When Democrats celebrated Obama’s ‘triumph’ in getting rid of Syrian chemical weapons – IOTW Report

When Democrats celebrated Obama’s ‘triumph’ in getting rid of Syrian chemical weapons

American Thinker: Despite being humiliated by backing down on his pledge to initiate military action against Syria if they used chemical weapons, Democrats celebrated the removal of WMD from Syria by Russia as a triumph for President Obama.

What do you suppose they’re thinking today, following the largest poison gas attack by Syria against civilians last week?  read more

SNIP: Where exactly is 0bama and why hasn’t he had a microphone shoved in his face?

10 Comments on When Democrats celebrated Obama’s ‘triumph’ in getting rid of Syrian chemical weapons

  1. This is when I started calling him the Peace-Prize stealing, red line…pink line…salmon line…fuchsia line…maroon line…puce line… Yellow line-drawing, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, “Flexible”, No-records, Bush-blaming, etc, etc… you know the rest.

  2. Obama is doing the same thing Hillary did after leaving her government post: laying low and letting the catastrophes settle. Once the media has played out the worst of it, the Obama group will float out pieces of the worst stuff and see how much traction it gets. When that has passed, Katie bar the door…he’ll be back with a vengeance.

  3. Where is George W Bush?
    You know, the ex-President that doesn’t want to interfere with later Presidents, unless they’re Republicans.
    Does he have something snotty to say yet?

  4. when was the last time you can recall the federal government or the msm for that matter telling the citizens the actual truth?

    in this current civil war the combatants are once again comprised of the taxpaying workers vs the tax sucking takers.

    and the tax paying citizens have been forced by the lying politicians into funding their oppositions forces.

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