Cruz Releases Ad Slamming Trump for Stance on Eminent Domain – IOTW Report

Cruz Releases Ad Slamming Trump for Stance on Eminent Domain

Ted Cruz today released an ad slamming Donald Trump for his stances on eminent domain. You can see the ad below:

Trump responded with this tweet:

48 Comments on Cruz Releases Ad Slamming Trump for Stance on Eminent Domain

  1. This is one of the main issues I really, really dislike about Trump.
    Is it a deal breaker? Close.
    I happen to believe property rights is what makes the United States the United States.
    Without it, a goodly portion of the constitution gets flushed.

    I believe this issue is a bigger detriment to Trump than HB1 is to Cruz.

  2. I agree that ID is abused way too much, and rich folks like Trump get away with it more than they should.

    But, H1B is newer than ID and has the potential to get out of control faster and ultimately do more harm.

    Neither is illegal nor un-Constitutional of course, but at least ID has a legitimate use if very, very tightly controlled while H1B accomplished nothing but shifting demographics and saving corporations money.

    Still, it’s fair game for Cruz to go after. I’ll still vote for which ever of these two gets the nod, still think Cruz should be on the SCOTUS and still think Trump’s the only one on the GOP side with a ghost of a chance of winning.

  3. I was seriously considering backing Trump until I read his ED tweet. He used the “P” word: pipeline.

    I am currently involved in a civil suit and a personal battle that will eventually lead to eminent domain, that is TAKING PROPERTY. The pipeline I’m dealing with does nothing for the communities and families across which it will run… there is no PUBLIC good associated with this project, yet, Democrats, Republicans, state and federal bureaucrats refuse to listen to the property owners. The only winner with this pipeline will be the corporation who will reap the tariffs and fees it charges to move other peoples’ gas across international borders.

    I’m no environmentalist. I’m in this fight for the protection of property rights. And I WILL fight, and fight dirty.

    I’m done with Trump. I didn’t really trust him anyway.

  4. He offered her more than a million for her home (at least 4 times the value at the time) in 1993, she refused. The CRD filed a lawsiut and lost. In 2014 she finally sold the home for about 250K much much less than Trump offered and less then the CRD offered. Trump never bulldozed her home, no one did. Crus is lying, such a disappointment.

  5. My twitching elbow tells me that, if you ask, Trump has re-thunk this one…. Before, he was sitting on one side of the church. In the future he may be preaching from the middle.

    ED won’t go away — and is necessary, sometimes. But Trump’s ability to see both sides will be new for him and he’ll do it well.

    ….Lady in Red

  6. yes, trump is annoying

    but to parrot what i think i have seen on this thread, if he remains the frontrunner, we have to back him

    i am still behind trump based on latest numbers, will switch to cruz when those numbers change

    having said this, and not understanding the politics of this disconnect, i am finding the dislike between these two to be hurtful

    a trump/ cruz ticket would be a winner, but i guess we’re done with that as an option

  7. I see where Will Robertson endorsed Trump today. I would bet you a large paycheck, that in their family, him and his dad dont sit around making duck calls screaming F you, you f-in cruz bot. Kiss my @ss you fn trump-whatever. I bet its a civil discourse. I dont know why the family @ IOTWR cant do that too.

    Not saying its happening on this thread. Just sayin that the screaming, foul language rants directed at other posters disgusts me.

    there, got it off my chest.

  8. Because I support a Trump candidacy, it’s going to be hard to convince anyone here that I don’t see the issue as a make or break. Truly I would give my own life right now to turn this country around. If that’s what it would take, I’d give my life for it. Comparatively, the idea of mere property rights is so low on the list for me it barely registers. Besides which, basing my opinion on what Donald Trump has said repeatedly about it, he isn’t for wholesale stealing of peoples’ property in order to *give* it to the private sector. Have you all seen a map of the U.S. and what is now, to my mind, illegally, *owned* by the Federal Gov’t? In the western states it is no less than 30% in any state and as high as 85% in Nevada, 69% in Alaska, 53% in Oregon and about 45% in California. No offense intended to anyone with a different opinion, but making this one issue a centerpiece of decision-making reminds me of a scene from a 1980’s film “The Day After” about a nuclear attack on the U.S., where Jason Robards, having buried his daughter, wife, son and the family dog, finally makes his way back to where his house once stood in Lawrence, KS, and begins threatening people who have taken shelter on his foundation to “Get the hell out of MY HOUSE!!” He certainly has the right to feel that way, a strict, constitutional right, but does it make sense given the devastation all around him? I like my personal property and no one should take it from me, but isn’t that what we allow every day in this country with the burgeoning kleptocracy picking our pockets, redistributing our stuff, causing too many burdens to our businesses, hiding their screw-ups, their theft, indoctrinating our kids and turning them away from us? How can property rights be the primary concern in a country so far gone?

  9. Comparatively, the idea of mere property rights is so low on the list for me it barely registers.

    I hate to break it to you but that’s a big fucking deal to me. Without property rights, and we’re talking intellectual property rights as well as physical, We Are Doomed.

  10. How can property rights be the primary concern in a country so far gone?

    Is this how you justify voting for Trump ? Seriously, reconsider that thought this weekend. Because I think you’ve damn near lost your mind.

  11. I’m with you. If you see anything remotely ‘conservative’ with eminent domain, let me know. Crony capitalism at its finest. Who practices that these days, pray tell ?

  12. Ahh fuck it. Trump is for Trump there I said it. Can’t talk people out of voting for someone because they said they’d build a fucking wall and that’s about as conservative thing as he’s ever said. Gave Hill and Bill 100K its all good backed diCommie in NY its all good. Trojan horse. I guess I’m an establishment R now whatevs.

  13. ED is theft – plain and simple.
    Gangsterism – “I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

    There is nothing in this world that can’t be built somewhere else, or a hundred feet thataway or thisaway.

    Total Bullshit.

  14. I would be more inclined to give your views merit if you didn’t glom onto a false narrative. Although my earlier posts numbers were off (I was going off my memory), The laws of ED were followed and it was not Trump personally who filed, only a govt entitiy can file. Trump wasn’t able to weave his meanie-head money grubbing evil spell and win that one.

    I was a Cruz first over Trump until this ploy.

  15. jsg — Please stop the drama and cursing and your petty insults. I explicitly stated that I knew it would be hard to tell (people like) you how I think about the issue. I didn’t say property rights should be null and void, in fact just the opposite. But not everything on our lists can be a top priority. For me, having said I would give up my own life for this country to be sane again — if it ever was — is heartfelt. I’ve got a major stake in the outcome, too. My family who will inherit this mess. And, honestly, the charges made against Trump on this issue have been intentionally blown out of rational proportion to begin with. You can’t possibly have heard his response to this question in the debate focusing on domestic policy and commerce. If you did, then you are part of the problem with splitting the Trump and Cruz campaigns apart because you are choosing to ignore facts on the ground. And you’re not the only one.

    Please don’t tell me how important *your* property rights are when the mounting unemployed in this country can’t pay the real estate taxes on their American dream anymore. Bah.

  16. While I have a problem that Trump said something to the effect he thought the Kelo decision was right (need confirmation, at this point, too much of his past has been taken waaaay out of context)

    …he can emphasize that Eminent Domain is the only way to get the Keystone Pipeline built, and the main concern is solved.

    What he did in the private sector (SEE “Aggie” posts above) is in the past. There enough filthy dredging…99.99% of which accomplishes/proves nothing.

  17. This may sound very odd, but I believe that nothing really belongs to me, anyway. I own a lot of stuff, including a nice home (no mortgage) that I’m counting on, now, for part of our retirement income. But when I leave this earth I’m not taking a thing with me that I didn’t bring here. What is vastly more important is that the idea of a free people in pursuit of their happiness be safeguarded. Making Kelo a front-and-center issue won’t mean a lot when the global Left finishes America off. That’s all I’m saying. We’ve got a *%#$ communist running for president with the lion’s share of the support from the Left in this country and we’re ready to flush our frontrunner out of the race over what amounts to insubstantial rumors. Even if Trump flat out said “I’m going to steal your private property and give it to a corporation”, just how likely is that to happen?

    Look, you don’t want Trump. I get that. Please start pounding on him for something else. This is boring.

  18. I apologize if I offended you. You seem to have your heart in the right place. Didn’t mean to come off abrasive, but I am pissed.

    ‘My’ property rights include yours, IMO. Without yours, there is no mine. Without mine, there is no yours.

    That MUST be respected. It has to be top shelf. Otherwise we have lost. The minute I don’t care about the guy in CT is the minute I say Well it wasn’t me ! That cannot be.

  19. This may sound very odd, but I believe that nothing really belongs to me, anyway.

    I think this is where our fundamental disagreement begins. It is absolutely yours. You earned it. Through hard work, luck, or even inheritance matters not to me. It is in your name. Yes, you must pay your taxes to keep it, and homeowners associations, which you agreed to, if that is your case, may tell you that 100 pink flamingos in your front yard is a no no. But it IS yours. To altar, ignore, or do whatever with as you choose. Do not extend the left that sanction. Serfs are made that way.

  20. This response is for jsg (stupid “reply” buttons aren’t helping):

    Don’t say another word, friend. I’m so glad we can bring this back to sanity. As crazy as it may sound, I really think we are much closer in our views than apart on this.

    But can’t write more now. Thank you for your apology, it means a lot.

  21. jsg — that first comment wasn’t supposed to be a response to you, btw. But I get your point. Would be good to discuss this later. I really want to understand the whole issue better as it regards your impression of what Trump thinks about it, too.

  22. Hey Abigail, not to impugn you or Trump here, just making an observation on the conversation. You said you’d gladly give your life for the good of this country, and that is indeed an honorable thing. One that I’m sure most of “us” are in agreement with you about. However, it would be a completely different thing for someone else to “TAKE” your life from you unwillingly for their notion of “the good of the country”!

    If it was either honorable or legal to simply “take” someone else’s life “for the good of the country”, even if it was an absolute certainty that it would be “for the good of the country”… well, you know… Secret Service and all that!!!

  23. jsg, I recognize constitutionally that there are incidents when eminent domain rightly comes into play. Trump was correct in the first few examples, roads, schools, hospitals, even pipelines THAT SERVE THE OVERALL PUBLIC GOOD, or in some cases even high voltage electric transmission lines. The key factor in the use of eminent domain is that IT SERVES THE OVERALL PUBLIC GOOD, and the landowner receives just compensation for the loss of his/her land.

    Far too often today, though, especially as the Appalachian shale gas play expands, FERC allows the use of eminent domain in situations in which the only benefit is corporate profit. It comes down to the differentiation between NEED and GREED. Running a 36 inch 1400 psi gas transmission line through my backyard to supply storage facilities in Canada does not fit the definition of serving the public good of US citizens overall.

    I reject the use of ED for the betterment of corporations and their shareholders. Run that pipeline up THEIR backsides and see how they like it. No, I will not stand for this, and I will raise fucking hell against it.

    When it comes to FERC, you are correct that it is classic crony capitalism. FERC is funded, staffed by, and serving the very businesses that they regulate. Several citizen groups today are calling strongly for an investigation into the cronyism and resultant bias displayed by FERC.

    Trump made no definition or differentiation in his “pipeline” reference in is tweet. For that reason, fuck Trump. He’s not for the little guy by any ways or means.

  24. There are situations in which ED is necessary. US and state constitutions spell out in detail when, why, and how these matters are handled. These situations must be for the good of the overall public.

    When it comes down to railroading a property owner for the good of a corporation, that is indeed theft. Trump lost me on this one. If he can’t stand up for a simple constitutional right like property ownership, I have no use for him.

  25. It’s quite a conundrum. In my opinion, a broken and abused immigration system, through which freely floods refugees, H1B visa workers, and illegals, all who are allowed to replace American workers, does contribute to, and will increasingly continue to contribute to Americans losing jobs and eventually, their homes and property, more than likely in numbers greater than eminent domain has ever done. For me, in this election, immigration “trumps” eminent domain. Trump is teachable,and seems to listen to the people. If eminent domain is being abused, I believe he would able and willing to fix it.

  26. In my opinion this is stupid. How many people are affected by Obamacare? How many by Obamanomics? How many by our stupid trade deals? Immigration? OK now how many by ED? He’s not talking about changing any existing law or making things worse. I’m not voting for anymore establish candidates.

  27. I am affected By Ocare, Onomics, ED, and immigration.

    You can say it’s not a big deal to you because it does’t affect you? Really?

    Do you understand “core principles”?

    Voting only what is best for you and the rest be damned is a shaky soap box to preach from. Who’s gonna catch you when you fall?

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