‘Black Men for Bernie’ Founder to End Democrat ‘Political Slavery’ of Minority Voters… by Campaigning for Trump – IOTW Report

‘Black Men for Bernie’ Founder to End Democrat ‘Political Slavery’ of Minority Voters… by Campaigning for Trump

black men for bernie

Breitbart: Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter’s mission to restore black communities didn’t end when Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. He opposed Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment then because he knew that they didn’t represent the minority communities he engaged in politics to fight for.

After the leak of internal DNC emails, Carter is convinced that the Democratic Party “rigged” the primary against his candidate and that Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party has no intention of changing the policies that led to the destruction of the communities he’s working to improve.

Bruce Carter still believes that Hillary Clinton is the poster child for the kind of cronyism, corruption, and evil that the Bernie revolution was built to overthrow. He doesn’t believe Hillary Clinton when she labels Donald Trump and his supporters as racists because he knows she falsely labeled her opponents in the primary as sexist “Bernie Bros.” Carter’s preparing to take the experience, knowledge, and contacts his group built during the primary to campaign against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump and other Republicans in battleground states across the country.  MORE

11 Comments on ‘Black Men for Bernie’ Founder to End Democrat ‘Political Slavery’ of Minority Voters… by Campaigning for Trump

  1. Why doesn’t Trump just run as a Democrat??
    He just changed his immigration policy to Amnesty.
    Thank you low information voters!!
    Trump just joined gang of 8 sorry gang of 9.
    Whats he going to change his mind about next? Nominating Conservative Judges? Abortion? Tax cuts?

  2. Bravo!!! Trump not even in office and already unifying the country!

    Bruce has leadership potential in his community…..”We don’t want welfare, we need opportunity”. If the black community want to rise up, they need to hear the truth from their own.

    Bonus: Target on Donna Brazille??!! This is a two-fer…supporting Trump AND attacking the bigotry and racism within their own ranks!

    I bet when Bruce rolls up in his campaign bus with Trump/Pence 2016 and they experience the love, camaraderie and support within Trump rallies, it’s gonna be “one heckuva tailgate” party.

    Psssst Jebra – C’mon I see you up there Low Energy, cut n paste.

  3. It will be a major adjustment for “The Black Community” to stop saying “The Black Community” when they are working with the New Republican Party. I patiently await the day when skin color doesn’t carry an implied stick or carrot in politics or in reviving our country.

  4. J Tucker — You see it as so-called constitutional conservatives where the rest of us see it as #NT and slaves to a mythical political ideology. You see your camp — who are as ideologically doctrinaire as any socialist or communist — where we see Americans who are fundamentally in agreement on what are essentially American (founding) values.

    Psst: Ted Cruz will be lucky to win his seat in the senate again after his antics this year. You’re backing a losing proposition.

  5. It is becoming VERY OLD AND DISTURBING to read the number of Leftist Commies posting on here! BFH, while the Freedom of Speech is inherent in our Bill of Rights, why not delete their ragdoll bullshit and let them take themselves over to Clinton News Network, and MSNBC, and YAHOO?
    TedCruz is a has been, a fake, an imposter from Canada. He won’t win in Texas again. I for one will be campaigning for anyone running against him who is not Dhimmocrat.

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