In Trump’s Cabinet – IOTW Report

In Trump’s Cabinet

Trump: I Would LOVE Sarah Palin in My Cabinet, “She’s a Special Person.”

Update: Trey Gowdy as Attorney General.

16 Comments on In Trump’s Cabinet

  1. Secretary of the Interior would be a good fit for Palin. It would keep her off the political talk shows and out of the media. We don’t need a Joe Biden in high heels. Hopefully Gowdy would be a bulldog and stop a lot of the nonsense Obama and Holder instituted.

  2. Palin would be great as Sec of Energy (disclaimer: I didn’t vote for McCain – I voted for Palin – I was part of the so-called “problem electorate- I wasn’t going to vote for McShitstain because I was already sick-n-tired of the milquetoast /wishy-washy /mambypamby /jackasses in elephants clothing with Dole and his magical mystery tour-de-farce pushing Most-Favored-Nation trading status to China [see where that has gotten us] -yeah, let’s vote for Hitler because he is at least “to the right of Stalin” – still going to end up in deep shit, just not as fast – yeah, because this next election is the most important in our lifetime and we all have to pull together and pull the lever for Mr. Fuc&in Right ’cause he’ll save us from that horrible —– sorry, what was I saying? Anyway, I also held my nose and voted for “They patterned the healthcare bill after me” Romney and Mr. “We have to pass it to see what’s in it” Ryan. Yay, thanks for nothing!); Gowdy would be great as AG, but only if he actually prosecuted anybody, he looks great in his Committee questioning but so far he looks all bark and no bite.

  3. Over the past 2 years, Trevor Loudon went flapping his jaw all over the country, proposing just such a “dream team” for a Cruz Administration (which seemed to be received positively). If Cruz wishes to take up this momentum to benefit his own campaign, it would be advisable he start opening up his mouth as well. Now.

  4. I was really hoping for a Trump/Fiorina ticket to bring business back to Washington an scare the hell out of the political party animals. I’m fine with Palin at any position she will play – she speaks the same style of truth that the above-named ticked does.

    One last thing.:

    To quote an old song: ” I want Candy”…somewhere…and Carson too.

  5. Secretary of Energy would be an even more inspired.

    I’m liking this combed-over, egotistical douche more and more. Because even a combed-over, egotistical douche who can get the job done is an improvement over what we’ve got now.

  6. Dude, Cruz is my first choice too but can’t you see how Trump has positively changed the dynamics of this race? I’m glad he’s in and if Ted bails, I’ll have absolutely no problem supporting him.

  7. Czar – I was thinking more of inoculating Trump against what the Left is going to hit him with – I reiterate though – it was/is impossible to build & operate a Casino in Atl. City without dealing with the gumbahs. Just as it it’s impossible to pour concrete or get your garbage picked up without contributing (in some way) to a Sicilian Retirement Fund. Did you see the line about the “Housewreckers Union?”

    They have a housewreckers union? I state, unequivocally – you can’t do business in ANY East/Northeast Demosleaze controlled metro area (and that’s ALL of them) without sipping Anisette & Chianti with Vinnie & Dom.

    Trump is no different.

  8. Oh. THAT point was made roundly and repeatedly in the comments section. Only in Nyawk an Joisey! 😉

    I think Trump by now sorta knows how to handle junk like that…my favorite recently was the “wife rape” issue…and then Ivana comes out and backs Don!!!

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