School backs off threats over ‘Jesus Lunches’ – IOTW Report

School backs off threats over ‘Jesus Lunches’

EAG: MIDDLETON, Wis. – The Middleton school district has voluntarily given up its daytime lease of a city park near Middleton High School, signaling its intention to stop opposing a group of local mothers who serve weekly “Jesus Lunches” at the park.


But a radical atheist organization, the Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, has vowed to continue to oppose the Jesus Lunches, because they occur close to the high school, allowing “religious messages to enter the hallways and classrooms,” according to

Middleton school Superintendent Donald Johnson sent out a mass email Tuesday, acknowledging that the school district may have no legal right to prevent the Jesus Lunches, despite the fact that it leases Fireman’s Park from the city of Middleton during school hours.  more here

8 Comments on School backs off threats over ‘Jesus Lunches’

  1. Aw, WTH, how about some Caitlyn Lunches with hotdogs in buns loaded with ketchup – then the distributors could give a little speech about how almost everyone is homosexual, or at least, wants to be a homo, but doesn’t yet have the necessary support group, yet?
    Too bad there isn’t enough time in school for teaching the innocent kids that everybody ought to be homosexual and get them to look forward to sex experimentation class. #NakedTwisterWithMisterFister

  2. “But a radical atheist organization, the Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, has vowed to continue to oppose the Jesus Lunches, because they occur close to the high school, allowing “religious messages to enter the hallways and classrooms,””

    Oh, and so FFRF wants to overthrow one religion, a Christ-based religion, in favor of IT’S OWN brand of “religion”??!!
    Wait. . . what. . . ? What’s that you say? What religion is that? Well, I’m glad you asked, FFRF.

    How about the Religion of Statism, the Religion of Big Gubberment, the Religion of Leftist “Progressive” (Regressive) Libtardism, the Religion of LGBT (etc) Tranny Perverse-ism? The Religion of the Watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) EcoNazi Wrong Reverend Al-Gore-ism? The Religion of Socialism (Communism) give-us-all-your-money-and-we’ll-take-care-of-you-cradle-to-grave (until we can’t/won’t)?

    Even atheists believe in, and worship, something.

  3. Notice how quickly many of the lunatic left ideas fold when the glaring light of the Internet shines on them and they are exposed for the idiots they are. Internet rules!

  4. there is a city park near me that serves free lunches to the homeless each day and then has a time of prayer. If you hand out free stuff just about anyone will come and listen to a sermon just to get food in their belly. BUT THIS is a group of mom’s trying to teach the children about Christ- it could be called time out religion/teaching. because they are not allowed to teach about Christ in school but the school can teach about islam and mohammad -piss be upon him. Jesus said-behold I come quickly and my reward is with me–even so. come Lord Jesus.

  5. Isn’t it funny how the atheist fooled an entire society that anti-religious messages have the default right to dominate the public square rather than sharing it? Why can’t schools have non-religious and religious discussions and gatherings take place? When did free speech get redefined as only non-religion may be preached in public?

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