French Government Warns Construction Firm Against Building Trump’s Wall – IOTW Report

French Government Warns Construction Firm Against Building Trump’s Wall

Despite Mr. Hollande’s apparent opposition to Mr. Trump’s wall, a six-foot tall, concrete border wall has been constructed in Calais during his presidency to keep migrants out of British territory.

How does one say, “Shut Your Croissant Hole!”, En français?

Breitbart: France’s president and foreign minister have warned a French-Swiss cement firm against helping to build a southern border wall in the U.S., citing their “social… responsibilities”.

Thursday, the CEO of the Lafarge Holcim group said they could work with U.S. President Donald J. Trump to fulfill his election promise. “We are here to supply our customers’ needs,” he said. “We don’t have a political view on things.”

However, Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault objected to the firm’s neutral stance, instructing them to “think carefully” about the decision.

“It [Lafarge] should reflect upon what its interests are. There are other clients who will be stunned by this,” Mr. Jean-Marc Ayrault told France Info radio.

“Lafarge says it doesn’t do politics… Very well, but I would say companies… also have social and environmental responsibilities,” added France’s top diplomat.

French President François Hollande also waded in, implying Lafarge Holcim’s decision was somehow risky or wrong.

“I think there are markets where one must be cautious before declaring one’s candidacy,” Mr. Hollande told a news conference on the sidelines of a European Union (EU) summit in Brussels when asked about the issue.

Despite Mr. Hollande’s apparent opposition to Mr. Trump’s wall, a six-foot tall, concrete border wall has been constructed in Calais during his presidency to keep migrants out of British territory.  MORE

16 Comments on French Government Warns Construction Firm Against Building Trump’s Wall

  1. As good as Trump is, even he can’t make France Great Again.
    Through France’s History they have repeatedly committed social suicide. The latest is their surrender to islam and the false prophet.

  2. Sounds kinda fascist to me, frenchie…

    “Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it…”

  3. Fuck LaFart-Holcim

    The real irony would be for Cemex to be the low bidder on The Wall To Keep Out Mexican Illegal Immigrants. Cemex has been gobbling up American concrete companies since at least 15 years ago. Last I heard, that corrupt asshole Carlos “Obamaphone” Slim owned it.

  4. OF late foreign companies have done a lot of major construction in the U.S. The bridge at Hoover Dam for one and a lot of the Bay Bridge. All projects should be based on quality of the work and cost effectiveness, not which senator or union boss you’ve bought off. It still makes jobs for Americans. I want the BEST damn wall money can buy!

  5. Yeah, the Maginot Line worked out so well …
    Let’s let the losers build the wall! Or is it “loosers?”

    “You don’t get a round mouth from eating square meals!”

    izlamo delenda est …

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