1.6 Billion Disposable Masks Entered Our Oceans In 2020 – IOTW Report

1.6 Billion Disposable Masks Entered Our Oceans In 2020


Following the World Health Organization’s formal declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world quickly mandated the use of face masks in public spaces.

This led to a massive demand shock, prompting factories to begin producing disposable masks at full capacity. The majority of these masks were produced in China, and in April 2020, the country reported a staggering daily production figure of 450 million masks. MORE HERE

16 Comments on 1.6 Billion Disposable Masks Entered Our Oceans In 2020

  1. So the democommies love their masks and want to save the world partly by destroying big oil.

    Exxon released quarterly numbers today. The big standout was plastics production. Plastics for making masks!

  2. And they used to harass people for throwing a cigarette butt out the car window in Tucson, I kid you not it was a 500.00 fine.

    You won’t hear one peep out of the environmentalists over this.

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