It’s cute that the left are demanding stuff: uhhh, you not only lost, you lost EVERYTHING – IOTW Report

It’s cute that the left are demanding stuff: uhhh, you not only lost, you lost EVERYTHING

This dope needs a good fisking.


To be clear right off the bat: On Monday, December 19, the Electoral College will and should confirm Donald Trump as the next president of the United States.

That’s mighty big of you.

Under the current rules, Trump won the 2016 presidential election, the object of which is to amass a majority of electoral votes in a winner-takes-all, state-by-state process. As he himself might say, he “gamed the system” real good.

“Under the current rules.”

“Gamed the system?”

It’s been “the system” since day 1. It’s why the left never campaigned in states they couldn’t win and in states they took for granted, like places with large minority populations. Donald Trump talked about this months in advance. Maybe you should have listened.

Now the Electoral College will do its job. But let’s hope this is the last time it will do anything.

So you think after the left has lost power in virtually every corridor of America things are going to be changed to benefit the left?

Defenders of the College, created in the late eighteenth century in response to arcane conditions in American history, argue that the body is the final firewall between the most powerful office in America and someone who is unfit to hold that office. When in modern history has that happened? Never.

Barack Obama.

Trump’s election on Monday will confirm that there is no longer any consensus in the US about what it means for someone to be unfit to be president. For millions of Americans, making fun of the physically handicapped

This never happened, moron. The way he made fun of this guy is exactly the way he made fun of dozens of people. And the handicap this guy suffers from looks NOTHING like what Trump did.

This is exactly why the left lost. People are sick of the way you keep repeating lies. You’ve learned nothing.

or being unable to form coherent arguments

You’re unable to HEAR coherent arguments. Secure border. Unleash the power of capitalism unfettered by regulation, bad trade deals and high taxes. Repeal Obamacare and replace with a system that is market-based, not bureaucrat-based. You should look into the rest of the “incoherent” arguments.

make a person unsuitable for the Oval Office. For millions of other Americans, those things do not. Why should the College enforce standards of rationalism and human decency that do not command an overwhelming majority in the United States?

California is not the United States. This “overwhelming majority” was the result of one screwed up state.

It shouldn’t, and it won’t.

And this change is going to occur? How?

The College’s only modern-day function is to rubber stamp the result of the election. In a time of massive hostility toward governmental bureaucracy, it’s a prime candidate for the ax. Americans should get rid of it. Save some time and money. Here I agree with Trump, or at least the Trump of 2012, who wrote via his preferred method of communication, Twitter: “The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.”

So Trump made a coherent argument? Which is it, Shaggy, is Trump incoherent or coherent?

By the way, we are not a democracy. The college is perfect for a REPUBLIC.

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As usual, the reality TV star was misstating the situation a wee bit. The College is actually a residual curiosity, a holdover bit of traditional ceremony like those Beefeater hats the guards outside Buckingham Palace wear. Or at least the College would be if it did not symbolize what truly is a disaster for American democracy: the lack of a popular vote for the presidency.

Again, Shaggy, the leader of our REPUBLIC is not decided by the popular vote for a good reason. We’ll use California again as our example.

California is a state with much different concerns, culture, attitude, weather, employment than West Virginia. Millions upon millions of people live in California and share a much different point of view as a West Virginian. Should their millions of votes decide on who should be the president, rendering other states in THE REPUBLIC voiceless?

According to the count as of December 17, 2,864,974 more people cast their votes for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump.

Trump won the electoral college and the popular vote by millions, until the next day, when they counted California.

It’s the second time in five presidential elections that the candidate who won the popular votes didn’t win the election. And unlike in 2000 with Bush and Gore, the 2016 popular vote wasn’t even really a nail-biter – Clinton’s margin of popular victory is currently 2.1 percent.

So what?

From 1876 to 1996, the winner of the popular vote became president in every single election. Now the popular vote loser has taken the White House twice in 20 years. And the same side has benefited both times – the Republican Party and the less populous, less urban states.

Yes, because when all the fruits and nuts go to California and New York, the fruit and nut point of view is tempered by allocating only a certain numbers of electoral college votes to these fruit and nut magnets. It’s a fantastic system IN A REPUBLIC.

There is a branch of the American government especially designed to protect smaller states from being dominated by bigger ones: the Senate. The president is supposed to represent America as a whole.

Donald Trump does represent America as a whole. Clinton would represent 3 states – California, New York and Illinois.

Here it’s worth remembering that one reason why the president is not elected by direct popular vote is that America’s founding fathers couldn’t agree as to whether slaves should be counted as people or not. That was in 1787.

What the hell are you babbling about???  Slaves weren’t allowed to vote. Are you trying to worm in that asinine “2/3rds a human” argument again?

Listen, dum dum. That mathematic equation was instituted to help the slaves by not giving the slave states more power in the house of representatives by counting a populace that wasn’t even allowed to vote in their own best interests. It wasn’t a description of the person, that they were 2/3rds human.

Fast forward 229 years, and America has a system that clearly favors one party

And if it was favoring your party you wouldn’t be writing this.

and certain segments of the populace, and candidates for the presidency rarely visit the three largest states: California, New York and Texas in the general election. Two are liberal, one is conservative, and in each of them the eventual winner-take-all results are considered givens. Presidential candidates don’t hear the views of the populations of those states on the campaign trail, and there’s a structural disadvantage for people there to turn out to vote at all.

There’s a structural disadvantage to the popular vote being the be all and end all because California lets in millions of illegals to vote.

In terms of the US presidential election, some Americans are more equal than others. That’s a form of government (and taxation) without representation,

Illegals voting, and anyone on welfare voting, is representation without taxation – just as egregious.

and even in this day and age, I would hope most people in the US would agree that such a situation is undemocratic, indeed un-American.

Keep hoping.

James Madison – known as the “father of the US Constitution” – warned against “mischiefs of faction,” which he defined as “a number of citizens whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.”

Sounds like he was talking about welfare recipients voting themselves money.

When the Electoral College confirms Donald Trump as president on Monday, December 19, 2016, it will endorse an electoral outcome that is in keeping with the rule but runs contrary to the wishes of a clear plurality of American voters. Madison’s worries have become reality.

And when a clear plurality of voters cast a ballot on a referendum, like gay marriage, the courts come in and reverse the will of the people.

Do you agree with that, Mr. Democracy?

HT/ The Big Owe

39 Comments on It’s cute that the left are demanding stuff: uhhh, you not only lost, you lost EVERYTHING

  1. You know, I’m really getting sick of all this belly aching from left wing crackpots.

    The election is over. Deal with it. Get some counseling. Have a good cry. Eat Ben & Jerry’s right out of the carton. Beat your wife. Kick your dog.

    But get the hell over it.

  2. He thankfully ended with, “…the rule…runs contrary to the wishes of a clear plurality of American voters”

    Since all of the votes weren’t counted, those being mostly military and absentee, because the margin was so great in states like CA, we’ll never know the true count so you can quit your bitching.

    Throw out the illegal vote in CA and other large urban centers and there’s no way we’ll ever know the real number. But we do know that recounts actually gave Trump more votes and uncovered voter fraud in Wayne County, MI.

    So your argument about Hillary winning more votes is not just unverifiable but it’s irrelevant as well.

    You lost pussy, choke it down-welcome to my funk after Nov/2012.

  3. Well done. Well done indeed. Thanks for posting this. I’m going to forward this to several good people who still need a plainly spoken/written explaination of the Electoral College and how this blithering mess is framed in the real world. How the difference between a democracy and our constitutionl republic got blurred is a direct result of socialist/union-driven public school systems. I am praying hard for our national IQ to finally rise above the average of a small, fat dog.

  4. If there was ever an opportunity to amend the Constitution to eliminate the Electoral College, it just passed away forever and a day. Can anyone imagine all those red states surrendering their electors so that California and New York get to elect the Presidents? Never going to happen. Not now. What this election is going to cause is a Federal Election Law that requires proof of citizenship, photo IDs, voters rolls purged of dead voters every two years, elimination of early voting, and uniform voting methods. God speed, Donald Trump.

  5. Illinois isn’t a blue state. It’s a red state living under the thumb of urban idiots in Cook County. The teeming masses of uneducated lead paint chip eating morons there outnumber the rest of the sane, educated, and culturally superior people in the rest of the state. It’s similar in other blue states. The electoral college helps keep the urban idiots from running the entire nation.

  6. “runs contrary to the wishes of a clear plurality”
    Plurality? PLURALITY!?!
    Since WHEN on this green green earth did a PLURALITY become a MAJORITY, numbnuts? And you STILL lose!

  7. And not every state is an electoral vote winner-take-all. Some states have a proportional electoral vote. Idjit.

    Please….do us all a favor, and put us out of your misery. Go to the nearest gas oven….turn on the gas in the oven, but do not light the gas… the oven door…..stick your head inside and breath d-e-e-p….your pain will soon be over, and so will ours.

  8. Once again Hillary fails to understand the rules and she lost.

    If she:
    weren’t such a cold hearted bitch,
    had a coherent message,
    could relate to the electorate,
    didn’t defend a child rapist and get him released
    get kicked out of the Watergate team
    steal people money in Whitewater
    get four Americans killed in Benghazi
    use personal computer servers
    ride on the coat tails of Slick Willy
    etc etc…
    Then she might have won.

    But she didn’t win so stop pretending she did. You don’t know how stupid you are when you carry on about your ignorance of the electoral college.

  9. Makes as much sense as professor Martin Sheen, who played a fictional president on television, and his cast of misfits who played doctors, nurses, etc. on television and movies.

  10. Whatever you do tomorrow don’t wear purple. It’s the electoral college protest color-and if you wear purple it’s a sign of unity with the whiny baby heads trying to steal the election. There are marches planned in WA state.

    Hillary’s purple lapels and Bill’s purple tie at her “I lost but not really” press conference was just a signal to the loons to start their next wave of crap.

    Maybe we all should wear red or gold for Trump tomorrow.

  11. What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 Electoral votes?

    If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.

  12. Pretty amazing, considering how giddy the Democrats were over Clinton’s supposed ‘landslide electoral college victory’ in the weeks leading up to the actual election.t

    Seems it’s only a “messed-up system” when Democrats lose.

  13. This idiot has forgotten (if he ever knew) that we are NOT America. We are the United STATES of America. The STATES elect the Prez based on the vote of their eligible voters. The Founding Fathers knew that a direct democracy as a form of gov’t fails, always, eventually. They devised this system of electors to prevent the country from failure.

  14. Another point this clown has missed in the last few years is that with the exception of NY & Cali where all the ‘smaht” people live, the Dems have been losing seats at the local and state level all over the place. In toehr words the bulk of the country disagrees with the Dems and what they stand for.

  15. There is only one solution. TASERS. We should all carry a taser. When a leftist acts out and begins to become a nuisance, tase them. Grab them so they don’t fall then declare “Help, this person is having a seizure” while you tase them. Gently help them to the ground while you hold the trigger on the taser. Give them a good dose of voltage. Act concerned, make them comfortable and walk away. They will be ok in a little while. If they are smart (big if) they will learn a lesson. If not, they will get a second chance to learn.

    It’s all good.


    While Election Day happened 40 days ago, it didn’t mean the end of the election. Tomorrow though, finally, the 2016 presidential will (probably) be over after the Electoral College convenes and (probably) declares Donald Trump president of the United States. Probably.
    There are 538 electors total—some of them are politicians, some of them are people close to the candidates (like Bill Clinton, who’s a New York elector this year), and at least one of them is a teenager. They’ll convene in their respective states on Monday and cast two votes: one for president, and one for vice president.

  17. The progressive/socialists will not be satisfied until Woodrow Wilson is reincarnated. They damn near destroyed the US then and they won’t stop until they succeed.
    They remain a cancer attacking this Nation.

  18. It fuggin infuriates me when leftists talk about the constitution and the founding like it’s something that they cherish. Every single Democrat that I have talked to over this election cycle has talked about doing away with the Constitution because it represents the interests of racist old white men.
    But now that the election is over and they lost, they want to talk about defending the constitution and how they’re so concerned about it, how Trump is going to destroy it. Bullshit.
    Leftists remind me of the subversive Muslim organizations who want to use our freedoms to undermine our liberty.

    Sometimes I wish their faces would catch on fire so I could put it out with a large battle axe.

  19. The way I understand it, each state has the same number of electors as the number of its Representatives. Then plus two more for its Senators.
    When a presidential candidate wins a state, he takes all those electoral votes.
    But why are there electors? Do we need them?
    I’m sure they were handy back in the horse and buggy days to travel to Washington to report their state voting outcome. But now we have technology that handles that and everyone knows the electoral votes won.
    Aren’t these electors extraneous?

  20. —Defenders of the College, created in the late eighteenth century in response to arcane conditions in American history, argue that the body is the final firewall between the most powerful office in America and someone who is unfit to hold that office.—

    Hillary Clinton should be in prison. She is absolutely NOT fit to be president under any circumstances. It’s Hillary that’s unfit.

  21. First off, great rebuttal bu BFH! Keep doing this stuff it never gets old.
    Second, to everyone that they say they are tired of the left throwing hussy-fits. I say No! Let them keep doing it. And in fact egg them on to do it as long as we can!

    They are exposing themselves as fools. And the best of them who are not participating can’t keep them under control.

    Let’s just win 8 years+!

  22. Expose them as “children”. Not just the college-aged, but the leftist pundits as well. Hold their necks to the ground and declare that the adults are in the room now. Mention how Barack Obama said that he would be making sweeping changes, and “elections have consequences”. Then tell how we will also make sweeping changes, bot undoing the swamp that has been perpetuated, but striving to make unfunded government programs solvent, unleashing the tax burden on businesses and the working middle. Stopping the influx of foreign workers from not only taking low-income jobs but also tech jobs! And making small business Great Again in America!

  23. The stupid is strong with this one.

    WTF is it with these crybabies, Sheen’s little commercial speech included which is now on the lips and tongues of assholes everywhere, about the EC being devised to protect the USA from “Demagogues” (“like Trump” ™).
    I was always told that it was to protect the USA from swaying the vote in favor of large population centers.

  24. @Illustr8r December 18, 2016 at 7:41 pm

    I thought purple was the color of royalty.

    (You know, people who deserve to have you work hard for them, because their daddies were too smart to properly install a prophylactic.)

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