Minnesota Values = Dying of a Drug Overdose – IOTW Report

Minnesota Values = Dying of a Drug Overdose

h/t the newer world

24 Comments on Minnesota Values = Dying of a Drug Overdose

  1. On a related note, here is my definition of “Minnesota Nice”: A form of social conduct where one is very careful with their speach (aka politically correct) as so, not to offend the other party. After all that is not nice. But at the exact same time you would willing slit the throat of person listenin to you, if you knew you could get away with it.”

    Minnesota still does have much to recommend for itself. So come and enjoy it while still lasts, because it is devolving into a 3rd world state. If you are considering moving to the Twin Cities metro area (Minneapolis & St. Paul) I have just one word for you: Don’t. It is possible to go shopping at a Wal-Mart and feel like you are in a foreign country. Burkas are a common sight. Minnesota was recently noted as being one of the top 10 worst States to retire in. Wonderful .
    This state is so fossilized Liberal that you could bring Adolf Hilter back from the dead and the people here would vote for him. All Hilter would have to do is loose the swastika and declare himsilf a democrat. Yes Minnisotians are that stupid, they turn into zombies when they hear the words, Hope, change and FREE.

    Price did have a cult following. I once heard one of the local empty skirt TV achors refer to Prince as “his royal badness”.

  2. Prince: A worthless P.O.S. that destroyed himself with drugs… so they put him on a pedestal!
    “But he made good music!”
    Wonderful… He’s still a P.O.S. that destroyed himself with drugs! That’s nothing to admire, unless yer brain-dead!

  3. I see it from this perspective: I love music. I play music, I write songs, I perform. I have a day job.

    Prince made a mint with only music. No day job required.

    That being said, Prince ODed. I’m still alive. Few if any will celebrate me when I pass. And I’d bet the symbol formerly known as whoever the f**k he was got a lot mo’ p#ssy than I ever will.

    Crap, I had point and I forgot it. Never mind. It’s hell to get old.

  4. This piece of shit died from an overdose of illegal, unregulated drugs he bought off the street. It’s good to know the government is now on the job and doing a bang up job of fixing the problem. Doctors will now put their licenses on the line for prescribing what a bureaucrat determines is too much pain medication for patients T boned in a car wreck.

  5. Don’t know why they didn’t do with Prince as the Russians did with Lenin? They could even have sent Prince out ‘on tour’ again–with holograms of his performances. Too late now, though….

  6. Prince was a pretty good musician and his guitar work ranks up with Hendrix. The douche in this piece is that community organiser with the petition. This is the idiot that thought that creating a “Beyonce Day” was a great political victory. Just another lefty bigot that can’t get a real job because nobody recognizes her talents.

  7. I’m from Minnesota, made my living in music, and think Prince was very talented.
    But I’m disgusted by what has happened to this state and agree with almost all of the comments here and am not the least bit insulted by any of them.

  8. Rename Columbus Day as Ferdinand and Isabella Day, and celebrate it as the birthday of all Hispanic races in the New World. Perhaps it will remind La Raza that it isn’t una raza but a group of mixed races.

  9. Stop blaming Columbus for what happened to North American native tribes; he’s only partially responsible for what Spain and Portugal did to native tribes south of the Rio Grande.

  10. Minnesota (Yah, sure you betcha) the land of more than 10,000 loons, jillions of skeeters, Bob Dylan, Gary Keillor, Sinclair lewis, Jesse the body Ventura, Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale etc. etc. What is it with Norwegians and Swedes and some Germans who came to this country and like socialism so damn much as still do their counterparts who still live in the old country. The Minneapolis airport the only airport that I know of with built in tornado shelters inside the airport restrooms and every employee who worked there appeared to be a Somalian refugee. No thanks, I’ll stay here in Eastern Wash. and N. Idaho and Western Montana where we have enough of our own problems. And I don’t like lutefisk, pickled herring, pickled pigs feet etc. or any kind of casserole with cream of mushroom soup in it.

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