Obama at Dallas Police Memorial: Easier ‘to Buy A Glock’ Than a Book – IOTW Report

Obama at Dallas Police Memorial: Easier ‘to Buy A Glock’ Than a Book

breitbart: Speaking at Tuesday’s Memorial for the fallen Dallas Police officers, President Obama suggested it is easier ‘to buy a Glock” than a book in many communities.

He suggested that police relations with minority communities are in tatters because “we flood communities with so many guns it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock that [to] get his hands on a computer or even a book.” Yet we tell the police “to keep those neighborhoods in check at all costs,” he said. Obama added that we then “feign surprise when the tensions boil over.”  more

26 Comments on Obama at Dallas Police Memorial: Easier ‘to Buy A Glock’ Than a Book

  1. That was the most outrageous fucking lie, and the fucking progtards online defend it with the following logic: It wasn’t meant to be taken literally.

    WTF?… It’s pretty clear that progtards do not think with facts nor logic. They think with emotions stirred by rhetoric, and they don’t give a flying fuck if the thing said to evoke the emotion is remotely true or not. Its “validity” is entirely based on the strength of the emotion the statement provokes. This is the primary reason progtards are absolutely insane and should not be in charge of a fucking thing anywhere at any time.

  2. That’s why I hide me Glock IN a book. If one of those BLM types breaks into my house they’d never even touch the book. As Chris Rock said, books is like kryptonite for niggah a.

  3. The ‘being easier’ part only means ‘they prefer’
    The ‘We flood’ part is bullshit also. Who floods? Criminals. ‘We’ aren’t part of that equation.
    I am sick of Liberals who blame ‘all of us’ fuck you.
    Criminal activity is only an impulse away.
    But then I have adequate impulse control

  4. Mrhanoverfist, you went where I was going to go: I bet it’s easier to buy a book at a gun store than a gun at a bookstore. And I’m pretty sure you can buy books at gun stores–they’ll just be about guns.

  5. For teenagers to buy guns is illegal. If only there was some organization Obama could call on to enforce the law and try to keep illegal guns out of the hands of teenagers so those kids would have more time to read and less time to shoot. If only . . .

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