Woman falls asleep during Jeb Bush speech – IOTW Report

Woman falls asleep during Jeb Bush speech

jeb bush sleepy woman


25 Comments on Woman falls asleep during Jeb Bush speech

  1. The Donald rightly says Jeb has no enthusiasm, he also rightly says all Jeb’s money comes from special interests.

    Jeb really does appear as if he’s being forced to participate, there’s no fire, the only thing he wants to win is about 15 million new citizens.

  2. She was probably tired from working O/T, supporting both herself and all those illegals (who come here for “the love”), paid for by involuntary Gooberment taxes picked by Gooberment force from her pockets and paycheck.

  3. Yeb Bush the cure for insomnia. Lets hope he doesn’t bore the rest of us to sleep as well. And what would be the side effects of a Yeb administration. probably more of the same old shit but with a kindler, gentler touch. Whoopie, we’re all going to die of boredom. No way in Hell will I vote for Mr. Boring. Is this the best the GOPEE can muster up? Gimme a friggin break. It’s no wonder a lot of people like Trump, at least he won’t put us to sleep, he may remain a wolf in sheep’s clothing but that remains to be seen. What’s wrong with Ted Cruz, can someone answer that for me?

  4. jeb isn’t a cure for insomnia or anything.
    He’s more of a symptom of a diseased republican party system, who continually and repeatedly promotes and supports progressive liberal candidates and wonders why they lose.

    Even when the voters elect republican conservatives to fight this disease in our country boehner, mcCONnel and the country club cabal try to destroy them.

    jeb isn’t the answer anymore than mccain or romney, they are all symptoms of the disease.

  5. “Blah blah blah, and blah blah blah so that blah blah bland, and blah blah blah Trump blah blah conservative blah blah blah love blah blah blah … my server … blah blah … oh wait, that’s for my other costume! I’m sorry … I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

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