Conflict Of Interest Charged In Hillary Email Review – IOTW Report

Conflict Of Interest Charged In Hillary Email Review

TheHillaryDaily- Inspector General Told One Or More Reviewers Were Connected To Hillary’s Lawyer’s Firm.

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12 Comments on Conflict Of Interest Charged In Hillary Email Review

  1. If she was anyone else she would be in jail. I mean, if she was a highly decorated General who trouble shot Iraq & Iran she would be found guilty ages ago.

    Democrat has become a synonym for: one who has no values, no character, loves lies and despises truth and sold their sole and is willing to sell state secrets.

  2. Obama distrusted Hillary when he appointed her, he knew she is a devious rat. He put his own spies in the State Dept to spy on her and report everything to him. He knew she had a secret private email outside of the government system. You can be certain he had it hacked just like the Romanian guy did that blew it open in the first place. You can be certain he was watching every single email going in and out. He knows s what she is hiding and who it’s going to bring down. Maybe that’s what him and Bill were discussing on the golf course the other day. Maybe Obama was offering Bill and Hillary a job fetching his coffee when he enters civilians life…

    Imagine if you are the guys at Platte River sitting in your underoos and she calls you up and puts this system – and all of her top secret emails – in your hands to manage from your apartment bathroom. These guys were politically savvy and tech geeks. They certainly knew what they were holding in their hands was solid gold and better. They accessed, copied, backed up and maybe, maybe, maybe even sold some information that they learned from her emails. Who knows…

    One thing is for certain, those emails are still out there and someone is sitting on them until the moment arrives for them to reveal them and benefit. She is now Hillary Nixon Clinton. As the great Felix Ungar once said “La Forza del Destino”….

  3. Hill and Bill have big bucks, friends in high places and know where all the bones are buried and who buried them. No Washington insider is slimier or as devious.

    This is a kabuki theatrics until (or if) a DOJ indictment comes down. Let’s see if justice is spelled “just us”.

    I won’t believe anything until she’s in an orange jump suit and in cuffs.

  4. Know whut ya mean Ten-Ten, but I’d like to think that a year from now we’ll be able to look back and say:
    The Hillbag was crushed by the weight of her own server when her greed and arrogance allowed her to ignore the loud beeping of it backing up…. over her!

  5. It has very little to do with what’s right and less to do with what’s true.

    It’s about power plays, politics, revenge, money, and power.

    They have lots of friends but they have even more enemies these days. It has been a long time in the making. We can only wait and see how it plays out but early indicators are it’s not going the way she expected it.

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