation.

  4. I love it, these pisslamic bastards were shot and killed by a bunch of British soldiers in drag disguised as women wearing burkas. Sweet justice. Wonder if those bastards will get their 72 sturgeons for allowing these so called women to keel them?

  5. When Col. David Stirling founded the Special Air Service in the western desert in WWII, he chose the motto which has defined that organization ever since: “Who Dares, Wins”.

    They do. They did.

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