‘1619 Project’ founder loses her mind after valid criticism of her project by her colleague – IOTW Report

‘1619 Project’ founder loses her mind after valid criticism of her project by her colleague


The Washington Post has revealed that Hannah-Jones, the founder of the “1619 Project” became furious when faced with criticism from one of her colleagues over the revisionist project that attempts to link the founding of America to slavery, and suggests that the “true” founding in America was in 1619. Bret Stephens wrote about his dismay with the “1619 Project” in the paper of record that ran the essays in the first place, The New York Times.

Hannah Jones reportedly became furious when Stephen’s oped came out. “She sent vitriolic emails to both Kingsbury and Stephens ahead of publication. She also tweeted that efforts to discredit her work ‘put me in a long tradition of [Black women] who failed to know their places.’ She changed her Twitter bio to ‘slanderous and nasty-minded mulattress’— a reference to the trailblazing journalist Ida B. Wells, whom the Times slurred with those same words in 1894.”

The New York Times’ “1619 Project” emerged into a landscape of discourse that welcomed it uncritically. The leftist media pundits and advocates that took up the scholarly essays on slavery and civil rights were proponents of the project. The mistakes were only noted after the essays made their way through the intellectual and media community.

By the time the full scope of this revisionist history project hit the White House, it had already been lauded and praised to the point where it had received a Pulitzer Prize.

Now that the dust has settled, and the intelligentsia isn’t falling all over themselves to say nice things about the project with so many major historical errors, critics are calling for the revocation of the Prize. Glen Loury, as well as additional scholars, came out against the project due to its factual errors. MORE

15 Comments on ‘1619 Project’ founder loses her mind after valid criticism of her project by her colleague

  1. More like a long tradition of black women who failed to recognize their toxic self-esteem was messing with their head almost as much as their crippling obsession with the hair on it.

  2. Anonymous
    OCTOBER 14, 2020 AT 8:09 AM
    “Out of curiosity, is there any race or nation that can be shown to have never practiced some form of slavery in its history?”

    …more to the point, why aren’t they worried about nations that are enslaving Black people NOW?

    …you know, the ones run by Muslims and other Bla…ooh, I see, never mind, nothing to see here, let’s talk about bad Whiteys from 400 years ago instead…



  3. Ya know Beave, these dumbed-down, Politically Correct, White-guilt ridden, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, moisturizing metro-sexuals are tripping all over themselves just so they can award prizes to these three-named circus freaks it seems like anybody can get one!

    No kiddin Wally, just last month I found a Pulitzer prize in a box of Cracker Jack!

  4. Hannah is “tortured” by her “mistakes”.
    Uh huh.
    Interesting no one ever talks about where the slaves came from or as commenters here have said, other nations and cultures who had and still have slavery.


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