Laura Ingraham: Left Pushing Protests in Hopes of a ‘Powder Keg Moment’ – IOTW Report

Laura Ingraham: Left Pushing Protests in Hopes of a ‘Powder Keg Moment’

Breitbart: On today’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham said people protesting President Donald Trump’s policies are pushing “to bring this powder keg moment” to what she called a point that force would have to be used so they can then claim “a police state.”

Ingraham said, “The protesters, they call themselves protesters, many of them are criminals. And they are criminals because they are denying a government official the ability to do government business at a public school. I’m talking about the secretary of education, DeVos. They complain that she doesn’t know anything about public schools, she hates public schools, she is going to kill all public schools. They put all that caricature out. Then she goes to a public school and the most vicious, horrible things are said about her, preventing her from actually entering the school at some point.”  more here

9 Comments on Laura Ingraham: Left Pushing Protests in Hopes of a ‘Powder Keg Moment’

  1. The Left has always romanticized “The Revolution” as some eclectic cross between the IRA of the 1930s and the Barcelona Collective of the Spanish Civil War, where people fight for freedom, egalitarianism and universal rights for all. What they fail to see is that those three aims are CONSERVATIVE values.

    Now, they are trying to provoke an incident from which all “great revolutions” spring. They’re tweaking the nose of a sleeping lion, the likes of which these effete, poo-throwing, safe-space seeking snowflakes have never imagined, much less seen.

    Yes, the Left seems hell-bent on a real, violent Revolution, dirty and in the streets. But like Mom used to say, “It’s all fun and games until somebody gets hurt.” Well, when the Lefties finally push too far, they will see the REAL America. They will come to truly understand why we have The Second Amendment.

    Oh, well… you wuz warned!!!

  2. More than hoping for such an incident, they may be planning and rehearsing such an incident. Remember Robert Creamer orchestrated and choreographed violence and its coverage in Trump rallies. All they may need is credible coverage of a staged incident to set off riots and other preplanned “spontaneous” Astroturf actions. Cf Ferguson MO

  3. Well, if the leftist get out of control, we’ll just go all Mayor Daley/Bull Connor on ’em! Nobody knows CLASSIC crowd control like a DEMOCRAP!


    FUDGE ‘EM!

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