It seems everyone has given the same speech at some point – IOTW Report

It seems everyone has given the same speech at some point

Sorry Liberals, Melania Trump Did Not Plagiarize Michelle Obama’s Speech –

DCGazette […] Did Melania use a few sentences that were similar to Michelle Obama’s speech? Sure, but that is common. ALL First Lady speeches resonate the same universal concepts.

The fact is, you can go back and look at Laura Bush’s speech, Nancy Reagan, and even Hillary when she was first lady and find the same type of comments.

In a speech Hillary Clinton gave in 2014 for the New American foundation. Hillary spoke of the same values saying,

” my mother and father gave us a middle-class life with opportunities she never could have imagined for herself but which she always believed could be possible for her children. And that was a great gift that I will be forever grateful for, and then Bill and I of course worked hard to pass on those values to our daughter.”

(In other words, passing on values to the next generation, like Michelle Obama said in 2008.)

Laura Bush said in her 2004 RNC speech,

“If you’re determined and you want to work hard, you can do anything you want to. That’s the beautiful thing about America.”

(The same concept of Michelle Obama’s speech in 2008.)

Even Ann Romney’s speech hit the same notes in 2012

“Mitt will be the first to tell you that he is the most fortunate man in the world. He had two loving parents who gave him strong values and taught him the value of work.”

Hillary is actually the biggest offender when it comes to plagiarism, she plagiarized Bernie Sanders so often that the hashtag #StealTheBern was born.  more here



It’s getting worse by the minute!!!  Melania plagiarized Michelle’s “side eye”.

16 Comments on It seems everyone has given the same speech at some point

  1. Good one MJA.
    p.s. That is a gorgeous dress Melania is wearing. I doubt we will see Melania in a Mao pantsuit or a Moo boob belt cinched around orange floral curtains with a blue checked trim.

  2. I just saw an article last week on Drudge that all movies/stories have 7 plots.
    Of course they want to appeal the the general public and all sound the same.

    The MSM is driving me fucking nuts.

  3. Their candidate lies, sells out national security, enables a sexual predator, gets people who work for her killed, then lies some more.

    Our candidate’s wife repeats overworked cliches.

    Pretty much moral equivalents, if you’re an abject bonehead.

    It will not be enough for Trump to defeat Crooked Hillary. If our country is to have any shot going forward he’d better bury her in a landslide.

  4. By the loony Leftist analysis, I should be criticized for telling each of my sons, to avoid lending or borrowing, and always beeing true to themselves. Yes, Shakespeare gives the classic advice through an otherwise comic character in Hamlet. But it is the classic father to son advice.

    Mrs. Trump may have offered a couple or more cliches in her twenty minute speech; but the whole thing was a beautifully sincere testimony to the values that drive the Trumps. The delivery was masterful. She has a presence and an ability to communicate that will likely leave Hillary Clinton & other harridans on the Left in the dust.

    The next few weeks are going to be great to watch.

  5. Shit, Mel could stand at the podium and recite Dr. Seuss stories for all I care. I’m just happy that we are going to get a supermodel class First Lady with a measurable I.Q., instead of the shaved sasquatch ghetto rat we’ve had for the last eight years.

  6. I think Melania should challenge Moose to a nude photo shoot.

    THAT should shut the morons up…
    …and make the even *more* moronic morons squeal even louder.

  7. Melania won’t be repeating Michelle’s beliefs on America and the flag.
    “For the first time in my life…blah, blah, blah…”
    “All this for a f*****g flag”

    This is what really matters.

  8. Words spoken in similar phraseology by most high school valedictorians for ages, that is until the late 1960s. Not so much lately as public schools no longer allow honor, family pride, hard work and ethics to rear their ugly heads within miles of the schools.

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Those side-by-side comparison images are going to backfire -

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