Guess Which Fast Food Joint Dems Called During Their Sit-In – IOTW Report

Guess Which Fast Food Joint Dems Called During Their Sit-In

That’s right. They called in for some ‘Hate chicken’.

IJR: Democrats have been making a dramatic scene in the House this week by staging a “sit-in” with hopes to force a vote on further gun control laws, spurred by Omar Mateen’s attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando.

But even politicians get a little hungry when they are busy sitting on the floor, so they decided to call for some delivery—and conservatives will probably get a kick out of what they ordered.

TMZ caught interns bringing in a big cart of Chick-fil-A for the famished protesters.  more

12 Comments on Guess Which Fast Food Joint Dems Called During Their Sit-In

  1. These are the same types of people who you could easily scotch-tape a “Kick Me” sign on their backs and they’d have no clue why they were getting their asses kicked all day.

  2. I don’t know which is funnier, that the lefties ordered from a conservative Christian restaurant previously picketed or that Congressional Black Caucus member John Lewis’ go-to food choice is fried chicken.

  3. Hyp, hyp, hypocrites. The faux sit-in gives them a faux reason for doing business as usual. Sitting around, doing nothing, ordering in food and filling the air with flatulence from both ends.

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