Mind-Numbing Dissonance of the Left – IOTW Report

Mind-Numbing Dissonance of the Left


ht/ Billy Fuster

14 Comments on Mind-Numbing Dissonance of the Left

  1. And the cruelest irony of all is that they typical leftists sees nothing wrong with this at all while the typical RINO globalists sees it as simply brilliant.

    Self importing slaves insured by the customers who buy the goods and services produced by the slaves and sold by the globalists.

  2. I’ve noticed that the last few days too Tom, I still use Firefox as my browser and it will only let me type about 6 or 7 lines in the box before the “post comment” scrolls out of sight. I’ve had to delete parts of the post to get it short enough to still be able to see the “post comment” button.

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