Trump to Megyn Kelly in 2011: You’ve “Done a Great Job” Moderating Debates, People who Skip Debates are Cowards – IOTW Report

Trump to Megyn Kelly in 2011: You’ve “Done a Great Job” Moderating Debates, People who Skip Debates are Cowards

Offered here without comment.

Skip to 2:29 to see Donald Trump tell Megyn Kelly that he could “never” be as good a moderator as her and that she’s “done a great job:”

“Do you really think that you’re a better moderator than I am?” Kelly asked him. “No, I could never beat you,” Mr. Trump responded. “I wouldn’t even be close. It would be no contest. You have done a great job, by the way and I mean it.”
On candidates not attending a debate that Mr. Trump might moderate because of his tough questions, he responded, “We’re not seeing a lot of courage here, are we? Not lots of courage. You know, these Republicans, they’re supposed to be brave.”

Mr. Trump added that someone missing a debate would “probably” change his opinion of them.

44 Comments on Trump to Megyn Kelly in 2011: You’ve “Done a Great Job” Moderating Debates, People who Skip Debates are Cowards

  1. A good test of a man’s character is to observe how he responds to being slighted by someone he has praised.
    The issue is not that he changed his mind, it is that he has made it personal then got miffed when others, including her, followed his lead.
    When picking a leader it is important to focus more on where they want to lead us to than the ability to lead.

  2. The difference of course is that Trump hadn’t been framed as a misogynist by the unfair and imbalanced Ms. Kelly at the time.

    And then there’s this unmistakable bit of profound journalism from Fox days before the debate:

    “We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president,” Fox News said in the statement, adding this gem: “A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.”

    Us stump-toothed, knuckle-dragging neanderthals in forgotten America are about to pull a “Boys in the Boat” on Fox News Channel.

  3. Well folks, if it’s a choice between Shrillary and a tyrant from NYC, I’m going with Hitlery. I know no other that could stoke the flames of discontent other than Obama.Hillary is our man, gal err pansuit or whatever.

  4. 2011 statement? Really? I have had friends come and go since then.
    Megyn Kelly IS NOT Putin or a Foreign Leader. It’s Fox who are afraid of Donald Trump and will do ANYTHING to knee cap him.
    Meanwhile, FOX REFUSED to even address Trump’s suggestion to donate their profits from the debate to veterans.
    How boring will our lives become if Trump loses? We’ll all go back to sleep and government will continue it’s mission creep of taking over our lives. At least Trump makes the media work and has more people paying attention to the politics of this nation than ever.
    “All Trump, all the time.”

  5. Well, if M Kelly treated each candidate with the same attitude, say a clearly neutral one, I would think he was being too reactive. In fact I used to like watching her myself, when she was on in the morning with that guy – I forget his name – they had a good rapport, and the show was easy to watch. When she went to her own show her demeanor went quite harsh and cold. I couldn’t watch her anymore, frankly. The hyper intense, punching every word, style came across as very self important blow-hole.
    She changed, a LOT, so why shouldn’t Trumps opinion of her change?

  6. Meanwhile:
    Donald Trump feud causes panicking Fox News CEO Roger Ailes to call Ivanka and Melania in attempt to get the front-runner BACK to the debate – but he’ll only speak to Murdoch

    * Donald Trump’s refusal to attend Fox News’ debate on Thursday night has sent Fox News into chaos
    * The network’s CEO has reportedly reached out to both Ivanka and Melania Trump to try and get the Republican front-runner to change his mind
    * He refuses to attend over the inclusion of anchor Megyn Kelly as one of the debate moderators and will only speak to network head Rupert Murdoch
    * Kelly meanwhile welcomed liberal filmmaker Michael Moore on her program Tuesday night who applauded her handling of the Trump feud
    * One Fox News anchor said of Moore and Kelly; ‘That would be like Rachel Maddow laughing along with Charles Koch as he trashed Hillary Clinton!’
    * Trump called Kelly a ‘lightweight reporter’ on Wednesday morning and his campaign manager said she is ‘completely obsessed’ with Trump
    * Murdoch meanwhile is goading Michael Bloomberg to join the race for president
    * Murdoch has yet to comment on Trump pulling out, but took to Twitter Wednesday to criticize debate co-host Google for not paying fair tax

  7. 5 years is a long time…Fox News has certainly changed their original stance regarding their claim of “Fair and Balanced” during that period. I listened this morning and not once did they post their childish statement from yesterday toward Trump regarding ayatollah, putin and twitter cabinet, kelly’s tweet regarding the aftermath of the debate, nor mention their 3 surprise guests. All they did was bash Trump for his decision yet not give full disclosure regarding their actions as a “supposed” impartial moderator.

  8. He has done every debate so far. He has had rally after rally. He has done countless interviews. He has put himself more truthfully in front of this nation than all of the others combined. He has been a complete open book – warts and all. When he is asked a question he delivers a straight answer, not a response like we get from the politicians. He asked for a moderator who was not clearly biased against him, Fox refused, so Trump refused. I don’t care that he did it, because I am sick of the media and their nasty games. Kelly was seething with venom in that first debate – it was not what I expect in a debate moderator.
    The others complain that Trump gets the most questions, so this time they get to step out and show us their stuff without Trump being the focus.

  9. The video just proves to me what a gentleman Trump had been to MK in the past and makes HER look like more of a shrew for having pointed her boney finger at him, while squealing “misogynist!”at the debate. How I wish Trump thumpers would study and dissect Cruz’s political moves and motives, the times he has cooperated with and has taken his marching orders from the RINO/ GOPe, to the nth degree, just the same way they are poring through Trump’s every syllable ever uttered in his lifetime. I believe Cruz means we’ll for what HE believes in his heart, but he is having to do some heavy groveling already, due to the need for money. Just look at his face and his body language during the soap opera drama starring Glenn Beck! He l looks as if he is being forced to do something disgusting, and he WAS! He is already groveling, what happens if he’s president? He goes into office owing big money backers, not we the people, and we would have the same old same old. Even the Bible says “Owe no man any thing, but to loved one another…”.

  10. I’m coming down with a bad case of Trump fatigue. He needs to turn his guns on liberals/illegal-immigration again and stop with this lame feud with Megyn Kelly. I’m a Cruz supporter and that’s who I’ll be voting for. That being said, I liked Trump a lot more when he was talking about building a wall and deporting illegals and bombing the s**t of of ISIS.

  11. He’s been talking about those things, and he still is, but the media hacks focus on these “controversies” because they generate viewers, readers, and clicks. This feud with MK is back in the news because of this debate. They’ll do anything to keep from focusing on the actual “issues,” because they know Trump is supported based on them.

  12. There are many reason to admire about Trump’s platform, but you’ve described the only reason I need. Some people do not understand how independent this makes him. More than any candidate since, probably, John Q. Adams.

  13. @dad ~ I forgive you, like I forgave my dad when he voted for the Jimma. He gave me Carter’s book & told me that this is our next great president. I read it, told my dad that this was the biggest pile of crap I’ve ever read & I don’t put too much stock in book that are categorized as ‘fiction’.

    Years later, he moved to God’s Waiting Room (Florida) & when he registered to vote they asked him if he had committed any felonies. He replied, “Yes, I voted for Carter”.


    Whoa! Your Dad was worse! Lol

    My disappointments started within the first few months. I was pulling my hair out by midterm.

    One of my mantras about him before the election I thought mattered? That he was a successful business man. ‘Hey! He oughta know how to run things better!’

    Been there. Not there now.

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