We Must Have Hillary In Order To Give The Nation the Gift of Ted – IOTW Report

We Must Have Hillary In Order To Give The Nation the Gift of Ted


Since every story published by iOTWreport is auto-Tweeted, I get lots of responses when a title of a post sounds like it might be, heaven forbid, pulling for Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton.

The tweets are not impressive, and when I check out some of their timelines there are many who are more than just a little “out there.”

For example, did you know that Ivanka and Donald Trump’s body language suggests that dad has been molesting her? No? Well, go to Twitter and you’ll see that story, and a whole lot more just like it.

Ben Howe, an avowed #NeverTrump person, once wrote a piece where he confessed that he was embarrassed by members of the TEA party because they were just one tweet removed from saying that Obama was from Kenya. I wonder what he thinks of his allies that say Trump is a child molester?

Months ago, lots of #NeverTrump sympathizers said that their position would most likely only be for the duration of the primaries. If Trump won they’d dutifully join in the fight to defeat Hillary.

When that deadline came and went they said #NeverTrump would only be for the duration between the end of the primaries and the convention, because you have to give a person the opportunity to dream. And that dream was that Ted Cruz would be lowered from the ceiling of the convention center, like Howard Stern’s Fartman, and he’d snatch the nomination and be body-surfed out the convention doors into the street where he’d be hoisted upon a sedia gestatoria.

Am I being too mean?

No, no I’m not, because we’ve entered a new phase of COD, or, Cruz Obsessive Disorder, post convention, and these people deserve our wrath. They are now openly saying they are going to vote for Hillary. It wasn’t enough to simply “sit it out” like they claimed they would do. That would be too risky. Trump might win, and we can’t have that. Hillary, with all her proven progressiveness, corruption, incompetence and danger, is, according to these people, a much better alternative. These are dangerous loons that are going to recklessly hand Hillary the reins to the world.

Interestingly, during the phase when #NeverTrump was simply not going to participate on election day, they tried to convince themselves that they wouldn’t bear any responsibility for a Hillary presidency. This tells you where they are, judgment-wise and self-awareness-wise. The prognosis is bleak.

Ace of Spades has a great breakdown of one of the key COD symptoms HERE. Here’s an excerpt –

They’ve dreamed up this self-pleasing, responsibility-evading dreamscape in which those who plump for Trump are responsible for the outcomes of a Trump presidency, but, for no explanation thusfar discoverable, they are not responsible for the outcomes of the Hillary presidency they’re agitating for.

Where did this Cruz obsession come from? How could we get to the point where conservatives would be voting for Hillary?

If you go to some of these sites, sites that weren’t all that enthusiastic about Cruz one year ago (I know, because I did the research using their search box), most of them are all calling Cruz “Ted.”

“In 2020 we’ll get Ted.” “We have to support Ted.” “Ted, Ted is the answer.”

#NeverTrump accuses Trump supporters of being wild-eyed sycophants. Meanwhile, they’ll hand SCOTUS picks over to Hillary because Trump had the temerity to defeat “Ted,” the Johnny Come Lately truly anointed one.

This is the plan as far as I can tell- allow Hillary to win. Then, in 2020, Ted wins the presidency and the world, what’s left of it, is saved – providing, of course, that no one primaries with Ted and easily beats him, again.

I know it’s dangerous to poke the delusional, but I wouldn’t be able to respect myself if I didn’t point out that Ted Cruz couldn’t beat the unelectable Donald Trump in 2016. Shouldn’t a wild gambit, like allowing Hillary to win, have at its core the unshakable tent pole that Cruz will, at the very least, win the 2020 primary? I’m not sure he’s all that electable nationally.

For whatever reason, Ted Cruz does not possess the “it” factor. I know it’s an injustice, but a guy that has an ideal conservative rating doesn’t make them a shoe-in just because on paper they appeal to the policy wonk. It doesn’t work that way.

It must be said, and I apologize to anyone who doesn’t see it –  Cruz is a bit creepy.

You must factor that in. It matters in national elections. It’s his looks, his voice, his countenance and his habit of not being able to answer a yes or no question with a yes or no answer which keeps him from being a shining star. It’s not his views. And that’s unfortunate.

Oh, there’s also the whole “4 out of 5 apostles recommend that you chew Ted Cruz gum” shtick. I don’t think I’m alone when I say that it’s not very Christian to tell a story about how God urged you to run for the United States Presidency. How can anyone else compete when Ted has an endorsement like that? I guess you could announce that God told you while you were in a cab that “he was only trolling Cruz and he’s actually pulling for me.”

(For anyone potentially offended by what I wrote, let me clarify that I am not mocking Christianity, I am mocking the Cruz family’s brand of Christianity, the one where you take the Lord’s name in vain.)

Cruz, at the RNC, compounded his un-likability and added to his un-electability. How? He kicked himself in the nuts when given the opportunity to show a nation that he was willing to put aside his fast-track white house ambition, put aside the low-road feud he engaged in during the primary, and pragmatically admit that Donald Trump, a man whose policies he gradually co-opted as he sunk in the polls, should be supported in order to defeat the progressives.

To hear the #NeverTrump you’d think Cruz and Trump were miles apart in policy. But at one point during the debates the two of them could have simply pointed at the other and quipped, “what he said.” This is what makes #NeverTrump so insufferable.

Up on that stage, Cruz used as the centerpiece of an otherwise solid speech the ubiquitous term “vote your conscience.” These are the words used by #NeverTrump when they urged the delegates to not vote for Trump on the first ballot. It was a message delivered by Cruz in a not-so-hard-to-crack code. “Don’t think you have to vote for Trump. You don’t, and it’s okay.”

Cruz chose to go to the party, not to participate in its purpose, but to fart on the cake. Knowing that the crowd would probably become hostile, where did Cruz have his wife? Right out in the middle of the mob. That was strange. One gets the sense that Cruz hoped something would happen to Heidi. But, sadly for Cruz, he had to exaggerate the danger she was in. The video of her exiting did not match the dramatic reports coming out of the Cruz camp, the entire affair reminding me a little of a certain Bosnia airport landing.

#NeverTrump says that Cruz displayed a “huge set of balls” that night.

Naa. It was just classic Cruz. He couldn’t speak plainly. He was too weak to come out on stage and say, “I’m not voting for Trump, and neither should you.” He showed, once again, that he’s someone that prefers to skulk in gray areas so that later on he could, if necessary, talk in circles and convince you that what you think you saw and heard was not so. It’s Clintonesque. It’s the stuff of political lawyers. It’s calculated and strategic obfuscation over clarity. Nobody likes that. Cruz is loaded with it.

It’s the way Cruz conducts his politics, from TPP to H1B to Ethanol to handing out soccer balls at the Mexican border to poison pills, he’s never who you think he is as long as he can keep the facts spinning. I don’t like that. It’s why I call him oily, despite a pretty solid conservative voting record.

It’s why he didn’t, despite #NeverTrump’s assertion, show a big pair of balls at the RNC (unless it was from the swelling after he kicked himself in the nuts.) Cruz’s performance simply added to his un-electability.

Consequently, it would be difficult for me to get on board with the plan that hands the country over to Hillary for four years, being assured by #NeverTrump that “Ted” is going to beat her in 2020. I don’t think so. Donors don’t think so.

But consider this. Despite everything I just wrote, I am not, nor would I ever be, #NeverCruz.


Because I am #NeverLeft.

Cruz, on paper, is better for my self-interests than any left-wing representative. If only these #NeverTrump people would give an honest accounting of what Trump offers compared to Hillary, taking the lost dream of Cruz out of the equation, I wouldn’t have to write posts like this.

Their position is a murky mess of Cruz-longing, Trump anger, warped assessments of populism versus progressivism and a deliberate exaggeration and misstatement of Trump’s policies.

But I still hold out hope that #NeverTrump will come around. All they have to do is blend back into the landscape and vote for Trump. If anyone calls them out on it they can channel Cruz and keep talking and lecturing until everyone agrees that Trump was their candidate all along.






166 Comments on We Must Have Hillary In Order To Give The Nation the Gift of Ted

  1. I think the #NEVERTRUMP people are firmly rapped in a fantasy that Cruz was to be the new Reagan of 76′ and will play out as it did in 80″ without realizing that there is a WHOLE LOT MORE at stake now then there ever was then. Sad Dreamers.

  2. Which one of the numbskulls recently said that they are re-assessing their NEVERTRUMP stance and downgrading it to MAYBETRUMP, and by November they’ll have made up their mind.

    Sure, crap all over Trump for the next few months and then have an epiphany on the night before the election.
    That helps tremendously.

    If we coalesced behind the WINNING candidate, we can block Hillary and then you can primary Trump in 2020.
    How is the not a superior plan to what they are concocting??

  3. I just watched Clinton Cash. I’m not interested, in any way, the bullshit the nevertrumpers are peddling.

    And as for Cruz- by 2020, he could fall ill, someone a lot better could come along, he could quit politics and lose interest all together, he could decide to go on a 10 year mission to Africa or South America, or he could die… Anything could happen between now and then. What if you’re waiting for Cruz and he never comes? Then what?
    We all have to deal with what we have now. This election is too important to throw away, because your guy has a butthurt and handled his business badly. It’s not about Ted Cruz’s feelings. It’s about AMERICA SURVIVING.
    I’m so sick of this.

  4. It’s the self-righteous smugness that makes me crazy. Oh, but they are so morally superior to everyone who chooses to vote for Trump. And one day — one day, you just wait— they will all be vindicated for their insufferable smugness. And won’t we mere mortals feel foolish for trying to stop Hillary from becoming President. Won’t we look silly that we weren’t willing to sacrifice the nation for Ted Cruz’s political aspirations.

  5. A minority of the GOP, the elites, spent years and years picking guys for the majority of the GOP (which is us) to vote for. Crammed them down our throats, they did.
    Now, we get Trump, who a shit ton of the GOP (us) voted for, and the minority of the GOP called nevertrump now want to pick a guy FOR us by behaving like the elitists?



    I’m not having any of that shit.

  6. Reagan benefitted from Carter.

    Iran and the hostages were the springboard and a key pillar to the legacy Reagan built.
    Reagan’s philosophical tone was contrasted wonderfully and benefitted from the malaise of the Carter years.
    I’m not saying that it was good fortune to have gone through bad times with Carter, but these are the intangibles that lead to how you fit in historically.

    Being calculating, like what your describing coming out of the Cruz camp, doesn’t work. It’s like setting out to make a cult movie.


    “Eric Bennett to and from Ken Cuccinelli, R-Virginia working with Ted Cruz and the DNC to undermine the delegate selection before the convention. Working to push through rules changes in the rules committee and working to flip bound delegates against the rules and state law. All co-ordinated with the DNC.”


  8. All I can say is, these assholes had better find a good place to hide if their hero Hillary is given the white house.

    This country won’t make it to 2020 with a Hillary presidency. How could anybody be so blind as to not be able to see that?

    Cruz is a bit creepy, yes. Now that the truth has been revealed, as it always is sooner or later. And he is a dead ringer for Mr. Haney too. The guy knows how to talk, how to debate, how to convince people. The envy of every con-man. And it was my mistake for trusting the guy for a while. But in my own defense, I stated here at the beginning that I didn’t want to get behind another politician just to be let down again, when he came on the scene. I was conned. But, even with some obvious brain damage, I can see the closest thing to the truth right now in the American political ring is Donald Trump.
    And there is no other fucking choice. So WTF??? Get behind Trump or kiss your America goodbye! Fucking idiots!

    (sorry, not drunk, must be heat stroke)

  9. Never would I have thought that early in the year, I could go from voting for Cruz in the Primaries, to calling him a self serving son of a bitch in July.
    Ain’t that some shit? lol

  10. Fur, my Big Hat is off to you sir. You should write a lot and more often.

    My hope is that after the next 4-8 years the people will no longer have to accept bad actors who think they are protected just because on paper they seem to represent conservatism. The truth is Cruz’ senate record is not that great, and he will shape-shift to suit a Killery agenda if needed, just like Ryan has caused no heartburn for obama. I won’t pile on Cruz, but I will never trust him and I hope he gets primaried and loses. I think the “throw the bums out” phase will soon be upon us, up and down the ballot.

  11. Man. Time is up. There’s no more time left on the clock. There will be no recovery from Hillary. USA, dead, gone. If you read the Right Scoop and MSNBC today you would realize there’s no difference between the two. It’s now or never people. In four years of a Hillary admin you will have no 2A rights left. And that’s our last best chance.

  12. So much whining. I want to go back to liking Mark Kevin and Ben Shapiro but they just can’t stop schmoozing for Cruz. At least Ben gave Trumps acceptance speech high marks for content- not so much on delivery. Levin sits in his bunker and tweets and Facebook defends Cruz all day long. It’s tiring and stupid. I agree with all that you said BFH. Especially, Cruz is lacking that “it” factor. The pinnacle of cool were the Sabo posters and it’s been downhill from there.

    I have to admit that I made Cruz shirtless in my Truss pic to play off of the buff and shirtless Sabo poster.-bfh

  13. That Dobson guy, I think it’s Richard Dobson, from Focus on the Family is pulling for Trump now. And that’s a very good thing that will influence a lot of good people.
    There are still some idiots who call themselves Christians, like Max Lucado, who will not support Trump. How in the fuck, Max, can you think that Hillary is a better choice than Trump? How??

    I guess all the people who matter most are behind Trump. Fuck the rest.

  14. Dianny,
    like Ace I am perfectly willing to shoulder the blame of Trump if he’s a disaster – even though I did not campaign against Cruz and did not stump for Trump during the primaries.
    (If you remember, I was vilified by both camps for either being too mean, or too sycophantic.)

    I will take responsibility for my vote if Trump blows up the world.

    Will Cruz take the blame for a disastrous Hillary presidency after his “don’t vote for Trump if you have a conscience” episode?

    He’s a #NeverTrump member, obviously.

    How delusional are you that you think people will line up to vote for you after you helped thrust Hillary on us?

    I’m crazy enough to do it, because I understand that my duty is to defeat the left at all costs. Not everyone feels the way I do- including #NeverTrump.

    One of #NeverTrump’s taunts is “you expect us to vote for Trump after you’ve blocked Cruz??”

    But they expect people to vote for Cruz after he handed us Hillary.

  15. I was wondering about Levin lately. I quit listening to him after he said he was nevertrump. (And I still liked Cruz) I guess someone made fun of his fiancee or some bullshit? Whatever.
    He’s as loud, pushy and smartassed as Trump is, believes in America, loves America just like Trump does, but for some reason he hates him. lol.
    Go figure.

  16. I have been since the moment Cruz resigned to voting for Trump. But, I am a conservative. And my conservative principles and principals (e.g. Ted Cruz) have been bashed both here and also by Donald Trump. I don’t bring up Ted Cruz, you people do. And so does Donald Trump after his acceptance. Like the very next morning when he was saying that he would like to contribute $20,000,000 to form a super PAC to defeat Ted Cruz in his next senate election.

    This is the shit we have to deal with also as conservatives. And that is very telling about how Donald Trump will handle the IRS, and all the alphabet agencies.

    But along with the Trump campaign, the RNC, and this website, I am feeling that you all could care less about conservatism. Yet through the years I thought that was what this web site was about.

    I get it…Defeat Hillary, I’m there. But we went after McCain and Romney. Why is Trump the third rail now?

  17. If Hilary wins there wont BE any 2020
    After she crashes the world and we have a nuke fest, Hilary will try to have the US ‘Join’ the UN and surrender our sovereignty because ‘we’re stronger together’
    #Nevertrumpers, my memory is long and so is my reach. I will look for you in the gulags

  18. I just spent the past 5 minutes TU all of you and scanning the Marshal Report. What can I add to what you said? Nothing but prayer.

    One of the readings at Mass this evening was about Abraham begging Abba Father if He would save Sodom if there were 50 good men, then down to 5 good men…you get the picture.

  19. Also completely disagree with one point in that Cruz has told his people to vote for Hillary. In fact I think he told his followers to vote for Trump. Who I will be voting for.

  20. Meerkat Brzezinski, we all care about America. And saving America from Hillary communism. Top priority is to defeat that bitch. And you can’t do that by bashing Trump, the only hope we have right now.

    Forget about Cruz, he’s history. Trump is our guy now. The only choice.

  21. Did anyone see the story about Robert Mercer excoriating Ted Cruz, in the New York Times no less? When the billionaire who built Cambridge Analytics for Cruz, who bought Breitbart to assist Cruz, who personally put over $11 million into Cruz’s super-PAC uses words like, “regrettable” and “revealing” and states he is “profoundly disappointed” you’re DONE!

    It’s really very simple. If Killery wins, she stacks the Supreme Court, and Cruz WILL be ruled ineligible because he is NOT a natural born citizen (he absolutely WAS born in Canada). END. OF. STORY!

  22. Meerkat, more people (a lot more people) voted for Trump than they did for Cruz.
    The only reason Cruz hates Trump NOW is because he made fun of his wife. And Trump didn’t start that battle, btw. But he sure as hell finished it.
    But politically, they sounded like twins before that happened, didn’t they?

    As for Trump, I’ve already talked my shit about him. And so have others who are still voting for him. How many people have you heard saying he’s a dick but I’m voting for him anyway? I’ve read them. Shit, Fur says that all the time! And the next time Trump does something goofy, I’m there talking shit about him too. And yet, I’m still voting for him. But right now, I’m not interested in sensitive people’s problem with me being mad at Cruz. I don’t care.

  23. MJA: Mark Levin is now claiming that by remaining #nevertrump, he is holding Trump’s feet to the fire to keep him from drifting left during the rest of the campaign. Another putz I used to admire.

  24. Unruly — Dobson has been behind Trump for quite a while. Larry Elder, Darrell Scott and Jerry Falwell Jr. sat down with Hannity after Trump’s speech and they talked about Trump’s proposal (and one of the planks of the Republican Party) to repeal the ‘Johnson Bill’ so that (conservative) churches are no longer in danger of losing their tax exempt status if they talk politics/government from the pulpit. Liberal and black churches have never worried about it, but some may know that the IRS has been planting moles in conservative churches in order to threaten them.

    They agreed that every Christian leader in America will be spreading the word far and wide to get behind Trump for this reason alone. That’s a yuge voting bloc. And it’s about time!

  25. Meerkat,
    I think you’re off the mark. Conservatism is not being bashed. Ted Cruz the man is being bashed because he chose to tell the nation to not vote for Trump at the GOP convention, preferring a Clinton presidency to a Trump one.

    I’m not required to get into an argument about whether Trump is a conservative or not because it’s too late for that argument.

    Trump, whatever he is, or however you want to define him, is running against progressivism. It’s a 2 horse race. Which horse do you want to win?

    Trump’s platform is not progressive.
    In fact, nearly everything he said at the convention, 95% of it, is unarguably and decidedly conservative.

    Again, whether you believe him or not is another argument.

    But on its face, Cruz, the man, is choosing Hillary over Trump.
    And for that reason I can bash the man without bashing conservatism.

    What does Cruz’s conservatism have to do with it?

    Conservatives can’t be condemned for doing stupid shit?
    Who made that rule?

  26. It would be impossible to look at the results of a Trump presidency as a disaster when you look at it as coming on the heels of the last 8, 10, 20, 30, 50, years. You can’t be more disastrous than what we have put up with over our lifetimes. No matter what Trump does I believe it will be for love of country. I don’t think that is true of most of our leaders. Does anyone in the world think Hillary thinks of America first?

  27. TonyR- Yeah, I think people have a problem understanding what the word “NEVER” means. LOL.
    If he really wanted to hold Trump’s feet to the fire, he’d drop the nevertrump bullshit, have him on his show and ask him what the fuck he’s planning to do. But instead, Levin put Trump in stocks and he’s throwing rotten fruit at him. So smart that guy. Gee…And he’s a lawyer, too! *rolls eyes*

  28. You know, the moment the Broncos beat the Patriots, they focused on the Carolina Panthers in the Superbowl.
    I imagine Peyton Manning had forgotten the team he had just vanquished when he hit the showers that evening.

    Smart move. Let’s fast forward to Friday morning.
    Donald J. Trump, the day after giving a 76 minute speech of his life, after his wonderful daughter had just given her speech, seemingly and properly had put the primary season behind him and was ready to tackle the challenge at hand, Hillary Clinton.
    It was a great speech.
    Did Trump use this as a springboard to tackle the coming Clinton machine?
    Well no, the very next morning, Trump went on a seven minute rant with the press about Ted & Heidi Cruz, and Ted’s father.
    WTF? Why?
    Didn’t we just go through seven years of a petulant, thin-skinned, vindictive, “I won”, son of a bitch?
    YES we did!

    Every time I get behind Trump he wants to kick me in the balls.
    If the man is too dumb to figure out his true enemy why the fuck should I vote for him?
    Seriously, put down your Trump pom-poms and ask why he has such butt-hurt that Cruz didn’t endorse him?
    Cruz didn’t say “don’t vote for Trump.”
    Cruz said vote your conscience.
    A good Trump team would have put out “Guilty Conscience ads about Hillary the next day.

    Trump says he doesn’t want Cruz’s endorsement.
    Then why the FUCK spend the next day, TWO WHOLE DAYS after the Cruz speech talking more smack about some rival YOU ALREADY DEFEATED. HUH???
    Why give Cruz the satisfaction?
    Wasn’t Trump aware of all the bad press Cruz got.
    This shit should concern every Trump supporter.
    Perhaps many aren’t aware of Trumps Friday cruz tantrum?

    Like it or not, Cruz still has supporters and we are tired of Trump fucking with us instead of pulling us in.

    Hillary is the true enemy but during his “Cruz can sit at home” rant, Hillary was bashing the fuck out of Trump and running commercials 24/7.

    If Trump doesn’t check his goddamn ego and start acting presidential we are doomed with Hillary.

    I have been on and off the Trump train so many times all the porters know me by name.

    I am a stubborn SOB, my worst and best quality.
    Trump could still fuck up and lose this Florida vote.
    I kind of believe he needs Florida’s 29 electoral votes.

    (This rant would have earned me record Chinese the other day. 🙂 )

  29. Also completely disagree with one point in that Cruz has told his people to vote for Hillary. In fact I think he told his followers to vote for Trump. Who I will be voting for.>>>

    You are in the extreme minority, and frankly, wrong on this point.

    The #NeverTrump sites did cartwheels when Cruz said these words. One site had “He said vote your conscience!!!!!!!!!!” (with the multiple exclamation points.)

    Gingrich’s redirect was sarcastic. He knew what Cruz was saying and tried to spin it as only Gingrich can.

    “Vote your conscience” was the phrase used by the Trump delegates that wanted to change their vote to Cruz.
    THAT is why Cruz used the phrase.

    Again, what is it with Cruz and why does he get embroiled in these controversies about what he really meant and what he really said?

    If he, as you said, was telling his followers to vote for Trump why didn’t he say, “vote for Trump!”?

  30. Okay, let’s put Cruz aside even though Donald you people keep bringing him in. No more Cruz for me…Pure conservatism…Trump is obviously not a conservative. I have made one point for a long time: Trump is pulling AWAY from conservatism and pushing leftwards. It’s definable not 95%.

  31. Fur, Just as you wrote, above, #NT/Cruzborgs have successfully avoided EVER really defending Cruz, preferring instead to bash Trump and his voters.

    Trump voters have spent over a year making his case. I’d like to hear, finally, what it is about Cruz that makes him the only choice, were that even possible.

    (The logic of electing Killery in the hopes of a 2020 Cruz victory is wholly without merit for all the reasons that have been hashed and rehashed. The only possible reason I can think they would have hope of that is in believing the people would absolutely choose ‘anyone’ after 8 years of Killery. That’s not much of an enthusiastic endorsement for Mr. King Sh*t, now, is it?)

  32. Trump will bring back manufacturing, Trump will seal the border, Trump will drop tax rates cooperate and personal, Trump will repatriate profits from major corps currently banked off shore, Trump will fix Obama care, Trump will protect our 2A rights. Trump will appoint a wining team and get this done. Why will he succeed where many others have failed? Because he doesn’t have a law degree and because he’s a very successful business man.

  33. Like it or not, Cruz still has supporters and we are tired of Trump fucking with us instead of pulling us in.>>>

    Oh really? What is the price required of you in order to be pulled in?

    And what are the Cruz supporters supporting, Cruz’s run for the presidency?

  34. AbigailAdams, they should all throw their support in with Trump.
    Trump has said that he will do things to insure the freedom of the Church. Something that Hillary will never do. I don’t understand why that is so hard for a few of them to figure out. Maybe I should pray about that, for their eyes and ears to be opened.

    I listen to Dobson on the radio just about every day. Much easier on the ears than the other loud talk show screamers. 😉

  35. Trump is pulling AWAY from conservatism and pushing leftwards …

    I’m sorry. You’re going to have to detail point by point where Trump’s positions are left.

    And I do not want to hear the crapola that Trump flip flops. If you’re going to go there you have to make the case that since Trump created his presidential platform that he flipped from conservative and flopped onto the left.
    Don’t give examples of where he is to the right and then softens to, for example, Paul Ryan’s position. That’s not an egregious enough move in order to say, “well, fuck it now, I’m #NeverTrump. Hello Hillary.”

  36. Loco, I can see that you see yourself as part of the same team that Trump and Cruz are supposed to be on. What I think you miss is that neither Trump or Cruz see themselves as being on the same team. If I was Trump I would have to view Cruz and his devoted followers as being as much an adversary as Hillary. They are not helping him at all. Cruz fucked up big time with his convention speech and made it clear that he is not on the same team.

  37. “hey meerkat, stfu and vote for the pantsuit, you’re obviously right and the rest of us are boneheads”

    Despite this idiot, I have respected for years the members of this blog.

  38. Fur, “what is the price”?
    Exactly what I just wrote.
    He vanquished Ted Cruz.
    Why is he not on bashing Hillary and promoting his positive message 24/7?

    Trump, STFU about Ted Cruz and you have my vote.
    Man up! Be the bigger man, if it is indeed in you.

    Otherwise it tells me you are petty, small minded, not presidential material, so go back to your mansion and have a wonderful life.

  39. BB — You’re howling at the moon. Entrenched Cruzborgs – and we all know who they are – will #Never argue facts. They just won’t. And we all know why. I’m so sick of this. I gotta go, now. My mojo after the RNConvention was so great! I’m not going to read any more Sad Sacks’ junk.

    If you aren’t for the R candidate and his veep candidate, you are my enemy. I will give you absolutely no quarter. We will beat the tar out of you at the ballot box and maybe, someday soon, when the country is put arights, you’ll silently thank God you didn’t prevail.

  40. Daniel Pipes is left with nothing in his big announcement other than “Trump’s a douchebag.”

    That’s not an intellectual position, it’s an emotional one.

    I think Trump is a blowhard and can be a douche. Who cares?

  41. BTW, I am not defending Cruz’s speech.
    I think he should have simply stayed away.
    But what is done is done.

    I was so happy during Trump’s speech Thursday that he stayed away from the topic.
    I was so glad he was moving on.
    The next day it wasn’t widely reported but it was reported when he re-bashed Heidi, Ted’s father and Ted.
    Why? Why go there?

    Can anyone answer me that?
    Why go there, on the day after his glorious speech?
    You cannot explain that.

    It tells me he is a vindictive, petty individual.
    We have bashed Obama for that, rightfully so.
    Can we be consistent, or are we hypocrites like the left?

  42. Meerkat, Loco. Here’s my thoughts about the Ctuz Trump Fued. Trump spotted day one Cruz was a weak sister. So yes he’s made him pay the price, it’s done, stfu about Cruz, move on. He is spending valuable energy fighting some one that is no longer a threat. Or maybe he listens to Levin. Look guys, we gotta get on the same team.

  43. >>Trump, STFU about Ted Cruz and you have my vote.
    Man up! Be the bigger man, if it is indeed in you.

    Otherwise it tells me you are petty, small minded, not presidential material, so go back to your mansion and have a wonderful life.>>>

    You just made the case that Cruz isn’t presidential material because he was petty and small-minded enough to show up at the convention with his long held grudge and baggage that he just couldn’t let go. He should have sat on the floor of the stage clicking his nightstand lamp on and off staring into space.

  44. AA, it’s a three quarters moon tonight, I’m howling, and the wife’s locked her self into the safe room. I got no idea what that’s all about. Well actually I do and it involved Tequilla and it was a long time ago. But hey, what the hell, a man shouldn’t be judged because of one night. Except for that loser Ted Cruz.

  45. We went so long on this site with a Trump v Cruz cease fire.
    I miss those days.

    Umm, news flash…
    He beat all comers, 17 I believe.
    Why continue to bash Cruz?

    Fur you question those supporting Cruz now, since he isn’t on the ballot.
    I support the ideas Cruz had.
    I support ideas that Trump has.
    I don’t appreciate being insulted.
    Trump and Cruz should have similar ideas within the Venn diagram.

  46. If the tables were flipped and Cruz was the nominee and Trump supporters started a #NeverCruz movement, these sanctimonious #NeverTrump wankers would be furious. They’d be telling the #NeverCruzers they were helping Hillary win. Blah blah blah. You know I’m right. But for some reason, like Ace said in his post, they simply cannot make the intellectual leap needed to grasp that helping Hillary is exactly what they’re doing right now with their incessant attacks on Trump.

    I shouldn’t rant when it’s past my bedtime.

  47. Meerkat, I think I know what’s got a burr under Trumps saddle with Cruz. Remember early on when Cruz was kissing Trumps ass with everything he said. Cruz invited him to that event on the Capital steps, then as soon as Ted thought he could gain the advantage he attacked. Trumps an old fashioned guy. If you act like his freind don’t try and fuck him. There’s a price to pay. Just my thoughts.

  48. Did Cruz not tell the Texas delegation he wouldn’t vote for Trump because he attacked Heidi and his Dad?

    Is it not obvious that Cruz did what he did because he’s an emotional bitch and couldn’t let it go? This was weeks and weeks later.
    You’ve demanded Trump let go what Cruz did less than 24 hours after it occurred.

    Boy, you mother hens know how to create a feather barrier around the delicate chick, don’t you?

    Cruz jumped at the chance to go to the convention when invited, plotting his revenge.
    Not only that, the dope disparaged all the people who didn’t show up (because they don’t support Trump) and characterized them as cowards.

    They weren’t cowards, they just don’t possess that gene that Cruz does that causes him to be so infinitely unlikeable.
    Cruz made a fool of himself.

    -Why do people take an instant dislike to Ted Cruz?

    -Because it saves so much time.

    This is a popular joke on capitol hill.

  49. No no, if you agree with the Scoop you are not a conservative as they are the same as MSNBC. I outlined what we expect from Trump above. Go read it. Make up your mind who’s side you’re on. Hillary’s or ours.

  50. BFH ~ “What is the price required of you in order to be pulled in?”

    … & there it is, in a nutshell ….
    & it doesn’t really matter to the #NT’ers & the butthurt Cruzers … the price always changes, always shifts like an answer from the Cruzer himself … just like ‘progressive’ ‘goals’, as Fur explained in his post
    “we want Trump to stop picking on Ted” … “we want Trump to start acting ‘presidential'” … “we want Trump to … fill in the blank …
    they’re sounding very much like ….. democRats
    how many times do folks here have to say that we don’t like a lot about Trump either … but he’s the only horse left in the race to save this country … I wasn’t too crazy over Popeye’s choice of girlfriend, but I supported him over Bluto.
    … at this point, it’s either Trump or the HildaBeast … quit yer bitchin’ & whining, put your big boy (& girl) pants on & get on board, because all you are doing is undermining support against the election of the worst president since Obama & hastening the demise of the USA
    like my daddy used to say, “lead, follow or get the hell out of the way”

  51. There is a handful of people here that have been fully behind Trump after we really looked at Cruz and found him to be lacking. If ony all of the Cruz supporters would have looked at him as we all looked at Obama, they would have never been able to support him. I will never fully trust Cruz,his vote, his motives, or his promise to do the right thing ever again. He is a liar and a man of no integrity.
    I know that it is hard for supporters of Cruz to admit these facts but Cruz has made his own bed and now he has to live with the choices he has made for himself and his supporters.
    It is time to get fully behind Trump if you can’t then you need to you get out of the way and quit being a hindrance. That is all I have to say about CRUZ anymore.

  52. LoBo ~ you’re wrong … Trump needs your vote … we need your vote
    as Delmar O’Donnell said in ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’ … “Come on in boys. The water is fine!”

  53. We really need every vote we can get. Don’t forget about the democrat voting fraud hobby, and the rigged voting machines. And the bussed-in Somalians. And the illegals that were issued drivers licenses so they can vote in California. And the republican voters applications found in dumpsters. And the lost military republican absentee ballots.
    These cocksuckers are going to cheat even bigger this time around. So it wouldn’t hurt to be trying to persuade the undecided voters to throw in with Trump. Can’t do that by bringing up his bad points all the time. How about focusing on the good things – like abolishing the EPA and 0bamacare, and the IRS. There are plenty of good things that can be said of Trump. And if he only does a tenth of those things, that’s still a hell of a lot better than getting screwed by Hillary.

    Try to help other shitheads see the light instead of driving them away and into the Hillary camp. And you’re not a shithead if you’re voting to stop Hillary, so don’t take it personal. 🙂

  54. BFH, I did watch it. Along with a phone call along with my 23 year old brilliant nephew. He has been a Trump supporter from the beginning. And I am a newbie.

    I actually loved the speech! Here’s what I told my nephew: This was great! he hit on all bullet points and gave a great contrast to us and the democratic platform.

  55. Those on this site that are 100% behind Trump, doesn’t it concern you that a large amount of conservatives don’t trust Trump?
    I suppose YOU are the enlightened ones.
    Give me a break!

    Seriously, look at who is behind him now.
    Crusty Kreeme, Lyndsey Graham, Newt (sometimes OK, sometimes not), etc.
    Hell the GOPe is presumably behind him.

    Seem troubling, but what do I know…

  56. Loco, I don’t think Trump looks at people as liberal or conservative. I think you are either with him or against him, and if you are against him he either wants to defeat you or convince you to join him. I think he is way more conservative than he is liberal. You go to war with the general that you have, or something like that.

  57. Fur, do you agree with the Trump team, that they knew a week before that Cruz wouldn’t endorse Trump?>>

    I have no idea what they knew and when they knew it.
    Matters little. It was Cruz who kicked himself in the nads up on that stage.
    Nobody made him do it, and no one was responsible for not stopping him or making him do it , or whatever the new analysis of it is supposed to reveal.


    MJA, Dianny, many other patriots did the math and got with the program. I applaud them. Nobody questioned them. They are patriots that I had cross words with. What you guys need some counsellors or what? Man the fuck up or vote for Hillary. Nobodies got time for your hurt feelings. Glad to have MJA and Dianny on the team.

  59. Anyone on this site knows that I have a sharp tongue and will use it to eviscerate Hillary every chance I get no matter what.

    It’s just these Trump v Cruz posts where I deviate from the majority.

    I won’t budge and obviously you won’t either.

  60. Seriously, look at who is behind him now.
    Crusty Kreeme, Lyndsey Graham, Newt (sometimes OK, sometimes not), etc.
    Hell the GOPe is presumably behind him. …

    And everyone you cite would be against Cruz if he was the nominee??
    Do you see where I’m going with this?

  61. Trump is a jarginal candidate but I was going to vote for him rather than face a slime covered, diseased cretin like the Hildabeast. That is until Trump gave his press conference after the convention attempting to prove he could top the Hildabeast and Obama in falsehoods, lies, slanders, and denile dementia. I must say I was impressed that anyone could lie so easily until I remembered Joe Biden’s debate performances, but still Trump has made me emulate Switzerland.

    I see no difference between these two ogres and I will not hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils (by the way which one is the lesser).

    This comes from a lifelong Reagan conservative. Whatever Trump is, I’m sure he plays bridge with the Bushies and Clintons.

  62. LoB ~ if all the GOPe was behind him the Bushies, the Romneys, the McLames, Kasick, etc., etc. would all have been at the convention … & you are right, a large amount of ‘conservatives’ don’t trust him
    so, why are they willing to help Hillary win? … if there is anyone in the world I do not trust, it is her … first, last & always
    … but hey … let’s take a chance …..(sarc)

  63. Fur, the Trump team met with Cruz two weeks beforehand.
    Trump could have made things right.
    He didn’t.
    Why not? Art of the deal and all that.
    This is not speculation.
    The press was given the embargoed speech hours beforehand.

    I don’t think Cruz should have given his speech, but Trump had the chance to keep it from happening.
    He could have made things right and gotten his endorsement.
    He didn’t.
    It’s cool for Trump to be a proud man but not Cruz?
    Double standards…double standards everywhere.

    I get it.

  64. I fail to see why the number one #NeverTrump person in the country is “hands off” to criticism, especially after they hijacked an important event just a few days ago.

  65. “It’s just these Trump v Cruz posts where I deviate from the majority.
    I won’t budge and obviously you won’t either.”

    wrong again … I was a Cruz supporter, until it was obvious that Trump would win … I budged
    … if you are trashing Trump you are helping Hillary …. plain & simple

  66. Finally after my nephew texted me today that he is very confident that since Hillary picked her VP a loser that Trump would have an easy victory…I tried to let him know it’s not that easy: media, news, universities, Hollywood…

    Poor kid.

  67. Loco, your just justifying why Trumpd the superior candidate. I’m sure he and his team read the speech, laughed and said OK slick. So that’s the Trumps teams fault? And you want that guy for Pres? Seems a brick or two short

  68. “Trump could have made things right.
    He didn’t.
    Why not? Art of the deal and all that.
    This is not speculation.”

    … do you know for a fact what was said & done at that meeting? … because if you don’t it’s SPECULATION … & still you blame Trump for what Cruz said & did … wow

  69. “Did we let the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor just so we could go to war?”
    well … in a way … yeah

    besides … it was the German’s that bombed Pearl Harbor 😉

  70. “Meerkat, your nephew thinks it will be an easy victory?”

    Hold the fuck on. So what does your dumb ass suggest we do at this time? Negate Trumps monumental record winning votes durring the primaries and install some one else? Say maybe Ted Cruz? You have no logic and are a loser. I’m done after that brilliant post. Hillary is your GURL.

  71. “Is Trump beyond reproach?”
    of course not … but is Cruz?
    I have no idea what was said & done at any of their meeting, nor will I assume from ‘media’ reports … each camp has it’s own agenda
    but, Cruz was the only former candidate that spoke at the convention & did not specifically support, or endorse Trump … it wasn’t Trump that did it; Cruz, himself decided his course of action.
    I do not agree w/ Trump coming out & bashing Cruz … I believe he should ignore it completely … I also believe that it is so ingrained in Trump to counter-punch that he can’t help himself
    … & before you go there, yes, I think he may be dangerous … it might work to our country’s advantage to have a president that is unpredictable … they said the same about Reagan … but, I damn well know the Hillary Clinton is so much, MUCH more dangerous
    you either get it or you don’t

  72. I think your vibe needs retuning.

    The majority of the people on this site are saying “I wasn’t a Trump supporter, but it’s Hillary versus Trump. There is no other choice.”

    Where is this fawning that you speak of?

  73. Loco, Savvy! Which is why I said a couple of days ago, to much BFH’s chagrin, that the blog was becoming an echo chamber. At which point he posted that I should find my own echo chamber!

    This is very bad advice, folks. It is both bad in that it is un-Christian and not worthy of your other values. Let’s say constitutionalism values. Don’t give them up because the moderator does not understand your perspective.

    But kudos to the moderator for allowing our perceptive!

  74. “Does anyone remember the picture of several women at an Obama rally looking up at him like fawning deer and puppy dogs?”
    dat’s right .. Trump gon’ pay my fo’ my caa … Trump gon’ pay my mowgage …
    “I’m getting that vibe from this site and I simply do not like it.”

    seriously, LoBo?

  75. And no, I’m not letting the prick Cruz off the hook.
    I just rewatched his speech to the Texas delegates and
    picked up on something that got by me the first time.

    He starts his bitchy revenge by saying
    “Please don’t stay home in November.”

    Who is he talking to?
    What person watching the convention is planning on staying home in November?
    Who would that be?

    That would be a #NeverTrump person, wouldn’t it?
    But it’s not a dog whistle to NeverTrump.
    Okay, whatever you say.

  76. “let’s admit that whenever Ted Cruz comes into the discussion we get the fawning Trump Posts from Abigail and et. al.”
    … as opposed to the fawning Cruz Posts from present company, JohnS, et. al.

    what is the difference? …. Savvy?

  77. Yes, welcome to the ECHO CHAMBER where no registration or log-in is required to comment, no comments are deleted, and no one is required to share my, or anyone else’s, point of view.

    And I didn’t say go find your own echo chamber. That would imply that I agreed that this was an echo chamber.

    I said- ‘Translation: I can’t believe my views are challenged. I need to find MY echo chamber.”

    What this means is that this is NOT an echo chamber.
    The very fact that you’re on here and can say “this is an echo chamber” and nothing will happen to you is proof that it isn’t.

    If your views are unpopular, oh well. It hasn’t been astro-turfed or orchestrated or forced that way.
    Anyone is free to express their opinion. And then it gets challenged.
    That’s called discourse, not echo-chamber.

  78. Brad, your comment “his team read the speech, laughed and said OK slick”, may have credence if Trump wouldn’t have ranted like a scorned prom date TWO days after Ted’s speech.

    Therefore I’m going to have to rate your comment 4 & 1/2 Turds. (Out of five).

  79. I still don’t hear the dog whistle from Ted’s speech.>>>

    #NeverTrump did.
    Everyone that booed in the hall did.
    I did.
    The person I was with did.
    The news media did.

    When you talk to a viewership that is watching a convention and you say, “don’t stay home in November, ” you are addressing the people who plan on staying home in November.
    That would be the people not planning on voting for Trump. It’s a Trump acceptance speech.
    Makes sense, no?

    When you say, “NeverTrumpers, don’t stay home in November,” you expect the next piece of advice to be, “go out there and vote for Trump.”
    He didn’t say that.

    He said, “however you vote it’s okay, as long as it’s in accordance with your conscience.”
    The #NeverTrump coalition used the “vote your conscience” phrase to mean DO NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP. Vote for Cruz.

    Was Cruz asking them to write in a vote for him?
    Was he saying it was alright to vote for Johnson or Clinton or Stein?
    He certainly was not telling them to vote for Trump.
    How do I know?
    Because he didn’t say, “go out and vote for Trump.”

    He also told the delegation he wasn’t voting for Trump.

    Please stop apologizing for Cruz.
    He is a sniveling cunt who showed up at the GOP convention and didn’t even say “support the GOP nominee for president.”

  80. “Yes, welcome to the ECHO CHAMBER where no registration or log-in is required to comment, no comments are deleted, and no one is required to share my, or anyone else’s, point of view.”
    & I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Fur for this site. there are so many sites I go on & will not comment for the very fact that they want me to register, log into Fakeboor or Discus, or some other fascist identity-grab … I truly appreciate that this site does not have that requirement, or any other requirement to post
    ok, suck-up commercial over … send your donations to Molon Labe, PO Box 881563, Port St. Lucie, FL -34988 … 🙂

  81. Ronald Reagan never said to support Ford either.

    However Reagan couched the nuance in his wonderful rhetoric, something Cruz could never replicate.

    I know, I know, go ahead and post the links that PROVE MY POINT instead of yours, but you still say they prove me wrong.

  82. The argument Loco and Meerkat are presenting is about six months over due. I guess there’s a few that will never get involved in the current battle and continue their unjustified love for Teddy. Have s ball. Hopefully you can travel down to his Texas district and actually touch him next Sunday.

  83. I appreciate what you’ve said Molon, and I’ll tell you why.
    We’ve been told that we’re stupid for not requiring registration because there is big money in selling your email address.
    I won’t do it.
    We’ve also been told that moving to Disqus would make it easier to control the comment section because people would have to give an email address and they can be banned easier.
    I’m not interested.

    So when I get accused of lording over an echo chamber I take great offense to that.

    Our system is actually holding the site back in terms of monetization and growth, but I know it’s what pleases our group.

    I hate that I’m being forced into playing the role of martyr, but this “echo chamber” charge is really, really insulting.

  84. “Ronald Reagan never said to support Ford either.”
    … neither did Ted say support Trump
    Reagan said … “… we’ve got to quit talking to each other and about each other and go out and communicate to the world that … we carry the message they’re waiting for. We must go forth from here united, determined and what a great general said a few years ago is true: “There is no substitute for victory.” Mr. President.”
    (Mr. President being Gerald Ford)

    not …. weasel words of ‘vote your conscience’

  85. “Ronald Reagan never said to support Ford either.”

    That’s incorrect. More telling your sorry delusional ass equates Teddy with Reagan. Are you Fing kidding me?

  86. Loco and Meerkat. Cruz went after Trump on Wednesday, how in the hell could Trump go after Cruz and
    Killary in the same speach? Cruz also thought that Trump could not keep his mouth shut about him in the acceptance speach, boy did he play it wrong.

  87. “Molon, you shackin’ up with Fur?”
    lmao … only if he’ll have me
    seriously, I’ve agreed w/ his posts more than anyone these last few years … if I had his eloquence & nature of grasping the subject matter, I’d have my own site (if I wasn’t so lazy & enjoying too much leisure-time)
    besides … if the election turns bad, I may be moving to Texas instead of FLA
    (side-note: hey Fur, how hot was it down in PSL today? … ’cause it was a freakin’ 107 on my back porch up here in Merryland!)

    Wasn’t bad– 90 sumptin’ – bfh

  88. Fur, I can’t speak for Meerkat but I doubt he meant to offend you or this site.
    The post regarding Cruz’s speech the other day had every single pro-Cruz comment in Chinese.
    I believe that was what he was referring to.

    I am certain the regulars here appreciate the hell out of the work that goes on to keep this site exemplary.
    You actually care about the readers/commentors.
    We all feel we have a stake in the success of this site.

    I could not write a fraction of my musings without being censored or banned at any other site.

    This place is our home, all of us, even with Brad living in the attic.
    I salute thee!

    And as soon as the Chinese shenanigans started (the astro-turfed ones), whether it was against frick or frack, I started searching for a proper plug-in. It took awhile because not every plug-in is compatible. In the end it was found by CB. Thank you sir! -bfh

  89. @LoBo ~ for the record, I’m not offended by either you, or Meerkat’s posts (gawd, I’m sounding like a .. OMG!!!) .. just a difference of opinions … really not that far apart, when you get right down to it …
    we all agree Cruz was the ‘conservative’ candidate, Trump is all over the place & we wonder, but hope, that he will be more conservative than he’s shown to be … we all hope he acts more ‘grown-up’ than he has.
    I, we, can find many faults w/ Trump, but I have moved on to supporting him, flaws, warts & all …. because the alternative is Armageddon for the United States

  90. “The first rule in Italian racing is what’s behind you is not important”, Franco Bertolli as he is ripping the interior rear view mirror off and tossing it out of his Ferrari in the Gumball Rally.

    Watch “Clinton Cash;” it should be patent to anyone there’s no time to waste more rhetoric on irrelevant Cruz

  91. Exactly!
    Hillary has to be stopped!
    We can argue about Cruz all day long, but the fact of the matter is he’s not running.
    norman einstein put up a link to a Hillary video, which I watched, but the on ethat followed was even more interesting. It is a montage of Hillary lying for 13 minutes and when you see her different positions and her flat out denials and spin it really hammers home how deceitful, calculating and phony she really is!


  92. Bad_Brad asked
    Meerkat, that’s a non answer. What about Trumps agenda is not conservative. Lay it out.

    Can’t be done, it’s a lie they won’t let die

  93. “…hoisted upon a sedia gestatoria”. Wow. I must admit, Fur, that you drove me to the dictionary with “sedia gestatoria”. I thought at first it was something like being impaled on pikes, but it turned out to be just the opposite.

    Anyway, thanks for the new (to me) term.


  94. Just spent my early day having breakfast and catching up on a great thread.

    I for one am also very appreciative that this site is not censored and that different sets of opinions can be presented in a spirited debate without comments or ideas being deleted. That is why IOTWreport is my #1 site.

    There were other so-called sites that I will no longer chose to visit or post on anymore because of their censorship.

    I have posted ad nausea that regardless of what you think of Trump, if Hillary wins, it is a 100% given she stocks the court with her Communist supporters and the Supreme Court is lost for the next 25-30 years. The first ten Amendments are going to get shredded to pieces. Right of center ideals in some cases are going to get labeled as hate speech, punishable by crime. Conservative blogs and Talk Radio will get big targets painted on their backs. The US will be fundamentally transferred forever as Hillary will be there for 8 years, she will make sure of it. Remember if Hillary wins, this is not Trump’s fault. The GOP leadership takes 1000% of it. They ignored the voters in 2010, 2012 and 2014 with promises to stop Obama and then gave him the keys to the store on a silver platter. Had they shown the backbone to stand up him, then Rubio is probably the nominee and Trump is never a factor.

    Funny how I can go back in less than an hour and comments I posted with the above has been deleted.

    What insanity is this? The stakes are literally that high, but we won’t let any #Nevertrump folks whats truly at stake.

    Or I can get the jackass who says Trump is just a Hillary Clone and he’ll stock the court with liberal judges anyhow. Hillary is a given to do it but they won’t vote for Trump because the think he might do it????

    Hey early on I was convinced the system was rigged for a Bush/Clinton Round 3. I publicly stated I would sit that out as Jeb was no better than Clinton. But the stakes of a Supreme Court falling into complete liberal domination changed everything. If was Jeb up there now, I would wade through a lake filled with Hillary droppings to make sure Hillary could not have the picks even though I saw Jeb as a Clinton clone. I would gamble he had enough heat from the right to make okay picks vs. guaranteed left wing ideologues.

    I was never for Trump, I was a Cruz supporter. Until his campaign started doing dumb shit like mailing out letters to shame voters in Iowa to vote. Going all out religious zealot at times did not help his cause either. A stunt I would only expect Democrats to pull. But that’s done and over with. What ever happens in Ted Cruz’s future is in God’s hands now. He’s better off being the maverick in the Senate just to irritate Bitch McConnell as long as he is leader.

    Obama has spent 8 years putting one foot of America into the grave and the other is on a banana peel, waiting for Hillary to give it a shove. Hey sure Hillary put ISIS refugees in all corners of America and gave felons and illegals run of the land and shredded the Constitution to pieces with the new version of the Supreme Soviet. But you stood on principle and chose not to hold your nose! Sleep well my friend!

  95. I’m a Cruz supporter. But Trump is the nominee and now he FULLY has my support. I stopped going to The Right Scoop because their constant bashing of the man is so counter productive to getting this country back in the right direction. So what are we doing here??? Most Cruz supporters will vote for Trump. Don’t let a few vocal sour grapes squash the belief that we won’t unite. But you have to move on from this petty bullshit. Good grief. What a waste of time and energy – totally opposite of core conservatism. WASTE. If you are a real conservative, then stop wasting our time and energy with this shit!

  96. Cruz only has around 9 million serious supporters.
    Not enough to decisively swing the election.
    As a strategy, though, will driving those 9 million away by making them our punching bag net more than 9 million elsewhere?
    I don’t see how that pencils out.
    Cruz lost, sure beating him up and calling his supporters names was fun, but in the end Trump needs voters.
    Trump will lose if his supporters convince enough people to not vote for him.
    Trump’s position is very weak. It is a big deal when he matches Hillary in the polls.
    It is past the time to move on, away from ‘the other guy is worse’ to how Trump would be a good president.
    The only real defense of Trump I hear on this and other pro Trump sites is that he will not be as bad as Hillary.
    He is not going to win unless a better slogan is found.

  97. I supported Cruz because his policy positions were the best of the 17. I intend to vote for Trump in November because his policy positions are far better for the country! Trump is making it tough for me though. For him to say that as President he will set up a Super-PAC to defeat Cruz in his senate race in Texas is insane. He just gave every Texan conservative a huge reason to vote Hiliary, and that was dumb. Trump is 2-3 points behind Hiliary, not 20 ahead. He needs every vote he can scrape up. This type of behavior gives the “Trump doesn’t want to win, he trying to get Hiliary elected” to much ammo. There a zero positives to what Trump did.

  98. As I said to AA a long time ago.
    You think you’re going to get a rabid, unblinking, emotional Trump hater to listen to how great Trump is in order to get their vote?

    The only possible pathway home for these people is to convince them that their vote for Trump blocks a disastrous Hillary presidency.

    Unfortunately, part of the derangement has them latched onto Cruz, for no other reason than how a mental patient attaches themselves to a throw pillow, so it is necessary in this war plan to chop Cruz down.

    If this plan is flawed, you tell us how to “bring these people home.”

    Hell, I asked Loco “What is the price required of you in order to be pulled in?”

    I never got an answer that made any sense.

    What is it that the Cruz people want? To stop being made fun of? That’ll get them to the polls to do the right thing?

    I’m not sure they have an answer, which leaves me with having to use them as a punching bag, yes.
    Ace’s tack seems to be laying the blame of a Hillary presidency, and what it’ll wreak, on #NeverTrump.
    Is that wrong too?

    What is the answer?
    Ignoring them is not the answer.
    I’m supposed to ignore Mark Levin, NRO, and every other news site that calls Donald Trump the Cheeto-faced Toupeed Dictator who is WORSE THAN HILLARY!!!?

    My spidey sense is that I’m in an Uncle Remus story, one where the person who doesn’t want Trump to win, and who wants Cruz to be the benefit of a Trump loss, gives advice to a warrior to lay down his guns against Cruz because it would be better for Trump.

  99. When I see you joining our effort to get people to stop Hillary I will have more respect for your position. And that effort would include more than a low-energy half-hearted begrudging “yaaaa, okay, Ill be voting for Trump. But meanwhile I’m going to be tearing Trump down.”
    All I’m getting from people is that I should stop my #NeverTrump shaming.
    I’m not seeing you out there urging #NeverTrump to say uncle.

    Go work on Dan Joseph to say uncle. I’m the righteous one here, doing my humble part to save the country from the left achieving their dream of stacking the courts with left-wing activists so that the all-important DOWNVOTE is rendered moot.

  100. Fur, you were a Cruz guy, a never Hillary guy, and now a Trump guy… like most of us Cruz supporters are now. Yes, it’s true. Don’t let the very few boisterous butthurts give you the ammo to create further division. Don’t take the bait man! Rise above this shit, because it’s not helpful and plays into demonrat hands. WE, the majority, need to move on… otherwise WE are only helping that Harlot skank-ho corrupt bitch.

  101. Just a reminder that Cruz hired the dirtiest campaign manager in the business Jeff Roe, who proceeded to run a filthy campaign (lies about Ben Carson, Melania shaming Utah campaign, voter violation mailers) while proclaiming immaculate conception status.

    Also – Ted and Heidi have lived together fewer than 5 years out of the 15 they’ve been married. When she went through her breakdown Ted did not move from Austin to Houston to help her through and she did not move to Austin for his support.

  102. I am actively trying to stop Hiliary. Cruz needs to shut up about Trump, and Trump needs to stop saying he’ll use his power a president to destroy Cruz’s career. Do you disagree with any of the above?

  103. Killary and Cruz are like 2 farts, existing in the same sealable sandwih baggie.
    I truly hope that those 2, as well as a multitude of others, drop dead all at the same time.
    That would be hilarious.
    Imagine it; They are all on different stages in different locations, telling their various lies, and all of a sudden, they just keel over, stone cold dead.
    America would be a much better place for it.

  104. I have to think that anyone who likes Cruz would be physically unable to actually vote for The Hag. It’s one thing to be disappoinTED, but when they are alone in the voting booth, will they actually vote “Satan” instead of “Maybe Conservative We Hope?”

  105. Cruz said vote your conscience. Fine. My conscience will be clear when I vote for Trump and do my part to prevent that Harlot from winning. That simple. Not a ringing endorsement, true, but not automatically an endorsement of the Hildabeast. Come on. I suppose this is what 7.5 years of Obozo will do to a nation. Things got nasty and personal in order to get us back on track and away from the shitstain’s legacy. Feelings got hurt in the process. But it’s time to move on.

  106. Maybe the whole convention thing was a smoke screen. I mean, Cruz committed what appeared to be self-immolation, and then Newt put it into proper context. The MSM and LO-FO Voters missed the Newt part.

    Fast forward to February of 2017, Trump offers Cruz up as the Scalia replacement. The Democrats and RINOS in the Senate say, “He won’t be a rubber stamp for Trump.” “They don’t even LIKE each other.”

    Cruz sails through the Senate and sits on SCOTUS until he’s like 95.

  107. Fur, I answered “at what price?”

    “Trump, STFU about Ted Cruz and you have my vote.
    Man up! Be the bigger man, if it is indeed within you.”

    Trump is the one that has a chance to be president now NOT Cruz.
    Why not act like it?

    We have had a thin-skinned, petulant little bitch for eight years.
    Rise above, don’t be an “I won” asshole.

    P R E S I D E N T I A L

  108. Fur : You say you are not #NeverCruz because you are #NeverLeft.
    Why in hell are all Cruz supporters assumed to be #NeverTrump ??

    Damn near every Trump supporter is bitchin about Cruz’s speech.
    ” We deserve leaders who stand for principle. Unite us all behind shared values. Cast aside anger for love. That is the standard we should expect, from everybody.
    And to those listening, please, don’t stay home in November. Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.”
    You Trumpers find fault with that?? You think it means vote Hillary??
    Cruz is a bit creepy.?? (but Trump isn’t? L.O.L. I’d marry my daughter)
    You guys have indeed entered a new phase of Cruz Obsessive Disorder.
    You guys need to tell Donnie; Hillary is his opponent now, not Ted.
    Anonymous’s post: pictures of Cruz on Air Force One (8 likes) Jeeesus!
    LocoBlancoSaltine hit the nail square on the head with his first post!!!
    BFH : “Vote your conscience” was NEVER intended by Cruz for a write in.
    “I am not encouraging anyone to write my name in, that is not something I would suggest. I am not a candidate in this race,” he said. “I respect the will of the people.”
    BFH : “Did Cruz not tell the Texas delegation he wouldn’t vote for Trump because he attacked Heidi and his Dad?” . . . Ummmm . . . NO ; He didn’t.
    Cruz : “I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father,” . . . THAT is what he said.
    RightWinger : I am also very appreciative that this site is not censored.
    It used to be that way . . . now dissension gets changed into Chinese. 8|

  109. Let’s make a couple things clear. Many of us are voting GJ in the hopes the Overton window can change. We aren’t going to beat Hillary and it is going to be a wide, depressing margin. We will lose the Supreme Court and the ongoing distraction of the ‘culture war’. We will face 2018 and 2020 a fully fractured party. I won’t associate or give money to people who make arguments for trump the way many of you do. Ever again. The lack of civility and extension of trumps rhetorical style to his lap dogs and media fanboys just isn’t going to fly. This is a demographic fracturing that is not survivable – neither is the loss of fundraising money for future non billionaire candidates. W is a piece of shit but he may be right that he’ll be the last republican president. Too bad it’s his own fault.

  110. Oh and my mind can be changed. show me a good trump ground game, a viable approach to the Bernie Bros and a respectable deportment that successfully brings in independents and unfavorables south of 50%. Otherwise you’re going to lose this collision with a glacier (which the boomers among us could have foreseen for years but let the Reagan amnesty happen, bush do his thing and gave us McCain and Romney) … For now I’m counting on idiot BB’s to help get the LP past the 15% threshold for debates. It’s a shitty outcome but the least shitty realistic one.

  111. Hey, BFH – why not post this from AOS?

    “One of the most retarded aspects of GOP politics — and there are many retarded aspects — is the childish and embarrassing spectacle of idiots choosing their Pokemon Champion and brooking no insult to their cuddly avatar.

    People freak out of if you say you didn’t like Rush Limbaugh’s last statement. Rush Limbaugh is our Hero. You cannot speak ill of him.

    Now the Trumptards (not all people are Trumptards, but man, are there some Trumptards) are freaking out that Ted Cruz is slighting the dignity of Orange Julius Caesar by refusing to endorse him explicitly.

    You know, after Trump called his wife ugly and said his dad might have plugged Kennedy.

    The Trumptards think that Ted Cruz should submit to the Might of Trump and bend the knee.

    People are so horrifically stupid that I cannot wait until the aliens come and kill us all. I’ll actually be on their side. When they show up, I’m going to sneak towards their space armada and offer my services as a behind-the-lines saboteur and quisling.

    It is amazing to me that while we debate who will be president, stupid motherfuckers continue focusing on the only thing their little minds can grasp: whether this Personality was deferential to my Hero Personality.

    Listen up, morons: It’s not just about your Personality Pokemon Battles.

    Trump treated Cruz viciously enough that Cruz is completely disburdened of the obligation of supporting him. At some point, you’ve insulted your way out of an endorsement.

    Trump picked the Rules of Engagement. He has to live with him.

    Now I still favor Trump over Hillary Clinton.

    But increasingly, I guess, I don’t care who wins. This country is just fucking stupid. The entire GOP is fucking stupid. I cannot tolerate this unending stupidity from maniacs.”

    It’s a mystery, I tell ya.

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