Poll: 74 Percent of Californians Want to End Sanctuary Cities – IOTW Report

Poll: 74 Percent of Californians Want to End Sanctuary Cities


The vast majority of residents living in California would like to see sanctuary cities barred, a state home to multiple jurisdictions which refuse to abide by federal immigration laws.

Roughly 74 percent of California residents want to see an end to sanctuary city policies, according to a poll by UC Berkeley.

The issue to end sanctuary cities in the state crosses racial and party lines, with 65 percent of Hispanics registering their agreement, while 70 percent of independents, 82 percent of Republicans, and 73 percent of Democrats feel the same.

During President Donald Trump’s term, sanctuary cities could see a cut in federal funding and pushback from the Department of Justice under likely Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

John Binder is a contributor for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

16 Comments on Poll: 74 Percent of Californians Want to End Sanctuary Cities

  1. NO,NO,No. They’ll just move north. We can’t afford to pay for Kalifornia’s stupidity. Make them stay where they are. Build a wall around Kalifornia. Add a 100 yard moat, fill it with gators land side, sharks on the sea side.

  2. Not surprising. Even Lefties think most of their core beliefs are NUTS, but in the Collective Hive you CANNOT disagree with the ones at the top, the radicals. Otherwise, you will be shunned, and since most Lefties are united by the visceral bonds of FEELINGS, that is tantamount to a living non-existence. So, they swallow their principles, what little logic they have left, and cleave unto the “perceived” majority.

  3. We San Diegans wanted a wall 30 years ago, to keep Spastic Eastern Libs from overstaying their welcome.We had Native bumper stickers and a drive to get them Out as well as L.A (hell -a) natives ,who were generally cool common sense people we just didn’t want to expand in general. We were a Paradise of hard working, and hard playing Common sense Individuals.

  4. Not surprising as this poll was done after the election and they realized playtime was over. If the poll had run prior to the election the results would probably have been reversed. Trump ought to make them the first state he defunds unless they play ball which would include rounding up illegals that have criminal records.

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