More fake news…Deep State Leaks Highly Classified Info to Washington Post to Smear President Trump – IOTW Report

More fake news…Deep State Leaks Highly Classified Info to Washington Post to Smear President Trump

Breitbart: Current and former U.S. officials, supposedly concerned that President Trump had shared some “highly classified information” with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador to the U.S. last week, leaked that information to the Washington Post in an article published Monday.

However, the report admits that it is “unlikely” Trump broke any laws.

“As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law,” the report said.

In addition, his national security adviser, who was at the meeting, told the Post nothing was shared that was not already publicly known.

“At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly,” said Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster.

McMaster later told reporters at the White House, “Other senior officials who were present, including the secretary of state, remember the meeting the same way and have said so. Their on-the-record accounts should outweigh those of anonymous sources. I was in the room, it didn’t happen.”

“This story is false. The president only discussed the common threats that both countries faced,” added Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy, who also attended the meeting.  more here

24 Comments on More fake news…Deep State Leaks Highly Classified Info to Washington Post to Smear President Trump

  1. According to the Washington Post, who broke this fabrication,
    ” It was during that meeting, officials said, that Trump went off script and began describing details of an Islamic State terrorist threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft.”

    How can that even be Top Secret. They’ve been reporting in the news for six weeks about this threat. These people need to be lined up against a wall.

  2. It’s time for President Trump to grab the bully pulpit with the biggest megaphone he can find and call “BullSh*t!” on all the crap that the media and the Dems say about him every day. A Presidential fireside and brimstone chat!

    The Dems will think he’s going to resign and their heads will pop off when he doesn’t.

  3. Paul Ryan immediately said Trump needs to explain himself. This was an orchestrated planned hit, our local news had a list of congressmen and their responses. Most of the republicans were smart enough not to comment yet but the Dems are laying it on think.

  4. illustr8r, I agree completely! And while he has an audience it would be a good time to discuss several priority topics. Sometimes a tweet doesn’t do justice to the depth of the conversation.

  5. I can’t help but believe that Trump is playing possum, letting deep staters conspire with media until their necks are all stretched out. Then WHAM. He can’t let this play out too long. A couple more weeks, maximum.
    Watch and enjoy the spectacle.

  6. illustr8r: He will. There is a major foreign trip upcoming. An International Audience. A ‘Better Time’ to make some major announcements and revealations.

    Powder. Dry. Keep.

  7. This is the biggest lie yet by the deep state. They are pulling out all the stops.
    The whole “story” is Fake. Just read the “Story” above, and deconstruct it, starting with, “He Broke No Laws”.
    Shall we move on now.

  8. Oh, and where are all of his “Good Buddies” in the Congress coming out to help him fight the good fight. Missing in action again, names have been taken and noted.
    The pay back will come later, and we all need to remember who was at the President’s side, He will.

  9. Trump willingly gave the Russians a Commodore 64 with Democrats latest technology

    This gave Putin the vector technology from Pong. Trump needs to be impeached at once

  10. The fact that there’s a threat involving laptops isn’t the information that needs to be classified.
    This is the “sources and methods” issue. Once the opponent knows how we’ve gotten intelligence, the source will dry up. Sometimes the existence of the information is enough to compromise the source so the product has to be protected as well.
    (Watch”The Imitation Game” it’s a 2hour course in intelligence methods)

  11. “Sometimes the existence of the information is enough to compromise the source so the product has to be protected as well.”

    Well sense it’s been all over the freaken news I guess we can negate that argument.

  12. I smell a trap here. I don’t believe any of the 5 people in the meeting leaked the info, however the article stated “They said that senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and National Security Agency after the meeting.” I’d bet serious money that this was done to determine who some of the leakers are….just put a different story to the CIA and NSA.

  13. A cover story for Hillary. Russia had access to her private and illegal server with secrets, now when Russia says something they can blame the leak on Trump.

  14. The WaPo has always been a piece of crap. In the 70’s they wrote multiple stories about classified submarine operations. Apparently, it was OK for them to place our lives in danger.

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