Obama Stole the 2008 Primary with Help of DNC – IOTW Report

Obama Stole the 2008 Primary with Help of DNC

American Thinker: The country is shocked, shocked that the DNC colluded with the Hillary campaign to anoint her as their nominee. In her 2015 caper, Clinton made a backroom deal with the DNC. In 2008, Barack Obama used outright election fraud and thuggery, the tried and true Chicago methods. to steal the nomination directly from the voters.  When he got far enough, the DNC pressured Hillary’s pledged superdelegates to violate their voters’ wishes and award Obama an unearned victory.

Obama’s illegal shenanigans in the 2008 Democrat primaries were far worse than Clinton’s – and will never be widely reported.

It’s an odd experience to dig this information out of the memory hole.  No Democrat cares: no party leaders, no members of Congress, no journalists, and no ordinary people.  Democrats do not care about  rule of law or fair elections.  All of them feel morally entitled to win.  That is the corrupting influence of their identity politics that tars political opponents as moral reprobates.

Democrat primaries show us who they are: their will to power trumps every other value.  Progressives want permanent power, not a functioning republic.    They don’t accept fair and free elections – witness their dirty attempts to overturn the last one and deprive Trump voters of their victory.


As Hillary might say, Democrat corruption, Hollywood corruption – it takes a village.

Like the revelations of Harvey Weinstein’s abuses, one big dog gets punished, while the even bigger dog – Bill Clinton for sexual abuse, Barack Obama for political abuse – remains untouchable.

documentary by Hillary supporters on Obama’s cheating and abuse was reported on Fox & Friends only in 2010; at the time of the election, no one would cover their complaints. Read about ithere.

In one documentary interview, civil rights activist Helene Latimer recounts seeing an elderly woman being intimidated at the polls. “As she approached the entrance way to go into the building, one of the young men said to her, ‘If you’re not voting for Obama, go home because you’re not voting here today.'”

“It’s our right as Americans to be able to vote and everybody was alerted, we went to press, we went to Fox, we went to CNN, nobody wanted to hear the story (in 2008),” Gaston told Fox’s Alisyn Camerota. “Nobody wants to deal with this.”

From “How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination”:

… the Obama Campaign… encouraged and created an army to steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered people to vote, scare and intimidate Hillary supporters, stalk them, threaten them, lock them out of their polling places, silence their voices and stop their right to vote.

Political junkies will recall that Obama gained crucial momentum after his surprise win of the Iowa primary.  He won in Iowa by breaking the law and busing in supporters to vote.  Everyone in Iowa could see it with their own eyes – and that includes the entire national press corps.

Dr. Long spent several months studying the caucus and primary results, published here.

“After studying the procedures and results from all 14 caucus states… my conclusion is that the Obama campaign willfully and intentionally defrauded the American public by systematically undermining the caucus process,” she said.

In Hawaii, caucuses ended up with more ballots than participants.  In Nevada, Obama supporters upturned a wheelchair-bound woman who wanted to caucus for Hillary.  They flushed Clinton ballots down the toilets.  Union members were told they could vote only if their names were on the list of Obama supporters.

Two thousand Texas Democrats filed official complaints, in outrage and total frustration, against Obama’s lawless tactics. The party acknowledged that the Obama campaign’s actions “amount to criminal violations” and ordered them to be reported to state and federal law enforcement.  Nothing happened.  more here

25 Comments on Obama Stole the 2008 Primary with Help of DNC

  1. lets see, demonrats put a candidate with no proper birth certificate, no education records with prior attendance in foreign Muslim schools. Then we should be surprised that he muscled his way into the presidency, twice. Obozo is the biggest fraud in American history.

  2. Obama supporters upturned a wheelchair-bound woman who wanted to caucus for Hillary

    Lunatics, meth heads and thugs. Ferguson, Orlando, Alexandria, Dallas, Baton Rouge, Las Vegas, Sutherland; they’ve gone beyond politics into killing.

  3. WE acquiesced to this.
    WE accepted the lies.
    WE accepted the fraud.
    WE accepted the Treason.
    WE continue to close our eyes to lies, fraud, and Treason.
    The people WE choose to protect us, to do our bidding, to exercise our collective wills, are the very same people who steal from us, fuck us, abuse us, kill us, and laugh at us.

    You’d never think of blaming a dog for being a dog. Why, then, do we pretend to be surprised when we elect (and appoint) Treasonous, lying frauds to “lead” us?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Whutever is in those sealed records of the Marxist Muzlim Mallard should not surprise anybody given the depths that democRATs will dive to in order to win at any cost!!
    President Trump! Tear down that wall of secrecy and unseal the records of that phoney-balony, plastic banana republic socialist hood-ornament!

  5. Wow, one filthy crook (Obama) stealing from another filthy crook (Clinton)! Wow, one filthy crook (Clinton) stealing from another filthy crook (Bernie)! Must be in the Democrap genes for their grifters to bugger each other!

  6. The unofficial fourth branch of government, the leftist media, essentially served as armed guards in this high crime. Is it legal to publish “news” that are blatant lies?

    But the Judicial Branch of government repeatedly ruled that citizens “had no standing” to challenge the obvious fraud candidate. Those particular Judges should face justice.

    So many useless parasites in public office !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. We must never forget that Obama was never lawfully a President. He was ineligible to serve from birth.

    No twisting or stretching of “natural born citizen” could possibly extend to a kid born of one US parent and one non-US citizen, British Kenyan, who never even considered attempting to begin to apply for US citizenship. Temporary foreign-student visa only.
    The side mysteries of tampered birth certificates, suspicious SocSec #, eyewitness claims of Kenyan birth, Publisher’s bio advertising him born in Kenya,
    Serious, but not as disqualifying as the non-US foreign parent.
    And that’s the one thing Obama/Soros/media made sure never, never, never got discussed.

    PDT needs to begin systematically releasing a drip drip drip of documents showing the low-info voters just how dirty and illegitimate Obama was. Clinton machine ditto, of course.
    As supporters turn away the Cabal becomes more indictable, and indictments less unthinkable.

  8. The more fanatic end of the (D)irtbag party took huge risks to get that freak into power, and he ended up trashing their party, hopefully forever.

    Why? I think because he is an expert at Ericksonian “talking hypnosis”. Not a matter of skilled rhetoric and persuasive logic, this is a way of carefully scripting his prepared speeches so that sympathetic listeners will receive “suggestions” straight to their subconscious mind without the usual screening process performed by the more logical conscious mind. A great way to stir up a mob of fanatics.

    (D)irtbag leadership saw a chance to implement “Chicago politics” at the national level, a change that would be irreversible.

    OBAMA’S USE OF HIDDEN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. This lengthy pdf (70 pages) makes a persuasive case – a wider understanding of this method is important to protect our nation from the worst sort of scumbags.

  9. Listening to Obama was torture! His stuttering, poor grammar, and constant loss of thought was not conducive to hypnosis. Add this to his anti American rhetoric and marxist/communist ideals and Americans all over this country questioned everything about him.
    If Obama was not black even fewer would have voted for him.
    Fraud is what got Obama elected and most of us knew it the first time we heard him speak.

  10. obama has stolen every political thting he has been associated with.
    “…..the Tribune finally admitted that it was Axelrod and the Obama campaign that brought pressure on the press to demand the unsealing of M. Blair Hull divorce records, which had had their contents leaked to media outlets by the Obama campaign even earlier. The Obama campaign also helped orchestrate a demonstration by women’s groups demanding Hull’s withdrawal from the race. Coincidentally, this was the same weekend Obama’s first commercials hit the airwaves. Interestingly (or maybe not), the same exact thing happened to another of his rivals–Jack Ryan. Certainly gives one pause….”
    so, obama’s career started with the unsealing of an opponents divorce records. That act, the unsealing of court documents, should be a precedent for the unsealing of obama’s records.
    As it is now, the obama presidential library is going to be a slumpark, with no records housed there.
    He stole our country and I want it back.

  11. That ain’t all he stole. He was declared winner by 9PM Central in 2012. Lots and lots of voting fraud.

    My liberal friends always talk about how few have been actually convicted as proof it isn’t happening. They also suggest it’s only Repubs that cheat at the polls. “So you’re good with the efforts to clean the voter rolls of the dead “Repub” voters, right?”

    Ohhh nooo. They don’t want THAT to happen. Liars.

    All that primary cheating? The stuff the Dems were very vocal and complaining about with proof?

    It all disappeared from the media THAT YEAR. I was wishing I had saved the HTML pages and took screenshots. No lib ever believed I had read anything like that. It was documented and published at one time. That’s something I’d like to have exposed – who the hell has the ability to scrub all news sources so well?

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