BW: The media say President Obama is good at sharing condolences with victims of terrorism. It would be better for him to apologize to the victims and their families. He should start by saying, “I’m sorry that my FBI failed to stop this radical Islamic killer. I bear responsibility for this failure of intelligence.”

Orlando is where we really need an Obama apology tour to begin. In the past, he has apologized to foreigners for American foreign policy. Now he needs to apologize to Americans for allowing a foreign ideology to flourish in the United States, one which he has refused to name and condemn.  more


  1. I am American.
    I like Americans better than anybody else on the planet
    Kill a guy from some other country and I will be pissed, but not as pissed as if it were an American.
    If you make America home, I expect the same out of you.
    If you live in some foreign land and wish America harm, screw you.
    If you live here and wish America harm screw you to the power of 10 and I’ll shoot you myself if I catch you in the act
    I don’t care where you come from, I don’t care what color you are, I don’t care how smart you are, I don’t care how dumb you are,
    Welcome to America, grab the oars and row with us or get the fuck out.

  2. Left Coast Dan – and that’s why I say impeach the Marxist Muzlim Mallard now. When you can’t handle the Truth and openly resort to censorship and overt propaganda to aid and abet the enemy you have NO business running this country! I don´t care if it’s that Commie’s last day in office. If there are grounds for impeachment, and I believe there are, impeach him! You don’t compromise your principles for convenience and expediency.
    So what if there is not enough time to follow thru with the proceedings. At least do your job and get it on the record that you tried instead of sitting on your hands! Meanwhile they think it is more important to sue Trump. Talk about fucked up priorities!!

  3. 28,634 deadly attacks since 9/11, and a really big pile of dead bodies.
    It is now day 14 of the Ramadan Bombathon.
    Killed in the name of iSlam: 852
    All other religions combined: ZERO!
    News Flash: It ceased being a phobia a few centuries ago!
    The problem is generations need to re-learn it every so often!

  4. From the Medical Dictionary:
    phobia [fo´be-ah]
    a persistent, irrational, intense fear of a specific object, activity, or situation (the phobic stimulus), fear that is recognized as being excessive or unreasonable by the individual himself.

    Nope, doesn’t fit that definition. Especially the “irrational” part.

  5. The irrational fear known as ‘islamophbia’ is real.
    It presents itself in people who prostrate themselves in the face of Islams advance in places like the US.

  6. As Mr M printed, a phobia is an irrational fear of something. My fear of Islam, quoranimals and quoranderthals and related is grounded in real events, actions and beliefs.

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