Discovery: 10,000 Fake Passports Were Going To Be Given To Islamic Terrorists – IOTW Report

Discovery: 10,000 Fake Passports Were Going To Be Given To Islamic Terrorists

Police officers in Bulgaria discovered boxes owned by Muslim refugees heading for Germany, they found 10,000 fake passports made in Turkey, that would have been given to terrorists. According to the report:

An ISIS terrorist posing as an “asylum seeker” has been arrested by German police in a “refugee” center in Stuttgart, and German customs officers have seized boxes containing Syrian passports being smuggled into Europe.  MORE @ Shoebat

5 Comments on Discovery: 10,000 Fake Passports Were Going To Be Given To Islamic Terrorists

  1. As Knights we may have to march again.

    I promise on my life and faith that I will now and in the future be faithful to the lord, never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit.

    I am a servant of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I am a Knight Templar. I will fight on until He comes. I will give until there is no more left to give. I will speak out until all know Him, and persevere in faith until the battle against the forces of darkness is finally won. And when He Jesus Christ returns for His Own, He will have no difficulty recognizing me. For I will be wearing His Armor of Light. I will we wielding the Sword of the Spirit and the Shield of Faith.

  2. well that just opens a whole can of questions like:
    was that the first batch or the 2nd or 3rd?
    how easy or said fake passports to spot?
    Do we have a line on any others popping up at other ports of entry? London, Paris, New York?
    Does the wonder boy Obama know? Does he care? Is it all- part of his plan?

    But most important: when is it time to implement a Curtis LeMay approach to the problem?

  3. I often work very late at a large tech company. Many of these are about 30%+ foreign workers these days sigh. One night a year or two back I saw a foreigner copying a box full (literally) of passports.

    Saw said worker again today; reminded me.

    Gee, wonder what possible use this might be to an honest person? And what one might be doing with a box full of passports to begin with? I, a mere citizen have only one..

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Germany: ISIS Member Posed As Refugee Had Boxes Of Fake Syrian Passports - Blur Brain

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